Sunday, September 17, 2017

Third Sunday Meditation: Oh, Worship The King

"Bless the Lord, O my soul!
O Lord, my God, You are very great!
You are clothed with honor and majesty!
You are the One who covers Yourself 
with light as with a garment,
Who stretches out the heavens 
 like a curtain or a tent,
Who lays the beams of the upper 
room of His abode in the waters
above the firmament, Who makes the
clouds His chariot, Who walks on
the wings of the wind.
Who makes the winds His messengers,
flames of fire His ministers
You laid the foundations of the earth,
that it should not be moved forever."
Psalm 104:1-5

Sacred Space
Greg Olsen

Oh, worship the King, all glorious above!
Oh, gratefully sing His pow'r and His love!
Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days,
Pavilioned in splendor and girded with praise.

Oh tell of His might, oh, sing of His grace!
Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space!
His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,
And dark is His path on the wings of the storm.

Thy bountiful care what tongue can recite?
It breathes in the air, it shines in the light,
It streams from the hills, it descends to the plains,
And sweetly distills in the dew and the rains.

Sunrise over the Old City 
Jerusalem, Israel

Love Divine, all love excelling,
Joy of heav'n to earth come down;
Fix in us Thy humble dwelling,
All Thy faithful mercies crown;
Thou, O Lord, art all compassion,
Pure, unbounded Love Thou art,
Visit us with Thy salvation,
Enter ev'ry trembling heart.

Breathe, O breathe, Thy loving Spirit,
Into ev'ry troubled breast;
Let us all in Thee inherit,
Let us find the promised rest.
Take away the love of sinning,
Alpha and Omega be;
End of faith, as its beginning,
Set our hearts at liberty.

Come Almighty to deliver,
Let us all Thy life receive;
Suddenly return, and never
Nevermore Thy temples leave.
Thee we would be always blessing,
Serve Thee as Thy hosts above,
pray, and praise Thee without ceasing,
Glory in Thy perfect love.

Sunset over the Old City from the Mt. of Olives
Jerusalem, Israel

"O Worship The King"
Words by Robert Grant
Music attributed to Franz Joseph Haydn

"Love Divine, All Excelling"
Words by Charles Wesley
Music Beecher, John Zundel

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