Friday, June 20, 2014

It's June And Everything Is Coming Up Roses

It's June
roses again bloom,
dainty pink ladies
pale perfection sweet
swirls of cotton candy
beautiful to behold,
but not to eat.

-Pamela Kelly

 Gorgeous Gertrude Jekyll Roses

“What a lovely thing a rose is!... 
Our highest assurance of Providence 
 seems to me to rest in the flowers.
 All other things, our powers, our desires, our food 
are all really necessary for our existence
 in the first instance. 
But this rose is an extra.
 Its smell and color are 
an embellishment of life,
 not a condition of it.
 It is only goodness which gives extras, 
and so I say again that we have
 much to hope from the flowers.”  
-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Easy to grow 
Tropicana Roses

The roses red upon my neighbor's vine
Are owned by him, but they are also mine.
His was the cost, and his labor, too,
But mine as well as his the joy,
their loveliness to view.

They bloom for me and are for me as fair
As for the man who gives them all his care.
Thus I am rich, because a good man grew
A rose-clad vine for all his neighbors' view.

I know from this that others plant for me,
And what they own, my joy may also be.
So why be selfish, when so much that's fine
Is grown for you, upon your neighbors' vine.
 "My Neighbor's Roses"
Abraham L. Gruber

Ramblin' Red Roses

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