Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Stranger On The Shore

Stranger On The Shore

Vladimir Volegov

Here I stand, watching the tide go out
So all alone and blue
Just dreaming dreams of you
I watched your ship as it sailed out to sea
Taking all my dreams
And taking all of me
The sighing of the waves
The wailing of the wind
The tears in my eyes burn
Pleading, "My love, return"
Why, oh, why must I go on like this?
Shall I just be a lonely stranger on the shore?
The sighing of the waves
The wailing of the wind
The tears in my eyes burn
Pleading, "My love, return"
Why, oh, why must I go on like this?
Shall I just be a lonely stranger on the shore?

-Acker Bilk

Monday, March 24, 2014

Ode To Spring

"I will give you rain in due season,
 and the land shall yield her increase
 and the trees of the field yield their fruit." 
 Leviticus 26:4 

Flowering Peach Trees

 In time of silver rain
The earth puts forth 

new life again,
Green grasses grow
And flowers lift their heads,
And over all the plain
The wonder spreads

  Of Life,
  Of Life,
  Of Life!

In time of silver rain
The butterflies lift silken wings
To catch a rainbow cry,
And trees put forth 

new leaves to sing
In joy beneath the sky
As down the roadway
Passing boys and girls
Go singing, too,

  In time of silver rain

 When spring
  And life
  Are new.
Langston Hughes

Two Trees
proclaim in spring
a word to the world

one exploding
into blossom
trumpets glory

one stretching
dead limbs
holds the empty
body of God

both speak
with due reserve
into the listening
ear of the world.
Ralph Wright

Waken sleeping butterfly,
Burst your chrysalis prison
Spread your beauteous wings and fly
Christ, the Lord is risen.
Joyce Kilmer

April showers
sudden deluge brings
sweet perfume
to the rain-kissed air
and a natural
to my clothes
hanging out
on the line.
 Pamela Denise Brida

"In the Spring
 a young man's fancy
 lightly turns
 to thoughts of love."
 Alfred, Lord Tennyson

I love this beautiful song, 
written by Meredith Wilson
 for his 1957 musical  play, 
"The Music Man".

"Till There Was You"

There were bells on the hill
But I never heard them ringing,
No, I never heard them at all
Till there was you.

There were birds in the sky
But I never saw them winging
No, I never saw them at all
Till there was you.
And there was music,
And there were

 wonderful roses,
They tell me,
In sweet fragrant meadows

 of dawn, and dew.
There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No, I never heard it at all
Till there was you!


"My beloved speaks
 and says to me, 
Rise up,
my love, my fair one,
 and come away.
For behold,
the winter is past;
the rain is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth;
the time of the singing 
of birds has come,
and the voice of the turtledove
is heard in our land."
Song of Solomon 

Hidden like a treasure
beneath the
 rickety old chair
I anticipate
the crimson spray
of red tulips
from their mantle
of green there.
It is such a sight
to see the return
of such delight
in the springtime.
Pamela Denise Brida 

A time for
 sunny yellow daffodils
and fanciful Easter eggs
to make into egg salad.
Soft white mounds
 of swirling custard 
in a crunchy waffle cone,
 the scent of lilacs
ready to bloom 
carried in 
warm southern breezes
gentle against my face
bring a hint
of summer's ease.
Pamela Denise Brida

The Heralds Of Spring

 "April Showers Bring Forth May Flowers"
-An Old English Proverb

 A Grove Of Lovely Lilacs

Happy Spring Everyone!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Legend of the Cardinal

“God saw all that He had made,
 and it was very good.”
 Genesis 1:31

"According to an old legend,
the brilliant red feathers
of the beautiful
were once
an unremarkable dull
brown color.

When the little bird
came upon the scene
of the crucified Jesus
his tiny heart
became heavy with
deep sorrow
and compassion.

He alighted upon 
a nearby tree branch
and began to sing,
his tiny heart
beat with sorrow...
at the broken body
of the dead Lord..

A single drop
of the Savior's precious
fell upon the
weeping bird...

His dull brown feathers
to a beautiful
bright scarlet red,
a perfect match
for the tiny crown
of glory
rising from his head. "

-Author Unknown

The blood of Christ, Thy spotless Lamb,
O God, is all my plea;
Naught else could for my sin atone;
I have no merit of my own,
Which I can bring to Thee.
No sacrifice save His Who bore,
My load upon the tree,
No other plea which lips could frame,
No other blood, no other name,
Accepted is by Thee.
Since Christ has entered by His blood,
The holiest on high;
By that same hallowed blood stained track,
Thou welcomest the wanderer back,
And biddest me draw nigh.
Oh, wondrous cross! Oh precious blood!
Oh death by which I live!
The sinless One, for me made sin,
Doth now His wondrous heart within,
Eternal refuge give.
By that blest cross, that cleansing blood,
I know His power to save;
The merits of His work confess,
I stand in Him completely blest,
A conqueror o’er the grave.
Words By 
W. S. W. Pond
Music By
Frederick C. Maker

Unlike most songbirds in America,
 both the male and female
 cardinal can sing.
 However, the
male does most of the singing!

"If a cardinal flies into your life, expect a
change for the better in 12 days."
-Cardinal Folklore

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings.
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

 -Cecil F. Alexander

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Broken & Wounded

"The "star of the sea"
 as it is sometimes called, 
had always held a fascination for me,
 I remember an old seaman's tale
 that said starfish were the remains
 of stars that fell from the sky. 
I peered into the pail.
 Broken and wounded,
 the creature did indeed
 bring to mind a fallen star."
 Excerpt from "A Broken Star" 
 By Sue Monk Kidd

Broken and wounded...
That's about right.
That's how I have been
feeling lately.

Broken and wounded...
by someone
who once promised to 
love me forever.

Broken and wounded...
my heart shattered,
by the sudden
and unexpected death 
of someone dear to me,
who considered me
 his friend...

Now we are separated
by the dark chasm
between life and death
and all I can feel
is broken 
and wounded inside
just like the little starfish...

  feeling lost...
in a decaying world
that seems to be
rushing faster and faster
towards some cataclysmic 

was the world
ever in control of itself?

am I really alone in
my suffering?

Is there not Someone
Who knows me
better than anyone else
including myself?

Someone Who
what it feels like
to be broken
and wounded inside?

To feel forsaken...
and betrayed,
and lonely...

Someone Who
 is close
 to those with
hurting souls...

Who wept,
at the death of 
a beloved friend...

Someone Who,
 I am often reminded,
 loves me so very much
that He suffered the most 
excruciating brokenness
  and wounding of 
 His own
body and soul
on my behalf ...

 He suffered...
becoming a curse
on a tree
Shedding drops of
precious blood,
His precious love,
for me...

so that I may have life,
more abundantly ...
and share  
the glory of

with Him

"Broken and Wounded"
By Pamela Denise Brida

What is the message of this post?

"When you are broken, wounded, 
scarred, and tired...
when you have lost just a little,
 or so much
 there is hardly anything left,
 take heart. 
 That is when God 
does His most beautiful work."
"A  Broken Star"
  -Sue Monk Kidd 

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. 
 You believe in and adhere to
 and trust in and rely on God,
 believe in and adhere to 
and trust in and rely
 also on Me."
John 14:1

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Of Eggs & Equinoxes 2014

 Spring arrived
 this afternoon at 12:57 pm EST.

"The Little Egg That Stood"
Courtesy Daniel Kelly Productions

A ritual old,
amazing to behold...
pristine white,
against deep verdigris green,
this oval wonder
was mean't to be seen!
-Pamela Brida

The Vernal Equinox

Ah, spring!
 This season brings
 increasing daylight,
 warming temperatures,
 and the rebirth
 of flora and fauna.
The word equinox
 is derived from
 the Latin words meaning
 “equal night.”
 Days and nights 
are approximately
 equal everywhere
 and the Sun rises
 and sets due east and west.
At the equinoxes,
 the tilt of Earth
 relative to the Sun
 is zero,
 which means
 that Earth’s axis
 neither points toward
 nor away
 from the Sun.
 the tilt of Earth 
relative to its
 plane of orbit,
 called the ecliptic plane,
 is always about 23.5 degrees.
 Information Source:
 The Old Farmer's Almanac 

The Beauty Of The Full Moon Night

The other night I walked outside 
and into the beauty 
of the full moon night.
 I felt as if I had walked
 into an Andrew Wyeth painting
 of the winter countryside...

  Snowy Landscape 
Andrew Wyeth

Walking in the brilliant moonlight...
My boots
making a single pair of tracks
across the frozen white landscape
the sharp interplay
of light and the stark
of the bare trees
across the

 illuminated ground.
I stand there
in silence
so deep
my ears are ringing.

- Pamela Denise Brida

"I prefer winter and fall
when you feel the bone structure
in the landscape- the lonliness of it-
the dead feeling of winter.
Something waits beneath it-
the whole story doesn't show."
-Andrew Wyeth 

Brandywine River Museum of Art
 Chadds Ford, PA