Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Thou Who Rules The Wind And Calms The Water

"He hushes the storm to a calm and
to a gentle whisper, so the waves of the
sea are still."
Psalm 107:29

"And He arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea,
"Peace! Be still!"   And the wind ceased and there was a great calm."
Mark 4:39

Only days ago, our nation witnessed the
terrible devastation left behind in the wake of
Hurricane Harvey along the Texas Gulf Coast.
This week, the State of Florida and other states
along the southeastern coast of the United States
are being targeted by yet another very powerful 
Atlantic storm called Hurricane Irma.

 I cannot help but think that perhaps
 the recent total solar eclipse of the sun has effected
change in the weather, but, that the ongoing hostility
and hatred of people across our nation is an 
indication of the outbreak of war in the spiritual
or heavenly realms, which has created a shifting,
or upheaval of forces in the natural world.

I pray that the Lord will steer this deadly tempest
back out to sea and as far away from land as possible.

 I pray for God's
continuous blessing and favor on
our President Donald Trump, his family, his
advisers, and his administration, that they will
be led by the spirit of God to make the right
decisions for our nation.

I also pray for the remnant of the Christian church
here in America, that we will be able to forget the
divisions which have kept us separated and come
together as a united force to worship the Lord
in spirit and in truth, and to bring revival of
the true, Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-led faith 
to the lost and hurting across this land.
In the matchless name of
Yeshua Ha'Mashiach I pray!
Amen and Amen.

The storm in all its fury
Swept dark Gennesaret;
They cried in vain for succor,
Till Hope’s lone star had set;
Then Christ came on the waters
In answer to their cry,
And spake in tones of comfort,
“Fear not, for it is I.
Fear not, for it is I.”

And life has days of darkness,
When thick the storm-clouds lower.
When waves dash fiercely round thee,
And threaten to devour;
But still thou need’st not falter,
There’s One forever nigh,
Who speaks above the tempest,
“Fear not, for it is I.
Fear not, for it is I.”

He walks the waves beside thee,
No storm can drive Him thence;
He bids the waters bear thee,
His arm is thy defense;
His face shines on the billows,
Let all thy terror fly;
Fear not to trust in Jesus,
He beckons, “It is I,”
He beckons, “It is I.”

"It Is I"
Words by 
Frederick A. Crafts

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