Tuesday, May 14, 2019

On My Mind: There Is Nothing Equal About The "Equality Act"

"Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways,
for in all these things the nations are defiled which
I am casting out before you. 
And the land is defiled; therefore I visit iniquity
of it upon it, and the land itself vomits out her inhabitants."
Leviticus 18:24-25

The bill known as HR-5, also called, the "Equality Act" is
an unprovoked attack sponsored by Speaker of the House Democrat
Nancy Pelosi and Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer to obliterate
America's Judeo-Christian heritage and to give the government free
license to relentlessly persecute Christians, especially those who believe in 
 the biblical tradition of Holy Matrimony as a sacred union between
one man and one woman in a covenant relationship with God, and who
advocate the traditional family of husband (male), wife (female);
and children, son (male); and daughter (female).

"So God created man in His own image, in the image and
likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them."
Genesis 1:27

According to a report from the Liberty Counsel, Chairman of the
House Judiciary Committee Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) 
confirmed last month that  First Amendment religious liberties
 would be in serious jeopardy with the passage of this bill
 since there is no religious exemption in HR 5.

"Religion is no excuse for discrimination when it comes to
sexual orientation or gender identity," Nadler said.

Members of the LGBTQ community in America would be elevated
to a protected race class, much like the 1964 Civil Rights Act which
 gave equality to black Americans under the law.

"Blessings of Liberty?" 

I find this elevation of a perverse and chosen sexual lifestyle to 
a protected racial class under the law not only abhorrent, but
unfair to those who do not openly flaunt their sexual identity
for personal and political reasons.  And this includes many
gay people who are decent and law-abiding citizens who
not only value their right to privacy, but, tolerate the
religious and personal beliefs of other people without making 
 a federal case out of it.  Nor will they allow themselves
to be the poster children for political exploitation by
 self-centered and deceitful politicians-aspiring-to-be-tyrants, 
 like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the rest of
the like-minded members of Congress who support this bill.

 I believe that the Democrats support for HR-5 is
  not so much because they are so enamored of those in our society
who seek to identify themselves under the LGBTQ label, but, they are
using the passage of this evil bill as a means to obliterate religious
freedom in America.  And while some religious liberty experts
have speculated that this legislation would ultimately effect
the religious rights of Jews and Muslims too, I am seriously
inclined to think that Pelosi and Schumer are determine to
use the passage of this bill to persecute and to silence
only the true followers of Jesus Christ in this nation.

Their ultimate goal is to purge the influence of  
 Christianity from America forever.  

Although I know in my heart that the Lord will never leave
 or forsake His precious children here,  my brothers and sisters in the Lord,
  we are in for the battle of our lives if this bill should pass into law.

Here are some of the highlights of HR-5, which President Trump
has declared as having many "poison pills" within it.  He has vowed to
veto this legislation if it should pass within the Senate.

The Liberty Counsel's list of some of the "poison pills" included in  HR-5:

Churches would be forced to host same-sex ceremonies.

Churches would lose tax exempt status for noncompliance.

Colleges would lose accreditation for noncompliance.
Non-compliant colleges will be ineligible to receive student loans,
causing most religious schools to compromise their core mission or close.

If churches or religious organizations take overnight trips, including
sports or mission trips, they cannot segregate rooms by biological gender.
Biological men will have access to bathrooms, showers, nursing-mother
rooms at any time, and stay as long as they please.

Churches would be forced to hire staff involved in LGBT conduct,
even positions of authority in affiliated daycare classes and give them
complete access to all children in the restrooms.
Cross-dressers could demand that they be greeters, ushers, Sunday
School teachers, and more.

Even the smallest slight would give someone the legal right to sue the church.
For example, if a person assumed they were turned down to a staff position
because of a LGBT lifestyle, they could sue the church for damages, even
if that was not the reason they were denied the job!

The fact that the Democrats are so determine to pass this bill into
law really does not surprise me.  They have already deemed the
unborn as "non human" and that a fully formed baby can be
murdered in the womb right up until birth and afterward too.
They want to sever forever our national heritage in and dependence on Almighty God,
 by turning America into a secular, free-for-all, Sodom and Gomorrah,
where the spirits of perversion and death rule over the land.
We all know what happened to those wicked cities.

Although He is a respecter of no person or nation of people,
I pray that God will continue to hear the prayers of deliverance from
 His children here and that His justice will ultimately prevail over
and expose the stronghold of satanic darkness within our government.

I pray that His grace and mercy will remain on the United States of America.

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