Wednesday, November 20, 2019

On My Mind: Slavery Reparations For Blacks In New Jersey?

"The biggest scandal in American politics is that Democrats
have been conning minorities into the belief that we are
perpetual victims, all but ensuring our failure.
Racial division and class warfare are central
to the Democrat Party platform."
-Candace Owens
Black conservative blogger and "Blexit"* advocate

Members of New Jersey's Legislative Black Caucus are seeking the possibility of
reparations for slavery for the state's African American residents.

What Miss Owens said above is absolutely correct. 

 Furthermore, the recent action taken by members of New Jersey's
Black Caucus-to create a task force on how the state can make
 reparations to its black residents for slavery-is a perfect
 example of the political Left's divide-and-conquer-policies in action.

"I believe the country is ready to have a conversation on the
history of slavery and racism, giving us a special opportunity...
to develop reparations proposals for African Americans in
New Jersey," declared Caucus member Senator Ronald Rice.

  Who is going to pay for these "reparations" Senator Rice?
Isn't this preposterous proposal by the Black Caucus, which
would most likely be in the form of another tax implemented on the 
  already overburdened New Jersey tax payers, akin to slavery itself?

 NJ Assemblywoman and fellow Caucus member, Britnee Timberlake
had this to say: "It would be ironic to put together a commission to
 explore the ramifications of slavery, which was unpaid labor that built 
 the entire economic system of the United States,  for free."

The notion that the entire economic system of America was built 
through the sweat and toil of slave labor is an oft-repeated,
liberal lie designed to cultivate a "victim mentality" in black Americans,
and has instilled in many blacks a mindset of hate and fear and resentment 
against all white Americans,  while convincing many in the latter group
to feel ashamed and to harbor a false sense of guilt and responsibility
 over this seemingly unforgivable sin of America's past.  

 Another pervasive myth kept alive by the revisionist historians
 on the political Left and promoted through education and the media,
as well as ambitious politicians, the television industry, and Hollywood,
is that only blacks were slaves, and, that there were no blacks who kept slaves.

 As I wrote in another post on my blog, one of the more well-known
slave-holding families in the antebellum South were the Metoyers,
black Creoles in Louisiana, who owned more slaves than their white neighbors.

The enslavement of men by other men has been a condition of human history in
this world since the beginning of recorded time.  It is part of the sordid spiritual
condition of fallen man.  That slavery was once permitted as a
legal business practice in America in centuries past, is, in one word,
abominable.  But so is the legalized practice of abortion today.
Many of the same politicians pushing for slave reparations believe
that abortion is a "necessary evil".  Some have even gone so far as
  to declare that the practice of infanticide right up to and after birth
should be a "constitutional right".   God condemns the willful and
deliberate taking of human life. He calls it murder.

"You shall not commit murder."
Exodus 20:13

Slavery, as we know, still exists in this world, mainly in the form 
 of sex trafficking and prostitution.  This is one of the reasons why
President Trump wants to revise the corrupted immigration system 
 and build a border wall to protect American citizens.  So, why are
 many of the Democrats fighting him tooth and nail on this issue?

 Furthermore, what is the real truth concerning
 the condition of much of black America today which
can no longer be denied?

"Wherever liberal policies reign supreme, Black America
is under threat. Abortion, illegal immigration, welfare traps
which encourage father absence, these are progressive policies
that lead to regressive results for my community."
-Candace Owen

 I agree with Miss Owen.  It seems to me that the economic suffering 
and poverty in many of America's black communities has a lot to do 
 with the Democrats they keep electing to public office to
represent them-whom in turn exploit the race and skin color
of their constituents for political and personal gain-
while evoking painful reminders of the past, like slavery, 
and the Jim Crow laws of the once segregated South to keep
 the proverbial racial pot at a rolling boil between blacks and whites.

For political leaders to deliberately provoke racial tensions 
between two people groups within a nation is nothing new.

This is a classic Communist tactic which is being used in America today as 
part of a greater political conspiracy to destroy this nation from within.

The Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution
abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as
punishment for a crime. It was passed by the Senate on
April 8, 1864 and by the House on January 31, 1865.
It was ratified by the required number of states on
December 6, 1865.

  Furthermore, is it not the economic policies held by the Democratic Party,
which are allowing millions of illegal immigrants to swarm our borders,
unchecked, which is not only undermining the chances of blacks obtaining gainful
employment, but, are subjecting them, and everyone else, to rampant illegal 
 alien gang-related crime sprees, sex-trafficking rings, and Mexican drug cartels,
 whom are taking advantage of Democrat-controlled, "sanctuary cities"?

What about the millions of American citizens, regardless of race or skin
 color who are increasingly at risk in contracting life-threatening illnesses  
from illegals squatting in tent cities within cities which have unlawfully
 granted them "sanctuary" status.  Many of these people
 have not been vaccinated against diseases which were
  eradicated in America during the last century, sicknesses like
 water-born Cholera, and Small Pox.  How many of these
people might even be carriers of the dreaded Ebola
 or West African Nile viruses?

And, what about the Democrats abortion-up-until-birth policy
which primarily targets black communities across America?

Is this the reason why there are Planned Parenthood clinics in
every urban community with a predominantly large black population?

It seems to me that the Democrats, who pride themselves on 
 a platform message of "equality for all" are determine to carry on the
 evil legacy of eugenicist Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood,
who held the conviction that blacks were an inferior race, and that
black babies should be aborted, or their lives should be
terminated at birth.  

 I am thoroughly disgusted by the anti-America, anti-freedom,
Democrats and their prevaricating lap dogs in the duplicitous media
 determine to divide our nation along racial and social lines in the name of 
 "righting the wrongs of the past" while demonizing white people and equating
President Trump and anyone who supports him as a "white nationalist." 

Considering there are a good number of blacks and other minorities
who also support our current Commander-in chief, this is absurd.

  However, because of the ongoing propaganda war being
 waged against President Trump within the news media, it has
become a very uncertain and even dangerous time in America today.

  If those wielding government power can conduct a malicious witch hunt
based on nothing more than second-hand gossip, innuendo, and outright lies
against a sitting president of the United States, denying him the right 
to due process while trammeling the US Constitution, all because he is not
"one of them" they are not worthy of any kind of leadership.  
They are tyrants, on the same level as the Soviet dictatorships 
of yesterday, whom sentenced millions of their own people
 to unjust imprisonment, starvation, and death in
the notorious gulags of Siberia.

As Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn, a Russian writer and activist
who spoke out against the Soviet regime, and as a result spent
years languishing within prison camps in his nation, once said:

"The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take
part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world."

If there was ever a time in our national history for all Americans,
regardless of their race or skin color, and who love their freedom and 
 independence, to stand together and support our president against the
machinations of Big Government and their minions, it is right now!

"I will not pretend to be a victim in this country".
Candace Owens speaks before Congress on Dems 2020 Agenda
"White Nationalism and Reparation"
The DC Shorts
(April 9, 2019)

* Blexit is a campaign initiated by Miss Owens which
encourages black Americans and other minorities to
exit the Democratic Party.

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