Thursday, October 17, 2024

Full Hunter's Supermoon Tonight


Tonight's Full Moon is known as the Hunter's Moon and will  be the biggest
and brightest Supermoon of the year according to the Old Farmer's Almanac.

This month's moon orbits closer to the Earth than any of the previous full Moons
this year.  At its nearest point, the Hunter's Moon will be 222,005 miles from Earth,
making it the closest Supermoon of 2024.  The moon will rise just after sunset tonight.

Image courtesy/Freepik


This moon is called the Full Hunter's Moon because at this time of the year, 
  deer can often be seen in the pre-dawn hours grazing in the bright moonlight
in harvested farm fields and orchards, thus giving hunters an advantage
 in their quest for a haunch of venison or smoked deer sausage. 

And now... a little Full Moon magic...

Full Moon And Empty Arms
Jerry Vale


Thursday's Thoughts: What Is A Christian's Role Concerning This Year's Presidential Election?


"Jesus said to them, "Pay to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the
 the things that are God's. And they stood marveling and greatly amazed at Him."
(Mark 12:17)

Christ And The Tribute Money
Gustave Dore
French artist
Image courtesy/Fine Art Storehouse

In the quotation above, the Lord was addressing some of the Pharisees and
the Herodians who came to Him to ask if they, being the Jewish religious and
  political authorities of the day, and therefore were to adhere to the commandment
of God not to worship idols, should pay their taxes to Caesar whose image
and title was engraved on the face of the denarius, a Roman silver coin.

This group of men were actually trying to entrap Jesus in His speech and
they were duly surprised by His plain spoken answer to them.  This incident
of the Lord being confronted by this group came to my mind after reading
the latest statistics regarding Christians voting in the 2024 election.

According to a recent article in The Economic Times, in research conducted by
the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, it is estimated that
104 million people who fall under the category of people of faith, of which 
41 million are Christians and 32 million attend church regularly, 
 will not cast ballots in this year's presidential election.

The Jewish leaders of Christ's day were not enamored of the Roman Caesar
who sought to be worshipped like a god.  But Jesus reminded them of the
difference between politics and religion.  They were to obey the civil law
 of the society they lived in and pay their taxes.  Although we are not
obligated to vote, I believe it is the civil and moral duty of
every Christian to cast their vote on November 5th.

President Trump is not perfect.  None of us are perfect.  If you are
a Christian, you know that the only Person who ever walked this earth
who can claim the title of Perfection was crucified on the cross.

I know Mr. Trump has wavered on the abortion issue.  This has angered
many in the pro-life movement in this nation.  While I am dismayed by
his reneging on this most crucial issue, in 2020 he lost the election in
part because many Christians sat home and refused to vote. Others
claim that they are not into politics so they don't vote in elections.
We cannot let this happen again.  

On the flip side of the proverbial coin is Vice President Kamala Harris.
Unlike Donald Trump, she lacks credibility and possesses no real
leadership skills.  Her rhetoric is the voice of the political Far Left.
She wants to carry on their torch to systematically destroy our
nation and change America from a free, Constitutional Republic
into a free-for-all Third World-like socialist democracy which
 would make even the most corrupt, self-serving Banana Republic
 dictators shudder with revulsion.

She is also the first presidential candidate to visit an abortion clinic
while on the campaign trail.  Both she and President Biden
share an unwavering commitment, not only to keep abortion
legal, but, to enshrine infanticide as a national right in America.

Although Donald Trump has said that he will not impose federal
regulations on abortion,  I pray that after God spared his life 
this past  summer and in recent weeks from assassins' bullets, his
heart has softened on this issue and he will recommit himself
to protecting the most defenseless among us.

As for Donald Trump's faith in God, we cannot be certain
what the man truly believes or who he believes in.
  Only God sees our hearts. 

I pray that his association with the Reverend Franklin Graham will
 perhaps inspire him to repent and surrender at the foot of the cross.

God works in mysterious ways and I do not think it is a
mere coincidence nor "just a show" as the media puts it,
that Donald Trump was one of the first on the scene after the
 hurricane and that he prayed publicly with Reverend Graham
for the devastated storm victims in Georgia. 

I think Mr. Trump, despite his rough and ready personality, truly cares about
 the American people.  He's certainly not an eloquent speaker, nor a folksy
charmer like the great Ronald Reagan, but, reminiscent of The Gipper, when
  he speaks, people listen. This is because he talks to the people, not at them,
and this makes all the difference.  Plus, there's not one teleprompter
within sneezing distance when Mr. Trump is at the podium.

So, I can forgive him for his often crude mannerisms and cussing
 and I pray that he will refrain from using foul language in
 front of an audience, especially with children present.

  I further pray that he will look down on those babies and children and not
only see them as the future of America, but each one as a most precious gift,
 made in the likeness and image of the Creator God Himself. Just like he is, himself.

Baking Really Weird 228 Year Old Cookies/Tasting Really Weird 228 Year Old Cookies


The gracious hostess of the Early American channel tries
her hand at making some unusual cookies from 1796.

Baking The Weirdest Cookies In 1796
Would You Try These?
Early American
(October 16, 2024)

Justine and Ron taste and rate the "cookies" plus share weird
history facts, Justine's health issues, and lead test results, and Ron's
   latest sewing project in this week's informative "Chew and Chat".

Milk & Cookies From 1796
These Cookies Are Horrible!
Frontier Patriot
(October 16, 2024)

Christian Baker Scores Major Victory After Legal Nightmare


Image courtesy/

Christian baker Jack Phillips has been locked in a long legal battle over
 his refusal to make cakes for a same-sex wedding and a gender transition.
But after a decade of court battles, Phillips recently won a major victory at
the Colorado Supreme Court.  Praise God!

Christian Baker Scores Major Victory
 After Legal Nightmare
CBN News
(October 15, 2024)

"But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue
that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong.
 This peace, righteousness, security, triumph over the opposition, is the heritage
   of the servants of the Lord, those in whom the ideal Servant of the Lord is
  reproduced; this is the righteousness or vindication which they obtain from Me,
 this is which I impart to them as their justification, says the Lord."
(Isaiah 54:17)

Thank you Lord for vindicating your faithful servant!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Arlene's Potato Special: Three Easy Recipes!


In this harvest special episode the gracious hostess of At Home 
shares her delicious potato recipes for those cool fall days and nights!

Arlene's Potato Special: Three Easy Recipes!
At Home With Arlene Williams

FORGOTTEN HISTORY: Truth About The Hurricane Helene Conspiracy Revealed


 In this episode of FORGOTTEN HISTORY host Colin Heaton unravels the facts
from fiction regarding the "conspiracy theories" surrounding Hurricane Helene.

Truth About The Hurricane Helene Conspiracy Revealed
(October 16, 2024)

Wednesday's Word: He Will Answer In The Day Of Trouble


"For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood, contending only with
physical opponents, but against the despotisms, against the powers, 
against the master spirits who are the world rulers of this present darkness, 
against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly sphere."
(Ephesians 6:12)

The Fall Of The Rebel Angels
Luca Giordano
Italian Late Baroque painter 


To the chief musician   A psalm of David

May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble!

May the name of the God of Jacob set you up on high and defend you;

Send help from the sanctuary, and support, refresh,

and strengthen you from Zion;

Remember all your offerings and accept your burnt sacrifice.

Selah pause, and think of that!

May He grant you according to your heart's desire

and fulfill all your plans.

We will shout in triumph at your salvation and victory

and in the name of our God we will set up our banners.

May the Lord fulfill all your petitions.

Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed;

He will answer him from His holy heaven

with the saving strength of His right hand.

Some trust in and boast of chariots and some of horses,

but we will trust in and boast of the name of the Lord our God.

They are bowed down and fallen, but we are risen and stand upright.

O Lord, give us victory; let the King answer us when we call.

"Our first step to victory in spiritual warfare is to trust only in the mercy
and grace of God; all who trust in themselves will soon be cast down.
Believers triumph in God, and His revelation of Himself to them, by which
 they distinguish themselves from those that live without God in the world.

Those who make God and His name their praise, may make God and His name
their trust.  This was the case when the pride and power of Jewish unbelief and
pagan idolatry fell before the sermons and lives of the humble followers of Jesus.

This is the case in every conflict with our spiritual enemies, that we engage them
in the name, the spirit, and the power of Christ; and this will be the case at the
last day, when the world, with the prince of it, shall be brought down and fall;
but believers, risen from the dead through the resurrection of the Lord
 shall stand, and sing His praises in heaven. 

 In Christ's salvation let us rejoice; and set up our banners in the name
 of the Lord our God, assured that by the saving grace of His right hand
 we shall be conquerors over every enemy."

-Matthew Henry's Commentary

Voice Of Truth
Casting Crowns
Reunion Records
Recorded Live YouTube Space New York