Monday, March 25, 2024

Full Worm Moon Tonight


This year's Full Worm Moon reached peak illumination
in the wee hours of this morning or around 3:00 AM (EST).
  Although I was not up at this early hour, I did see the moon 
setting in the clear western sky just before dawn.

A spectacular sight to see!

Image courtesy/Orange Live

Why is March's moon called the Worm Moon?  According to the Old Farmer's Almanac,
it was thought that this moon referred to the appearance of earthworms crawling out
of the newly thawed earth in the springtime.  This, of course, attracts robins, who
are said to be the first birds of the season to return after winter.

However, more research has revealed that in the 1760's a man named Captain
 Jonathan Carver visited the Naudowessie (Dakota) and other Indian tribes
and later wrote that the name, "Worm Moon" refers to a different sort of worm
beetle larvae which would begin to emerge during the thawing of the bark of
trees and other places where worms hide from the cold.

The Full Paschal Moon

Resurrection Sunday or Easter occurs on the first Sunday after what is known
as the Paschal Full Moon, or the first full moon of springtime. This month's
full moon proceeded the vernal or spring equinox on March 19th.   

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, in the year AD 325, 
 an ecclesiastical Full Moon calendar was created by the western Church,
 however, it did not take into account all the factors of lunar motion that is
 known about today.  Much of Christendom in the western nations
 still follows with this lunar cycle tradition.

In the eastern Christian churches which follow the Julian calendar for 
 their religious observations, Easter is often celebrated at a later date.

The word, "Paschal" is a Greek derivative of the Hebrew word, "Pesach"
meaning "Passover".  This year's celebration of Passover will begin at
sundown on April 22, 2024 during next month's full moon.

🌝I hope the skies are clear tonight where you are!🌝

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