Friday, January 23, 2015

The Origins of Light and Time

The Origins of Light

Look up the definition of Light.
Modern physicists tell us
that light is basically,
"electromagnetic radiation
that is visible to the human eye."

Electromagnetic radiation
is a form of energy.
So light is energy.
But what is energy?

According to the dictionary
energy is "available power".
Yet, from what original
source does this
"available power" 
come from in 
the first place?

We know that light is energy
and energy is power.
Although science can explain
how light is used as energy
and energy is a source of power,
the meaning of light
remains unanswerable
to mankind.

As much as modern science
takes credit for the study
of light's effect on all
living things
and how to utilize
new forms of energy,
no one has yet won
a Nobel Prize
for uncovering the
original source of
light and energy.

I remember reading
the story of a scientist
studying outer space who said,
"There are some questions that
will remain unanswerable in 
the human mind. This is 
where speculation and
scientific reasoning ends,
and faith begins." 

"In the beginning God created
 the heavens and the earth.
The earth was without form
an empty waste,
and darkness was upon
the face of the very great deep.
The Spirit of God 
was moving over the face of the waters.
And God said, 
Let there be light;
and there was light."
Genesis 1:1-3

The word, "Genesis" comes from Greek and means, 
"origin" or "beginning".
In Hebrew,
from which the scriptures were translated,
the word, "Bereshith" means,
"in the beginning."

The Book of Genesis
is Bereshith, 
"in the beginning"
 Elohim, the All Powerful One,
revealed Himself
through His
 unlimited creativity
 infinite wisdom
to the human race.

While scientists
and scholars alike
tend to disregard the
stories of creation as
recorded in Genesis,
there is a general
consensus among the 
more philosophical thinkers 
of the group that the account
of creation in Genesis "does have
a certain degree of religious value."

However, the too often
supercilious arguments presented
by science to explain something
that they really have no answer for
tend to lose their credibility in
view of Christ's authority, 
and His own words
regarding the origin
and purpose
of our being.

"Have you never read that He
Who made them from the beginning
made them male and female."
Matthew 19:4

Elohim, the All Powerful One, 
 Creator of the universe
is the real Source of
light and energy.

"And God saw that the light was good 
and He approved it;
and God separated the light
from the darkness."
Genesis 1:5

The light became day and the darkness
became night.

In his second letter to the church in Corinth,
the apostle Paul elaborated on the
distinction between light and darkness.

"For God Who said, "Let light shine out 
of darkness, has shone in our hearts
so as to beam forth the Light
for the illumination of the knowledge
of the majesty and glory of God,
as it is manifest in the Person
and revealed in the face of'
Jesus Christ, the Messiah."
II Corinthians 4:6

"Let light shine out of the darkness"

In this lost and fallen world,
believers are called
to be a light
for Christ.

The Origins of Time

One of my favorite
 all-time movies is
 "The Time Machine"

Based on the 1895 novel by H.G. Wells, it is the fantastic
tale of a Victorian gentleman named George Wells who
invents a time machine which transports him
into the future.

George travels to the year 802,701 
and leaving his machine to explore
the lush surroundings,
he soon hears the sound of 
rushing water and the voices
of people talking and laughing together.
George follows the sounds to the
edge of a roaring river, where
he finds a group of people gathered,
talking and laughing with each other,
 and totally oblivious to the frightened screams
 of a young woman who has fallen into
the river and is being swept away
by the rushing current.
 George quickly jumps into the water
and saves the girl from drowning,
however, her lack of gratitude to
him for rescuing her, and the apathetic
nature of the onlookers bewilders him.

 George Wells ( Rod Taylor)
is puzzled by the strange behavior of
 a young Eloi woman named Weena
 ( Yvette Mimieux)
in the 1960 film version of
H.G. Wells'
"The Time Machine"

He later learns that the young woman
is named Weena and she is a
member of an odd and 
indifferent group of people
whom call themselves
the "Eloi".

The Eloi

George is both puzzled and irritated by
the strange behavior of the people in 
this future society and he decides to
return to the time machine,
only to discover that the machine
has been dragged away across
the ground to a sinister-looking
sphinx-like structure and locked
up behind a heavy steel door.

Now even more worried than before,
George decides to make camp for the night
in a wooded area, and builds a campfire
to keep warm.  

However, unknown to him,
this stranger in a strange land
 is being watched by several pairs
of curious and cruel eyes...
Weena appears and tells him
that he must return with her
 to the shelter used by the Eloi
to spend the night 
because of the Morlocks.
 Much to his shock and horror,
 George soon discovers
 what she has told him is the truth. 

 Weena warns George

The Morlocks are
 a race of subhuman mutants
living underground who practice 
cannibalism against the Eloi.

The Morlocks

George eventually must rescue
 Weena and other Eloi
taken by the Morlocks,
and later helps the Eloi 
to destroy the
 evil cannibal mutants 
in their subterranean cavern.
Finally able to
 rescue his time machine,
 George escapes back to his own time.

  After his return, 
George attempts to explain
 his incredible journey into the future
to his good friend,
 David Filby
(Alan Young)

The possibility of time travel
 as put forth in the
 adventurous tale of
 "The Time Machine" 
 and later, in
the wonderful 
love story,
"Somewhere in Time"
has always fascinated me.

The idea of traveling
through time has
intrigued men of science
for centuries.
Even Albert Einstein
is said to have had
a theory about the
possibility of 
traveling through time.

Albert Einstein

We measure time through
the passage of
days, months, and years.
We record time
through books and calendars,
in almanacs, even
through the Internet.

We use clocks and
wear watches that tell time.
We see the passage of time
in our own journey
through life.

Balladeer Jim Croce
sang about saving
time in a bottle.

But what exactly is Time?

Did time begin when the Spirit of Elohim, 
the Creator God of the universe
brooded over the face of the waters
and declared,
"Let there be light"?
Or was Time created before Light?

The Book of Hebrews attests,
"By faith we understand that
the worlds during the successive ages
were framed, fashioned, and put in order,
and equipped for their intended purpose
by the Word of God, so that what we
see was not made out of
things which are visible."
Hebrews 11:3

Elohim, the Creator 
of the heavens and the earth,
is not only the true Source
of Time and of Light,
but has "framed, 
fashioned, and put in order"
the creation of the world.

Here science and
human reasoning ends,
and faith begins.

"Faith is to believe what we do not see;
and the reward of faith is to
see what we believe."
- Saint Augustine

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