Friday, December 20, 2019

On My Mind: Evangelical "Elite"or "Elitist"?

In a report from CBN News, evangelical Christian leader Reverend Franklin Graham
has responded to an inflammatory editorial written by Christianity Today's
Editor-in-Chief Mark Galli, which calls for Donald Trump to be removed from  
office, as well as taking to task evangelical Christians who voted for him in 2016.

Christianity Today Magazine declares,
"Trump must go."

In a Facebook post, Graham, who is the president and CEO of the
Billy Graham Evangelical Association and of the Christian relief organization,
Samaritan's Purse, says that his father, the Reverend Billy Graham, who was 
 the original founder of Christianity Today Magazine, would not have agreed
with the publication's stance or editor Mark Galli's harsh criticism
of evangelicals who voted for President Trump.

Reverend Graham stated: "My father knew Donald Trump,
he believed in Donald Trump, and he voted for Donald Trump.
He believed that Donald J. Trump was the man for this hour
in the history of our nation."

What I find particularly galling about this man's thinking
is that Galli describes himself as an 'elite evangelical.' 
In a 2018 essay in the book, "Still Evangelical"?
 Galli wrote that he has discovered another class of
evangelical Christians in America which he claims,
"are so different they seem like aliens in our midst."

He went on to say that these "other evangelicals", or
 Bible-believing Christians, "... haven't finished college,
and if they have jobs (apparently a lot of them don't) they are
blue-collared jobs or entry level work.  They don't write books
or give speeches; they don't attend conferences of evangelicals
for social justice or evangelicals for immigration reform.
They are deeply suspicious of the news media. A lot
of them voted for Donald Trump."

Excuse me, Mr. Galli, but where in the Bible, aside
 from the account in Luke where our Lord, as a child,
 was sitting with the elders in the Temple, does it say
that He went to college?

Where, apart from Him being a carpenter, and prior to 
beginning His ministry, is it written that Jesus had an executive 
 career in His hometown of Nazareth?  Did you ever stop to think that many
of the"blue collared workers" which you disparage with your thoughtless
 commentary are hard-working and excellent carpenters?

Did you ever stop to think, Mr. Galli, that those who work at
"entry level jobs" might be busy raising children, and do not have the
time or the money to attend conferences, especially for the cause
of social justice as it is defined today, which calls for the demonizing 
of "rich white men" and primarily blaming the white race for causing
all the social and economic problems facing minority groups
in America; touting Climate Change like an idol to be worshiped,
 championing illegal immigrants squatting and taking advantage 
 of America's "sanctuary cities", not to mention supporting 
abortion-on-demand, and the legalization of all forms
 of sexual debauchery condemned by God in the Bible?

 And speaking of writing books,  from the beginning of the Bible,
  the Holy Spirit inspired ordinary sinful men to record the prophecies
which spoke of the forthcoming Messiah, and later, the accounts of
Christ's life here on the earth.  During His earthly ministry, the
down-to-earth carpenter from Nazareth was known for His
compassion and mercy for lost and hurting people.  He ate with sinners.
 He saved a woman accused of adultery from being stoned to death.
He spoke to a lonely Samaritan woman at a well.

 And, when He gave speeches, the Lord spoke to His audiences through
 parables or stories, so that His listeners, who were primarily Jewish 
 like Himself, would come to know about the Kingdom of God,
and that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and, that
He and the Father are One.  And, although the people did not
understand His true mission and later turned against Him
and called for His death on the cross, Jesus forgave them.

True faith comes through hearing the Gospel.  Faith is belief in the
Lord Jesus Christ and the finished work of the cross, plus nothing.
No higher education, no written book or speech given, no
conference, no chosen career, social status, or church 
 membership guarantees salvation.  It is faith in Christ alone.

Furthermore, what thinking person wouldn't be suspicious of the deceitful
 actions of the mainstream news media in America?  With an exception of
 a very few media outlets, most are, or have become, the propaganda
lapdogs of the political Left.  Someone should remind these arrogant,
 disrespectful, and often foul-mouthed pot-stirrers of the fate of 
a man named Julius Streicher in Germany after WWII.

Streicher was the editor of Dur Sturmer or "The Storm"  a
propaganda newspaper of the Third Reich.  Although he did not
actually participate in the brutalities of the Nazis,  his poison
pen helped to send millions of innocent Jews and others to their
 deaths in Hitler's concentration camps.  During the postwar 
Nuremberg trials, Mr. Streicher, was convicted of perpetrating
crimes against humanity and sentenced to hang on the gallows
 right alongside of his fellow Nazis.

As for the impeachment of President Trump, you must be 
deliberately blind, Mr. Galli, if you cannot see the devil is
 clearly in the details here.  Our president did not commit a crime.
He was condemned on ridiculous and unsubstantiated charges.

This whole impeachment is not only political in motivation, but,
rooted in deep hatred for him, both personally, and because of what he
represents and believes in, the exceptionalism of America and her people.
All her people, regardless of their color or their sex, or their religion,
 or social and economic status.  Donald Trump believes in all of us.

He wants to see America become great again after years of
liberal policies which have demoralized and deliberately separated 
 us along racial-social-religious lines.  He believes in the sanctity
of human life.  He believes in the validity of the US Constitution,
which he has sworn to defend and uphold, unlike the Democrat
majority which has deliberately misused this glorious document,
as well as violated the rule of law to try and destroy him.

I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and I will vote again
for him in 2020.  Like the Reverend Billy Graham, I believe
this man was chosen by Almighty God to be America's leader
at this time in world history.

My fellow believers, in these perilous and uncertain days
for our nation and the world,  I am often reminded of the words
spoken by Mordecai, a righteous Jew, the cousin of the
courageous Esther, Queen of the Persian Empire, and his strong
 words of admonishment to her when he said:"Do not flatter yourself 
 that you shall escape in the king's palace any more than all the
other Jews.  For if you keep silent at this time, relief and
deliverance shall arise for the Jews from elsewhere, but
you and your father's house shall perish. And who knows
but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time
as this and for this very occasion?"
Esther 4:13-14

Please keep President Trump and his family, and all of his
administration covered in prayer.  

May God continue to have mercy on America.

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