Friday, August 28, 2020

On My Mind: Democrats Refusing To Acknowledge God Will Be Their Undoing

"And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord,
choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,
whether the gods which your fathers served on the other
side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in
whose land you dwell; but as for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15

Democratic Caucus Groups Remove
"One Nation, Under God" From Pledge of Allegiance
CBN News
(August 19, 2020)

They have no one to blame but themselves.

If the Democratic Party really cared about America and our people they
would have manned up to the election results and agreed to work, albeit
begrudgingly, with President Trump, while building a better system of
 government to present to the American people in 2020.

So far, they have not done that at all.  All they have done for the past
four years, aside from their numerous attempts to discredit and to destroy
President Trump, is pass legislation which permits unborn children to
be murdered through abortion right up until the time of birth, force
 their radical LGBTQ agenda on children in America's public schools,
and remain silent while almost non-stop violence and chaos
  has erupted in city streets all over this nation, initially triggered
  by the death of a 46 year old black man named George Floyd, 
who was killed at the hands of the police in Minneapolis after resisting
 arrest in late May of this year.  The peaceful aspects of the protest
movement which organized coast-to-coast with marches and
candlelight vigils over Mr. Floyd's death, has since been infiltrated
 by radical Marxist activists like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter,
 both of which are linked to and supported by communist and globalist
 entities working behind the scenes to destabilize our society and to
destroy America and our freedom as we know it.

How Revolutions Change Society
The John Birch Society
(August 27, 2020)

Although I did not watch the Democratic National Convention last week,
  as the CBN video above explains, there were two caucus group delegates
-one Islamic and another LGBTQ- who omitted, "One Nation, Under God" 
when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Although the pledge was recited in it's entirety at the general convention, 
the removal of God from the Democratic party platform is nothing new. 

At their convention in 2012,  DNC delegates voted against an
amendment to include God and to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. 
 After the Convention Chair passed the resolution, delegates to the convention 
 openly booed at the inclusion of God and Jerusalem in the party's platform.

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! 
 May they prosper who love you, the Holy City!"
(Psalm 122:6)

The Democrats  and much of the mainstream news media, in
 collusion with the shadowy entity called the Deep State,  have remained 
consistent on one single issue, and that is to remove all traces of God, Jesus Christ,
 and the Bible from American society.  

In no uncertain terms, they have told God to "Get lost".
But do they realize what will happen if God decides to vacate the premises for good?

ANTIFA and BLM protesters rioting in Portland, Oregon recently burned 
  Bibles and American flags in the streets there.  This is one example
of the spirit of AntiChrist at work in America today.

The nation of Israel, God's own chosen people, learned this lesson
time and again, even after God had led them from slavery in Egypt,
across the wilderness, and eventually into the land He promised them.
Yet, even after all God had done for them, they still rebelled against
Him and went to follow after other gods.  The result?  The nation
was taken into a long-standing captivity by the Babylonian Empire.

Although this capture and enslavement was not the will of God for their lives,
Israel's own national sin of unbelief in Him caused this to happen.

It was only after God raised up a pagan ruler of Persia,
twice named  before his birth by the prophet, Isaiah, that the
Jews were once again set free from their captivity. By a decree of Cyrus,
they were given the chance to return again to the land God had 
 bequeathed to them and rebuild the Second Temple in Jerusalem.

This Israeli postage stamp issued in 2015 
commemorates the decree of Cyrus granting the
Jews the right to return to Judah and begin
rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem.

Here is a little food for thought.   About two weeks ago, and at least one
 one week before the hierarchy of the Democratic Party and their chosen nominees,
former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris, got together
to paint a dark and gloomy picture of the uncertain future ahead for the
 American people under the leadership of  a newly re-elected President Trump, 
a tropical disturbance was birthed out in the Atlantic Ocean.

Although weather forecasters were aware of this mix of unorganized showers
and thunderstorms, they did not really start to pay attention until the disturbance
became Tropical Storm Laura.  She was following on the heels of the already established
Hurricane Marco, which fortunately dissipated quickly as it neared land.

Only days after the DNC allowed these certain selected delegates to appear on national
television to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, while deliberately omitting the words,
"One Nation, Under God"  TS Laura headed north into the Gulf of Mexico.
 She then morphed into a monstrous Cat 4 hurricane, and proceeded to slam
into the Louisiana coastline with 150 mile + winds and flooding rains which
have caused extensive damage.  But in the midst of the storm, and all
 around the nation and the world, people were praying for God to intervene,
and thankfully, the storm surge, which occurs once the eye of the hurricane
  passes over land, did not become the terrifying and "unsustainable" human  
 killer being predicted by veteran meteorologists tracking the storm.
Although Laura ravished the land, Louisiana was spared  from what would 
 have been an unthinkable national tragedy with far more destruction 
and loss of life.  A mere coincidence?  I don't think so.

Devastation left behind in Louisiana in the wake of Hurricane Laura

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