Saturday, May 1, 2021

On My Mind: America's Greatest Sin


"Keep far from a false matter and be very careful not
to condemn to death the innocent and the righteous,
for I will not justify and acquit the wicked."
Exodus 23:7

    I recently took a poll on  AMAC's (The Association For Mature American Citizens) 
website asking me if I had watched President-elect Joe Biden's recent speech to the nation.
I have absolutely no time, nor the stomach, to listen to this odious man, who recently
did away with President Trump's ban preventing the federal government from
using the body parts of aborted babies for "experimental research".

Biden further advocates that American tax payers fund abortion-up-until-birth,
as well as supplement the baby butchers at Planned Parenthood.

It is with the utmost conviction that I believe
  legalized abortion, and not "systemic racism" is
America's greatest national sin.

As a condition of the fallen human heart, racism and prejudice are
often learned behaviors, passed down from generation to generation.
Racism and prejudice surpass skin color, race, and national borders.

Abortion is also a choice made in the human heart.  It is the deliberate
and willful taking of human life.  It too surpasses skin color, race, as well
as national borders.  But perhaps far worse of all, abortion, like transgenderism,
is purposefully designed to destroy the likeness and image of God Himself.

Since the fateful decision made by the US Supreme Court in 1973, generations of
 unborn American citizens have been aborted, resulting in a huge vacuum which 
 decades later is now being filled by illegals left to stream unchecked across our borders.

Some of these people are truly poor and desperate and want to come here to our
 land to start a new life for themselves and their families. Fine, but they should be
required to become US citizens.

But what about others-people whose cultural and religious beliefs do
not reflect the American way of life- and whom have no desire to become 
 citizens of what they have long deemed, "The Great Satan"?

These "others" are coming here for the sole purpose of committing mayhem 
 and murder a.k.a. Islamic jihad, or waging a holy war against us.

Look at what is happening right now in France and in other parts of Europe.

Will this too eventually be America's fate?  

I pray not.

France recently honored a 48 year old female employee 
 attacked by an Islamic jihadist at a police station in the Paris
suburb of Rambouillet.  The victim was stabbed twice
in the throat.  Her attacker, described as a 36 year old
Tunisian man, cried, "Allahu Akbar!"*as he murdered
his victim.  He was shot and killed by the police.
The nation remains on high alert due to the
number of murders committed by Islamists
in recent years.

* "Allahu Akbar" is the Islamic war cry for "Allah be praised!"

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