Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Song Of Success


Saying farewell to February with the words from one of my favorite poets.

Stroll in the Spring moonlight
Image courtesy/Pinterest

Ho! we were strong, we were swift, we were brave.

Youth was a challenge, and Life was a fight.

All that was best in us gladly we gave,

Sprang from the rally, and leapt for the height.

Smiling is Love in a foam of Spring flowers:

Harden our hearts to him---on let us press!

Oh, what a triumph and pride shall be ours!

See where it beacons, the star of success!

Cares seem to crowd on us-so much to do;

New fields to conquer, and time's on the wing.

Grey hairs are showing, a wrinkle or two;

Somehow our footstep is losing its spring.

Pleasure's forsaken us, Love ceased to smile;

Youth has been funeralled; Age travels fast.

Sometimes we wonder: is it worth while?

There! we have gained to the summit at last.

Aye, we have triumphed! Now must we haste,

Revel in victory...why! what is wrong?

Life's choicest vintage is flat to the taste--

Are we too late? Have we laboured too long?

Wealth, power, fame we hold...ah! but the truth:

Would we not give this vain glory of ours

For one mad, glad year of glorious youth,

Life in the Springtide and Love in the flowers.

"A Song Of Success"
Robert William Service
British-Canadian poet and writer
 "The Bard of the Yukon"

Amir Tsarfati: The Illuminati And The One World Government


A  must-see teaching from Bible scholar/author Amir Tsarfati
of Behold Israel Ministries, on the history of the satanic
  efforts of religions, cults, as well as a powerful group 
of elites, to usher in the future one world government,
 under the auspices of the Antichrist.

The Illuminati And The One World Government
Amir Tsarfati
Behold Israel Ministries
(February 24, 2023)

Patriotism In Sports: Here Is Why We Sing The National Anthem

💖God Bless America!   God Bless Old Glory!💖

 💖 Long may the Flag of Freedom wave! 💖

Patriotism In Sports?
Here Is Why We Sing The National Anthem


Monday, February 27, 2023

Monday Meditation: When The Righteous Cry For Help

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears,
and delivers them out of all their distresses and troubles.

Sunrise in Cape May
Cape May County, New Jersey
Image courtesy/Pinterest

The Lord is close to those who are of a broken heart
and saves such as are crushed with sorrow for sin and
are humbly and thoroughly penitent.

Many evils confront the consistently righteous,
but the Lord delivers him out of them all.

He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.

Evil shall cause the death of the wicked; and they who
hate the just and righteous shall be held guilty and
shall be condemned.

The Lord redeems the lives of His servants, and none
of those who take refuge and trust in Him shall be
condemned or held guilty.

(Psalm 34:17-22)

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunday Night Country Gold: Always On My Mind


Memories of love won and lost...💔

Always On My Mind
Willie Nelson

Why Did Yeshua Wash Feet? Probably Not What You Think! Zev Porat And Carl Gallups

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the
Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty from bondage."
(11 Corinthians 3:17)

Why Did Yeshua Wash The Feet?
Probably Not What You Think!
Zev Porat And Carl Gallup
(February 25, 2023)

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Masters Of "Mystery": Apprentices In History

Dr. Kat Marchant, gracious host of "Reading The Past" presents the
 little known story of the apprentice system in early modern England.

Masters of "Mystery": Apprentices In History 
Reading The Past
(February 24, 2023)

Dave Hunt: Perilous Times/A Biblical Definition


In this presentation, Christian apologist/author Dave Hunt (1926-2013)
founder of The Berean Call Ministries, warns of the secular influence
and lying signs and wonders, false teachers, and doctrines 
 which have infiltrated much of the Christian church today.

A relevant message for believers in these uncertain times!

Perilous Times/A Biblical Definition
Dave Hunt

Friday, February 24, 2023

Flashback Friday: Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree

 "Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree" recorded by the American pop 
 trio Tony Orlando & Dawn and released this third week of February, 1973 
was one of the biggest hits of that year and is considered one of the
 most iconic songs from the early years of the Me Decade.


Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree
Tony Orlando & Dawn

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Winter Night


Pile high the hickory and the light

Log of chestnut struck by the blight.

Welcome in the winter night.

The day has gone in hewing and felling,

Sawing and drawing wood to the dwelling

For the night of talk and story-telling.

Indian Stories
Morgan Weistling
American western artist
Picture courtesy/Amazon.com

These are the hours that give the edge

To the blunted axe and the bent wedge,

Straighten the saw and lighten the sledge.

Here are question and reply,

And the fire reflected in the thinking eye.

So peace, and let the bob-cat cry.

Photograph courtesy/Wikipedia

"Winter Night"
Edna St. Vincent Millay
February 22, 1892-October 19, 1950
American lyrical poet and playwright

Thursday's Thoughts: You Are Not Forgotten; We Stand With You

 "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that
keepeth the law, happy is he."
(Proverbs 29:18)

"You are not forgotten; we stand with you."
Former President Donald Trump addresses the crowd 
in East Palestine Ohio yesterday.
Photograph courtesy/Pittsburgh Post Gazette

I woke up this morning with writing this post on my mind.
I was thinking about former President Donald Trump's visit to the village
of East Palestine Ohio yesterday in the wake of the devastating train
 derailment there, which spewed fumes of a dangerous chemical
 into the air and subsequently poisoned both the ground and 
the drinking water in and around this small community of 
about 5,000 residents.

The chemical gas that spilled and caught on fire after the train derailment is called
vinyl chloride and is used for making hard plastics. It has been associated with
an increase of causing certain cancers.  Since the incident on February 3rd,
residents in the area have suffered from headaches, eye irritations, and
respiratory problems.   It has been reported that thousands of
fish have been found dead in area waterways.
A number of pets and other wildlife have also died.

Before he arrived in Ohio yesterday, Mr. Trump contacted all the Trump
hotels across the country and ordered that their supplies of drinking water
be sent to East Palestine.  When he landed there on Wednesday afternoon,
the former President was carrying water supplies with him on his plane.

The Norfolk & Southern Train Derailment near East Palestine, Ohio
February 3, 2023
Photograph courtesy WKNB.com

"This is really America right here; were standing in America," Mr. Trump
said during a news conference on location in East Palestine yesterday.
"Unfortunately, as you know, in many cases, your goodness and 
perseverance were met with indifference-and betrayal in some cases,"
Mr. Trump told the gathered crowd of listeners.

Although I often cringe at the careless, not to mention crude
 remarks made sometimes by the former Commander-in-Chief,
 in the case of addressing the anxious residents of East Palestine,
Mr. Trump's blasting of the Biden Administration for their
 shocking indifference towards this serious situation 
was definitely the right kind of response.

In fact, Donald Trump's condemnation was the kick in the butt needed to
jump-start the Biden Administration into action.  Not long after Trump
announced his intentions to visit East Palestine,  in an abrupt about-face,
 Joe Biden announced federal assistance would be sent to Ohio Governor
Mike DeWine and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. 

 Meanwhile, Trump's wondering-out-loud about the surprising laxity
on the part of FEMA  has now spurred that federal agency into action too,
 coordinating with state emergency operations in both Ohio and Pennsylvania.

However, a lot more needs to be done before the all clear can
be given in this precarious situation.  And that may take years.

Furthermore, this sudden change of heart on the federal level,
 certainly does not excuse the behavior of President Joe Biden,
 who snubbed the people of East Palestine in favor of making
a "surprise visit" to the Ukraine as an alleged show of support
for the government and the people in that war-torn nation.

His appearance overseas, while ignoring the obvious concerns
of his fellow Americans after a dangerous chemical spill,
practically in his own backyard, is inexcusable,
and the epitome of poor leadership.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish.."

But back to Donald Trump.  While his political enemies and critics
  in the news media will claim that his visit to East Palestine was  
 nothing more than a pre-election year ploy to garner more votes in 2024, 
 at a car dealership in the village, where water supplies are being distributed,
a photo of the former president leaning up against a barricade which reads,
 "A Hero Will Rise" seems to say it all.

All around the village of East Palestine, there are signs and
  flags in support of Donald Trump.  And while his critics might
rag on, ad nauseum, about him, the real American people
  recognize a true leader when they see one.

 May God bless and keep Donald John Trump.

Please keep the people in Ohio and Pennsylvania
affected by this tragedy in your prayers.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wednesday's Word: God Make My Life A Little Light

 "You were bought with a price, purchased with a preciousness
and paid for by Christ; then do not yield yourselves up to become in
your own estimation, slaves to men, but consider yourselves slaves to Christ.
So, brethren, whatever station or state or condition of life each one was
when he was called, there let him continue with and close to God."
(I Corinthians 7:23-24)

"Bloom where you are planted."
-Frances de Sales

The Garland
Frederick Morgan
English painter

God make my life a little light,

Within the world to glow;

A tiny flame that burneth bright,

Wherever I may go.

God make my life a little flower,

That giveth joy to all,

Content to bloom in native bower,

Although its place be small.

Wherever I may go,

Wherever I may go,

God make my life a little light,

Wherever I may go.

God make my life a little song

That comforteth the sad;

That helpth others to be strong,

And makes the singer glad.

God make my life a little staff

Whereon the weak may rest,

That so what health and strength I have

May serve my neighbors best.

God make my life a little hymn

Of tenderness and praise;

Of faith-that never waxeth dim.

In all His wondrous ways.

Wherever I may go,

Wherever I may go,

God make my life a little light,

Wherever I may go.

"God Make My Life A Little Light"
R. Free
(Matilda Barbara Betham Edwards)
English hymnwriter

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Watchman Newscast: Exclusive Interview With Amir Tsarfati/ Bible Prophecy Update, Gog & Magog & Israel's Future

On this special episode of The Watchman Newscast, host
Erick Stakelbeck sits down for an exclusive, wide-ranging 
 interview with Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel. 

Exclusive Interview with Amir Tsarfati
The Watchman Newcast
(February 21, 2023)

Look Up! Behold The Venus-Jupiter Conjunction!


"The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament
shows and proclaims His handiwork."
(Psalm 19:1)

Image courtesy/EarthSky.org

Throughout the month of February, two of the brightest planets 
in the winter night sky have been drawing closer together. 

 At this evening's twilight and tomorrow night, the conjunction 
 between Venus and Jupiter will be even more stunning 
 when they are joined by the waxing crescent moon.

I hope the western skies after sunset are clear
where you're at tonight fellow skywatchers!

Through The Bible With Les Feldick: The Mark Of False Teachers & Scoffers


Oklahoma Bible teacher Les Feldick presents an in-depth, yet
 easy to understand Bible study on false teachers and scoffers.

An important scripture-based message for believers
in these uncertain and perilous days!

The Mark of False Teachers & Scoffers/Part One
Through The Bible With Les Feldick
Uploaded by Rome Gray

The Mark of False Teachers & Scoffers/Part Two
Through The Bible With Les Feldick
Uploaded by Rome Gray

Death Toll Rises After New Earthquake On The Turkey-Syria Border

Another strong earthquake rocked southeastern Turkey yesterday, 
 only two weeks after two powerful  earthquakes devastated the region
leaving more than 46,000 people dead and millions more homeless.

Various news media outlets have reported that aftershocks from this
 latest quake were felt across Syria, and also in Jordan, Israel,
 Lebanon, in Cyprus, and as far south as Cairo, Egypt. 

According to the US Geological Survey, the 6.4 magnitude tremor struck
 on Monday in southeastern Turkey near the Syrian border.  The center
of the quake was near the city of Gaziantep and impacted seven other
provinces of Turkey as well as a large area of northern Syria.

My heart and prayers are with the people of Turkey and Syria whose lives 
have been so devastated in the wake of these tremendous natural disasters.

May God be with them in this time of terrible sorrow and loss.
Bring to them Your comfort and peace amid the turmoil, dear Lord.

 And please, dear heavenly Father, bless the many relief workers who have
 come to the region from all over the world to help in the rescue efforts.

Keep everyone safe in Your love and mercy, Lord.  

In the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday, February 20, 2023

The Watchman Newscast: Israel Airstrikes Target Iranian Assets in Damascus As Russia Condemns Attack


The ongoing shadow war between Israel and Iran continues.

Israel Airstrikes Target Iranian Assets In Damascus
 As Russia Condemns Attacks
The Watchman Newscast
(February 20, 2023)

George Washington's Prayer


"Oh, eternal and everlasting God, direct my thoughts, words, and work.
Wash away my sins in the immaculate blood of the Lamb and purge my
heart by the Holy Spirit.  Daily, frame me more and more in the likeness
of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, that in living in Thy fear and in dying in
Thy favor, I may in Thy appointed time obtain the resurrection of
the justified unto eternal life.  Bless, O Lord the whole race of
mankind and let the world be filled with the knowledge
of Thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

George Washington
1st President of the United States of America
Rembrandt Peel
American artist
National Portrait Gallery
Smithsonian Institute
Washington DC

Monday's Meditation: Sand Into Pearls


"For whatever was thus written in former days was written
for our instruction, that by our steadfast and patient endurance
and encouragement drawn from the Scriptures we might 
hold fast to and cherish hope."
(Romans 15:4)

Troubles may come-troubles will come.

How shall we deal with them when they do come?

I think the Christian treatment of trouble is splendidly illustrated
by the oyster, into whose shell one day there comes a tiny grain of sand.

By some strange circumstance, this tiny piece of quartz has entered into the
 shell of an oyster and there, like an alien thing, an intruder, a cruel catastrophe
imposes pain, distress, and presents a very real problem.

What shall the oyster do?

Well, there are several courses open.  The oyster could, as so many men and women
have done in times of adversity and trouble, openly rebel against the sovereign
providences of God.  The oyster, metaphorically speaking, could shake a fist
in God's face and complain bitterly: 

"Why should this have to happen to me?

Why should I suffer so?  What have I done to deserve this?"

"With all the billions of oyster shells up and down the seaboard, why in the
name of higher mathematics did this grain of sand have to come into my shell?"

The oyster could conclude:

"There is no justice.

All this talk of a God of love and mercy is not true.

Now since this calamity has overtaken me, I'll throw away
all the faith I ever had.  It doesn't do any good anyway."

Yes, the oyster could say that.  So many men and women have in
times of trouble.  But the oyster doesn't!

Or the oyster could say-again like some men and women 
when adversity strikes....

"It can't be true!

It isn't true.

I must not permit myself to believe it."

The oyster could say-as some of our very best people today 
 are trying to say in the face of cruel circumstances:

"There is no such thing as pain. 

 This grain of sand doesn't make me uncomfortable

 and I'm not going to allow my mind to think of unreality.

There is no such thing as pain.

  It is an error of the mind, and I must, therefore, project
 my thoughts on positive planes of beauty, truth, goodness
 and if I fill my mind with such thoughts, then I shall
know that pain is unreal."

But the oyster doesn't do that.

There is another attitude the oyster could adopt-a very commendable one-
one that calls for a lot of fortitude and courage and determination.

The oyster could say:  "Now that this hard calamity has overtaken me,
this thing that hurts and cuts and stabs, this enemy that bruises and bleeds,
now that this has come upon me, I must endure to the end. I must show
that I can take it, and I won't give in.  I will hold on if it kills me.
I must remember that the darkest hour is just before the dawn."

Now there is something noble in that, something praiseworthy in
that attitude.  But the oyster does not do that, because the oyster is
at one and the same time a realist as well as an idealist.
There is no point in trying to deny the reality that tortures
every nerve, so the oyster doesn't try.

In spite of all the denial, nothing can change the fact that the
grain of sand is there.  Nor would grumbling or rebelling do any good,
for after all the protests and complaints, the grain of sand would still be there.

No, the oyster recognizes the presence of the grim intruder, and right
away begins to do something. Slowly and patiently, with infinite care,
the oyster builds upon a grain of sand-layer upon layer- of a plastic,
milky substance that covers each sharp corner and coats every
cutting edge...and gradually...slowly...by and by... a pearl is made...

a thing of wondrous beauty wrapped around trouble. 

The oyster has learned-by the will of God- to turn grains of sand into pearls,
cruel misfortunes into blessings...pain and distress, into beauty.

And that is the lesson that we are to learn along this pilgrim's way.

The grace of God, which is sufficient, will enable us to make of 
our troubles the pearls they can become. 

It is no mere figure of speech.  It is something more than a simile
to say one enters Heaven through pearly gates.  One enters into the
presence of the Lord through gates bedecked with pearls, and every
pearl-a trouble, a pain, a heartache, a misfortune- which, by the
grace of God, has been changed into a beautiful lovely thing.

No wonder they speak of pearly gates!


Our Father, give us the faith to believe that it is possible for us
to live victoriously even in the midst of dangerous opportunity
that we call crisis.   Help us to see that there is something better
than patient endurance or keeping a stiff upper lip, and that
whistling in the dark is not really bravery.
Trusting in Thee, may we have the faith that goes singing
in the rain, knowing that all things work together for good 
 to them that love Thee.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Image courtesy/Pinterest

An excerpt from the sermon,
"The Problem With Falling Rocks"
Reverend Peter Marshall Sr.
Scots-American preacher
Pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian
Church in Washington DC.
Twice-appointed Chaplain of the United States Senate

"Pearl In An Open Oyster"
Photograph by Jeffrey Coolidge
 via Getty Images

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Certainly I Will Be With Thee


"But when the goodness and loving-kindness of God our Savior
to man appeared, He saved us, not because of any works of righteousness
that we had done, but because of His own pity and mercy, by the cleansing
 bath of the new birth, regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Spirit,
Which He poured out so richly upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior.

And He did it in order that we might be justified by His grace, by
His favor, wholly undeserved, that we be acknowledged and counted
  as conformed to the divine will in purpose, thought, and action, and,
that we might become heirs of eternal life according to our hope."
(Titus 3:4-7)

Crocus Blooming In The Snow
Image courtesy/Pinterest

Certainly, I will be with Thee!

Father, I have found it true;

To Thy faithfulness and mercy,

I would set my seal anew.

All the year Thy grace hath kept me,

Thou my help indeed has been,

Marvelous the lovingkindness

Every day and hour hath seen.

"Certainly I will be with Thee!"

Let me feel it, Savior dear,

Let me know that Thou art with me,

Very precious, very near.

On this day of solemn pausing

With Thyself all longing still,

Let Thy pardon, let Thy presence,

Let Thy peace my spirit fill.

"Certainly, I will be with Thee!"

Blessed Spirit, come to me,

Rest upon me, dwell within me,

Let my heart Thy temple be;

Thro' the trackless year before me,

Holy One, with me abide!

Teach me, comfort me, and calm me,

Be my ever present guide.

"Certainly I will be with Thee!"

Starry promise in the night!

All uncertainties, like shadows,

Fade away before its light.

"Certainly I will be with Thee!"

He hath spoken, I have heard!

True of old, and true this moment,

I will trust in Jehovah's Word.

"Certainly I Will Be With Thee"
Frances Ridley Havergal
"A bright, but short-lived candle
in English hymnody"

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Saturday Night Country Gold: Every Which Way But Loose

The only single released from the motion picture soundtrack of
 the American action comedy  "Every Which Way But Loose" was
   the Number One hit in America this third week in February 1978.

Image courtesy/Pinterest

This song was the first crossover hit for country singer Eddie Rabbitt,
and not only topped the country charts, but made the Top 30 on
 the Adult Contemporary chart and Billboard's Hot 100.

Every Which Way But Loose
Eddie Rabbitt

Friday, February 17, 2023

Excommunicating England: Angevins vs Tudors

Dr. Kat Marchant, gracious host of "Reading The Past" takes a look
at the act of excommunication and how it affected the English monarchy.

Excommunicating England:Angevins vs. Tudors
Reading The Past
(February 17, 2023)

The Yew Fairy

Here, on the dark and solemn Yew,

A marvel may be seen,

Where waxen berries, pink and new,

Appear amid the green. 

The Yew Fairy

I sit a-dreaming in the tree,

So old and yet so new,

One hundred years, or two or three

Are little to the Yew.

I think of bygone centuries,

And seem to see anew

The archers face their enemies

With bended bows of Yew.

"The Yew Fairy"
Illustration and poem by
Cecily Mary Barker
English illustrator & poetess
Official portrait painter of
the Croydon flower fairies

Flashback Friday: An American Trilogy

 🌴 Aloha from Honolulu Hawaii 🌴

Now this would be a Super Bowl Half-Time Show to remember!

An American Trilogy
Elvis Presley
Live in Honolulu, Hawaii

Thursday, February 16, 2023

What Is The Distance: Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat Preaches

If you are in fellowship with Him...ask and you shall receive...

  Seek...and you will find...Listen...and you shall hear...

What Is The Distance
Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat Preaches
messiah ofisrael
(February 16, 2023)

Thursday's Thoughts: Stay A Little Longer

"Chaste Snowdrop, venturous harbinger of Spring,
And pensive monitor of fleeting years!"
-William Wordsworth

Myles Birket Foster
British Illustrator

"Stay a little longer," said the children to the snowdrop,

"Stay a little longer by the old laburnum tree."

But she said, "I must be going,

Be it hailing, raining, snowing,

I must stir and be going

For the Master calleth me."

"Stay a little longer," said the children to the snowdrop,

"Stay a little longer in your nut-brown nursery."

But she said, "I must be homing

To my sisters in the gloaming,

I must stir me and be homing

For the Master calleth me."


Along with early blooming crocus and daffodil, the pristine white
   snowdrop is often called,  "The Herald of Springtime".
Image courtesy/Public Domain Pictures

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Joshua & Caleb Discuss Revival! Let The Glory Fall

The Bearded Bible brothers Joshua and Caleb discuss
the need for a revival of true repentance in America.

Joshua & Caleb Discuss Revival!
Let The Glory Fall
Our Jewish Roots
(February 15, 2023)

The Famed Actor Who Boldly Shared Jesus With 'Back to the Future' Actress Claudia Wells


Only Jesus could silence the voices of guilt and self-condemnation in her mind.

The Famed Actor Who Boldly Shared Jesus
With Back To The Future Actress Claudia Wells
CBN News
(February 2023)

Wednesday's Word: The Awakening


"Faithful is He Who is calling you to Himself and utterly trustworthy,
and He will also do it, fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you."
(1 Thessalonians 5:24)

The Everlasting Greeting Card
Image courtesy/Fine Art America

 The morning breaks, 'tis bright and clear

The shadows of the night

Are flying swift away;

A stirring cry salutes the ear:

Jesus is coming soon.  

The song of jubilee,

It sweeps o'er land and sea:

With thousand voices strong

The chorus speeds along-

One word of hope and cheer:

The kingdom now is near,

Jesus is coming soon,

Jesus is coming soon!

By form and creed are millions bound,

But God hath sent the Word

To loose the iron band-

Deliverance dawns with this glad sound:

Jesus is coming soon.

The song of jubilee,

It sweeps o'er land and sea:

With thousand voices strong

The chorus speeds along-

One word of hope and cheer:

The kingdom now is near,

Jesus is coming soon,

Jesus is coming soon!

Salvation nears-the saints arise,

And from the sleep of death

The slumbering nations wake;

We too shall mount the starry skies.

Jesus is coming soon.

The song of jubilee,

It sweeps o'er land and sea:

With thousand voices strong

The chorus speeds along-

One word of hope and cheer:

The kingdom now is near,

Jesus is coming soon,

Jesus is coming soon!

Our glorious King is coming soon-

It may be darkest night,

It may be morn or noon;

In glory then His saints will reign.

Jesus is coming soon.

The song of jubilee,

It sweeps o'er land and sea:

With thousand voices strong

The chorus speeds along-

One word of hope and cheer:

The kingdom now is near,

Jesus is coming soon,

Jesus is coming soon!

Awake, ye nations, from the dead,

With everlasting joy

Let praise your tongues employ;

By this sweet hope be comforted;

Jesus is coming soon.

The song of jubilee,

It sweeps o'er land and sea:

With thousand voices strong

The chorus speeds along-

One word of hope and cheer:

The kingdom now is near,

Jesus is coming soon,

Jesus is coming soon!

All praise and glory to His name!

The King of kings is He,

Earth's Sovereign yet to be;

Let all the saints aloud proclaim,

Jesus is coming soon.

The song of jubilee,

It sweeps o'er land and sea:

With thousand voices strong

The chorus speeds along-

One word of hope and cheer:

The kingdom now is near,

Jesus is coming soon,

Jesus is coming soon!

"The Awakening"
Thoro Harris
American hymnwriter

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Watchman Newscast: Israel Condemned By U.S. & Europe For Judea & Samaria Building Plans

 "And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be
torn up out of their land which I gave them, says the Lord your God."
(Amos 9:15)

Israel is being condemned by the Biden Administration
 for daring to build on their own divinely bequeathed land.

Israel Condemned By U.S. & Europe For
 Judea & Samaria Building Plans
The Watchman Newscast
(February 14, 2023)

Classic Zola Levitt Live: The Bible, The Whole Story, Thus Saith The Lord/ The Kingdom


In the final episode of this classic seven part series, Zola Levitt teaches
about the forthcoming Kingdom, the 1,000 year reign of Christ on Earth.

Classic Zola Levitt Live/The Bible, The Whole Story,
Thus Saith The Lord (Part Seven)
(Originally aired in 1983)
Uploaded by Mr. Alithea
(December 2022)

A Valentine Posy: If Thou Must Love Me


"Tomorrow is Saint Valentine's day,
All in the morning betime,
And I maid at your window,
To be your Valentine..."

-Ophelia in "Hamlet"
William Shakespeare

Hamlet and Ophelia
 Ashmolean Museum Collection
Oxford, England
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
English painter and poet
 Founder of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
Aestheticism Art Movement

If thou must love me, let it be for nought

Except for love's sake only.  Do not say

"I love her for her smile...her look...her way

Of speaking gently,..for a trick of thought

That falls in well with mine, and certes brought

A sense of pleasant ease on such a day'-

For these things in themselves, Beloved, may

Be changed, or change for thee,-and love so wrought,

May be unwrought so. Neither love me for

Thine own dear pity's wiping my cheeks dry,

A creature might well forget to weep who bore

Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby,

But love me for love's sake, that evermore

Thou may'st love on through love's eternity.

"If Thou Must Love Me"
Sonnets from the Portuguese (14)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Victorian-era English poetess
Wife of English poet Robert Browning

Monday, February 13, 2023

L.A. Marzulli : UFO/UAP's Shot Down?!


 Christian supernatural researcher/author/film maker L.A. Marzulli gives
 his perspective on the recent shooting down of " unidentified objects in the skies"
over Canada, North America, and other places.

Are they weather balloons or something else?

L.A. Marzulli
(February 13, 2023)

The One And Only National Anthem: The Star Spangled Banner


To all Americans regardless of race, skin color, religion, social or political status.

To all our soldiers and veterans, past and present, who have honorably

served and are presently serving our nation.

Thank you for my freedom.

To my beautiful Old Glory!

Long may the Flag of Freedom wave!

God Bless America.

The Star Spangled Banner
Sandi Patty

Amir Tsarfati: Judaism, Zionism, & Antisemitism

 Messianic Bible teacher and author Amir Tsarfati brings clarity
to the subjects Judaism, Zionism, and Antisemitism.

Judaism, Zionism, and Antisemitism
Behold Israel With Amir Tsarfati
(February 10, 2023)

Monday Meditation: Intrinsic Value


"For the grace of God, His unmerited favor and blessing, has come forward
for the deliverance from sin and the eternal salvation for all mankind.

It has trained us to reject and renounce all ungodliness and worldly passions,
to live discreet, temperate, self-controlled, upright, devout, spiritually whole
lives in this present world.

Sky Open
Image courtesy Sam Lee/Pinterest

Awaiting and looking for the fulfillment, the realization of our blessed hope,
even the glorious appearance of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus, the Messiah.

Who gave Himself on our behalf that He might redeem us, purchase our freedom,
from all iniquity and purify for Himself a people to be peculiarly His own, people who
 are eager and enthusiastic about living a life that is good and filled with beneficial deeds.

Tell them all these things.  Urge, advise, encourage, and warn and rebuke with full
authority.  Let no one despise or disregard or think little of you; conduct yourself
and your teaching so as to command respect."
(Titus 2: 11-15)


Sunday, February 12, 2023

Mysteries Of The Night Sky: Green Chinese "Lasers"/Flying Spiral Recorded Over Hawaii


Japanese and local astronomers claim Chinese satellites have
 been beaming down green lights over the Hawaiian Islands.
This was before the Chinese "weather balloon" was seen floating
over America and later shot down off the coast of South Carolina.

Chinese Satellite "Lasers" Recorded Over Hawaii?
(February 11, 2023)

Could this mysterious spiral caught on camera from atop
 Hawaii's highest mountain be the result of a SpaceX launch?
A dying galaxy?  Or something else?  Questions abound over
these mysteries in the night sky, but what is the real answer?

Mysterious Flying Spiral Spotted Above
Hawaiian Night Sky
Oneindia News
(February 1, 2023)

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Raising Queen Victoria: The Kensington System

 Dr. Kat Marchant, gracious host of "Reading The Past" explains 
the controversial "Kensington System" which was used in the 
 upbringing of one of Britain's longest reigning monarchs,
 Her Royal Majesty Queen Victoria.

Raising Queen Victoria: The Kensington System
Reading The Past
(February 10, 2023)

Friday, February 10, 2023

The Watchman Newscast: Israel Rocked By Another Jerusalem Terror Attack/ Israel Warns Iran Over Syria


Another cold-blooded terrorist attack in Israel today.

 Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Come Soon, Lord Jesus!

Israel Rocked By Another Jerusalem Terror Attack
Israel Warns Iran Over Syria
The Watchman Newscast
(February 10, 2023)