Saturday, October 5, 2024

Stand By Me

"Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace!  Be still!"
And the wind ceased and there was a great calm."
(Mark 4: 39)

Peace Be Still
Yongsung Kim

Stand By Me
Elvis Presley
RCA Records

First Helene...Now Milton?


Tropical Storm Milton is forming in the Gulf of Mexico and may
soon become a major hurricane heading towards Florida!  I pray not!

Thank You Mark from Weatherman Plus for this important update.

Another Worse Case Scenario Is Unfolding In The Gulf
Weatherman Plus
(October 5, 2024)

FORGOTTEN HISTORY: Proof Of The Tombstone Thunderbird


Could  this mythical creature actually be real?  The truth is often stranger than fiction.

Image courtesy/Dinosaur Database

 In this intriguing episode  of FORGOTTEN HISTORY host Mike Droberg
takes a look back at the 134 year old mystery of the Tombstone Thunderbird.

  Could it be true that seeing these ancient winged predators are a 
harbinger concerning impending storms hitting the United States?

Proof Of The Tombstone Thunderbird
(October 4, 2024)

Nothing Says America Like A Homemade Apple Pie! Or Is it Apple Puff?


Gracious hostess Justine bakes up some 1814 "Apple Puffs".

These simple to make pastries look so delicious!

Thanks Justine for sharing this recipe!

Apple Pie 200 Years Ago
1814 American Recipe
"Apple Puffs"
Early American
(October 2, 2024)

Saturday Poetry Corner: October


"The uncompromisingly righteous shall be glad in the Lord and shall trust and
 take refuge in Him; and all the upright in heart shall glory and offer praise."
(Psalm 64:10)

Photograph courtesy/Lori via Pinterest

O hushed October morning mild,

Thy leaves have ripened to the fall;

Tomorrow's wind, if it be wild,

Should waste them all.

The crows above the forest call;

Tomorrow they may form and go.

O hushed October morning mild,

Begin the hours of this day slow.

Make the day seem to us less brief.

Hearts not averse to being beguiled,

Beguile us in the way you know.

Release one leaf at break of day;

At noon release another leaf;

One from our trees, one far away.

Retard the sun with gentle mist;

Enchant the land with amethyst.

Slow! Slow!

For the grapes' sake, if they were all,

Whose leaves already are burnt with frost,

Whose clustered fruit must else be lost

For the grapes' sake along the wall.

Robert Frost
American poet

Friday, October 4, 2024

Flashback Friday: Jean

Remembering legendary British actress Dame Maggie Smith (1934-2024)
with the theme song from the 1969 movie, "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie".
for which she won the Best Actress Oscar for her memorable performance 
as  free-spirited schoolteacher Jean Brodie, working in a prim girls 
school in 1930's  Edinburgh, Scotland.

May you rest in eternal peace, Maggie.

Maggie Smith in "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie"
Image courtesy/Pinterest

"Jean"   also won an Oscar for Best Original Song that year.



Friday Focus: Debate Bait...Israel's Slams God's Enemies... No Federal Relief Money Left For Hurricane Victims?


The first and only Vice Presidential Debate was held on Tuesday night with
Republican candidate Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio declared the hands down winner.

Picture courtesy/New York Post

His opponent, Democratic Governor Tim Walz from the state of Minnesota
appeared somewhat befuddled at first, but, eventually caught up with Vance
in order that the two could hold a lively, and surprisingly non-hostile exchange
of ideas, unlike the Trump-Harris debate a few weeks ago- which was full of
 media-instigated invectives and accusations- mainly lodged at President Trump.

Meanwhile, Kamala was allowed to get away with not having to answer
even one hard question, in particular, what qualifications she has for becoming
the next leader of the once-free world.  The answer: Absolutely none!

Of course, the media bias against Senator Vance was glaringly obvious the
other night, but, does this really surprise anyone these days?

   CBS moderators Margaret Brennan and Norah O'Donnell wasted no time trying
 to bait him with their misleading "fact-checking". But J.D. was ready for them. 
 So ready, in fact, that when he started to call them out on their slanted, "fact-checking"
 they turned off his microphone and would not allow him to speak. 

"Fact-checking" in today's context is nothing more than censorship.

Sad to say, the once respected field of professional and accountable
news journalism is no more in America.  The once great privilege of
Freedom of the Press has been reduced to an ever growing pile of garbage.

Today's "media elites" should be reminded of the grim story of
German newspaper editor Julius Streicher.

His Nazi propaganda newspaper, The Storm, sent millions to their deaths in Europe
during World War II.  Although he was not physically involved in mass murder,
 at the Nuremberg trials,  
Streicher was the first newspaper editor in world
history to be convicted and sentence to death for crimes against humanity. 
He was executed on the gallows right 
alongside his fellow Nazis whose
atrocities he chose to justify by covering up.

Image courtesy/The Times of Israel

On Tuesday in the Middle East, Iran launched a barrage of rockets into
the land of Israel. Miraculously, not one Israeli citizen was injured or killed
during the attack.  He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps!

 To the perplexed terror-masters of the Iranian regime who are now shaking
in their sandals waiting for Israel to retaliate: Don't worry, they will!

"Thus says your Lord, the Lord, and your God, Who pleads the cause of
His people: Behold, I have taken from your hand the cup of staggering and
intoxication; the cup of My wrath you shall drink no more.  And I will
put it into the hands of your tormentors and oppressors, those who said
to you, Bow down,  that we may ride or tread over you; and you have
made your back like the ground and like the street for them to pass over."
(Isaiah 51:-22-23)

Image courtesy/ New York Post

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced on Wednesday
that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) "does not have funds"
to see Americans through the rest of the Atlantic Hurricane Season after the
agency spent more than $1.4 billion since the fall of 2022, "to address
the migrant crisis." reports the New York Post.

"We are expecting another hurricane hitting," Mayorkas added, We do not
have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the
season and what- what is imminent."

According to the Post story, his remarks sparked immediate outrage and critics were
quick to point out that the Department of Homeland Security have allocated $640.9 million
this year in FEMA-administered funds to aide state and local governments coping with
"the influx of asylum seekers."   Mayorkas' office fired back on Thursday, insisting
that those funds "couldn't be used for hurricane relief because Congress authorized
them specifically for the migrant crisis."    This really makes my blood boil.

Concerning Mayorkas' stunning remarks, Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted
Wednesday: "This is easy. Mayorkas and FEMA-immediately stop spending money
on illegal immigration resettlement and redirect those funds to the areas hit by
the hurricane.  Put Americans first."

Image courtesy/X

To add insult to injury, no-show Vice President Kamala Harris finally visited
the storm-ravaged Southeast yesterday,  promising hurricane victims relief money-
$750 dollars to "certain people with immediate needs" reports The Hindustani Times.

A one-time relief payment of $750 dollars?  When this administration has given
billions of dollars to fund the war in Ukraine and millions more to illegal aliens
deliberately being let into our nation to overwhelm and destroy it?

  By the way, before she even sought to consider the victims of Hurricane Helene,
 Kamala made sure she attended a ritzy political fundraiser in San Francisco.

She then had the audacity to post an obviously staged picture of herself
on social media, riding aboard Air Force Two, pretending to receive updates 
about "the ongoing impacts of Hurricane Helene".

It is clear to see that while she seems to scribble on blank sheets of paper,
 her earbuds were not plugged into her cell phone.  But again, should we really
be surprised by her duplicitous actions?  The "I was raised a middle class
kid... blah, blah, blah" has absolutely no compassion for Americans 
who have suffered such tremendous sorrow and loss.

"Biden and Harris abandoned Americans in Afghanistan," tweeted President Trump
on Truth Social.  They sacrificed Americans to an Open Border, and now, they have
left Americans to drown in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, 
 and elsewhere in the South." 

 It is clear that We the People can no longer rely on government.

I thank God for Reverend Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse and CBN's
Operation Blessing, who were on the scene almost overnight after the storm.

For the National Guard deployed from Florida and other states to assist in the
 clean up, search-and rescue, and recovery missions, and for local and state law
 enforcement maintaining law and order and preventing looting in the affected areas.

For President Trump's public prayers and Elon Musk's generosity, as well as the
 many churches and organizations, utility companies, both local and from other states,
 and for Americans from all backgrounds, who are bringing or sending clean water,
  food, medical care and supplies, and much more, but who, more importantly,
  through their selfless giving, are providing a sense of hope and restoring
 faith in the goodness found in human nature to the victims of this tragedy. 

 May God bless and keep everyone safe in His love and mercy.

And may He continue to shed His grace on the United States of America.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday's Thoughts: I Thank Thee, Lord


"Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is deepest within me, bless
 His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not one of His benefits."
(Psalm 103:1-2)

Fall in Whitesbog 
New Jersey Pine Barrens
Browns Mills, Pemberton Twp. Burlington County New Jersey
Image courtesy/Richard Lewis Photography

I thank Thee, Lord, that in Thy blood,

My guilt is washed away;

I thank Thee that mine eyes behold

A bright and glorious day;

I thank Thee, Lord,  for faith to see

A world of endless joy in Thee.

I thank Thee for a throne of grace

Where Thou dost bend Thine ear,

And I may breathe my soul's request

When only Thou canst hear,

And hold communion sweet with Thee,

When but Thine eye beholdeth me.

I thank Thee for the hope of life

That looks beyond the tomb;

I thank Thee for the light that shines

To cheer me thro' its gloom;

And Lord, for all Thy gifts to me,

My loudest praise I give to Thee.

"I Thank Thee Lord"
Frances Jane "Fanny" Crosby
Prolific American Christian hymn writer.
Though blinded through the incompetence 
 of a doctor at the age of six weeks,  Fanny
wrote over 8,000 hymns in her lifetime.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Amir Tsarfati: Update From Israel


"For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."
(Psalm 91:11)

Archangel Michael
Defender of God's People Israel
Image courtesy/Pinterest

 Messianic Bible teacher and author Amir Tsarfati brings the latest news from Israel.

Thank you Amil and may God bless and keep you and your family safe in

 His love and mercy in these perilous and uncertain days ahead.

Breaking News
Behold Israel With Amir Tsarfati
(October 2, 2024)

Wednesday's Word: A Good Name


"A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and loving favor
rather than silver and gold.  The reward of humility and the reverent and
worshipful fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life. Train up a child in
 the way he or she should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it."
(Proverbs 22: 1,4, 6)

Image courtesy/Pinterest

Zola Levitt Presents: The Seven Feasts Of Israel/Trumpets


 Happy Yom Teruah!

"On the first day of the seventh month you shall do no servile work.
It is a day of blowing of trumpets for you..."
(Numbers 29:1)

Image courtesy/Waxing Kara

In this classic presentation, filmed on location in Israel,
 Messianic Bible teacher Zola Levitt (1938-2006) founder of
 Zola Levitt Ministries, explains the Feast of Trumpets, which began
 at sundown last night in Jewish communities around the world
 with the blowing of the Shofar (Ram's horn).

Holy Days Of Our Lord/Trumpets
Zola Levitt Presents/Our Jewish Roots

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the Salvation of Israel.  Maranatha!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Israel Guys: Exclusive Footage Of Ballistic Missile Attack On Israel


"O God, awe-inspiring, profoundly impressive, and terrible are You
out of Your holy places; the God of Israel Himself gives strength and
fullness of might to His people. Blessed be God!"
(Psalm 68:35)

On location in central Israel the Israel Guys report
on the barrage of missiles launched at Israel today.

Breaking: Iran Attacks Israel
With A Barrage Of Missiles
The Israel Guys
(October 1, 2024)

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the Salvation of Israel.


Israel My Channel Update: Israel Under Massive Attack!


"The Lord will go forth like a mighty man, He will rouse up His zealous
indignation and vengeance  like a warrior; He will cry, yes, He will shout
aloud, He will do mightily against His enemies."
(Isaiah 42:13)

The gracious host of Israel My Channel reports on what you
will not see covered by much of the world's media.

Update: Israel Under Massive Attack!
Israel My Channel
(October 1, 2024)

Gulf Storm Update & October Cold Blast Coming!


Thank you Lord for the local churches and organizations and individuals
who are assisting people in the Southeast affected by Hurricane Helene.
May You bless them for their selfless kindness and generosity.

I pray that the Lord will steer any future tropical storms back out to sea!
In Jesus' name, Amen!

Thank you Mark at Weatherman Plus for this latest weather update.

Gulf Storm Update & October Cold Blast Coming
Weatherman Plus
(October 1, 2024)

Tuesday Bible Study With Les Feldick: Making Choices


"Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of Your law."
(Psalm 119:18)

Les & Iris Feldick
Image courtesy/ Through The Bible With Les Feldick Newsletter

Oklahoma Bible teacher Les Feldick  continues his walk
through the Bible, helping us to connect the dots of Scriptures.

Making Choices/Part One
Through The Bible With Les Feldick

Making Choices/Part Two
Through The Bible With Les Feldick

Making Choices/Part Three
Through The Bible With Les Feldick

Making Choices/Part Four
Through The Bible With Les Feldick