Friday, October 11, 2024

But God


So Hagar gave this name to the Lord who had spoken to her: You are EL-Roi
( The God Who sees me); for she said, "Here I have seen the One Who sees me!"
(Genesis 16:13)

Harold Copping
British Artist
Women of the Bible
The Religious Tract Society
Image courtesy/Media Storehouse

I know not, but God knows;

Oh, blessed rest from fear!

All my unfolding days

To Him are plain and clear.

Each anxious, puzzled, "Why?"

From doubt or dread that grows,

Finds answers in this thought;

I know not, but He knows.

I cannot, but God can;

Oh, balm for all my care!

The burden that I drop

His hand will lift and bear.

Though eagle pinions tire-

I walk where once I ran-

This is my strength to know

I cannot, but God can.

I see not, but God sees;

Oh, all-sufficient light!

My dark and hidden way

To Him is always bright.

My strained and peering eyes

May close in restful ease,

And I in peace may sleep;

I see not, but He sees.

"But God"
Annie Johnson Flint
Prolific American Christian poetess

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