Wednesday, February 27, 2019

On My Mind: Christian Witches?

How can someone call herself a "Christian Witch"?
Isn't that the definition of a oxymoron?

Salem Witch Trials
Howard Pyle

According to a recent news report from CBN, 
(Christian Broadcasting Network) a group of
professing "Christian witches" are going to host their very
first convention in Salem, Massachusetts this coming April.

 Salem, of course, was once the site of the notorious
17th century witch trials.  Were all those accused and
later executed really witches?  History has left that up
to one's personal speculation concerning the human
tragedy which occurred there. However, one aspect of
the trials remains abundantly clear to me in our
 fast-paced, high-tech 21st century society today.
The early settlers of Massachusetts colony truly believed
in the reality of witches and witchcraft.

A woman known as the Rev. Valerie Love is organizing
this event in Salem, and she claims that her "divine assignment"
 on earth is to "promote witchcraft."

Ms. Love calls herself an ordained minister of spiritual consciousness
and recently founded the Covenant of Christian Witches Mystery School.

Ms. Love further claims that she was "born a witch" but was
raised as a Jehovah's Witness and so hid her real identity for many years.

Love says she left behind the Jehovah's Witnesses and found the
freedom to be "the goddess I am today."  Unfortunately, she has only
exchanged one cult religion for another, as the JW's are
considered to be a cult by many Christian theologians and
church leaders.

Ms. Love says she struggled with the idea of being a witch and a Christian
 however, she has unfortunately chosen to love both her cross and her wand.
  She also claims to consult both her Tarot deck and the Bible. 
 She says she is devoted to Christ, but also to herself as a goddess.  
When I read her statement, I wanted to cry.  This woman
has been so deceived by the lies of Satan!  

Meanwhile, a man by the name of Calvin Witcher, who claims to be
a prophet and who claimed during a Facebook live-stream two months
ago that the Bible "is a huge book of sorcery" and that Jesus is a magician,
also plans to attend the Salem conference.
Witcher says that Jesus whole adult ministry is "all magic". That even
if people say the name "Jesus" that it is all sorcery.
Again, terrible and dangerous deception has captivated this man's mind.

Witchcraft in its many forms is the universal religion of fallen man.
Furthermore, God makes it very clear how he feels about it.

"Turn not to mediums who have familiar spirits or to wizards;
do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God."
Leviticus 19:31


One of the very best teachings I have ever heard concerning the lies and
deceptions of Satan and the nature of witchcraft was taught by
the late Bible teacher, Derek Prince. 

"The Nature Of Witchcraft"
A Teaching For Our Times
Derek Prince

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