Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday Flashback Encore: Big & Rich: 8th Of November


Image courtesy Pinterest

I always make an effort when I see men who are US military veterans
to thank them for their service and for my freedom.  Recently, I encountered 
 a young man who told me he had served in a branch of the US Armed Forces.
Instead of accepting my gratitude, he curtly brushed me off, saying,
"Don't do that.  I hate that."

I was really shocked and a little hurt by his abrupt response when
usually the men I thank are often surprised and humbly thank me 
 for remembering them and their service to this nation.

When I further questioned this young men, he shrugged and said,
"Well, I volunteered to go into the service."  He then finished his
sentence with a flippant, "It was no big deal."

Perhaps I should have not been bothered by this man's attitude, but then
I could not help but remember all the brave young men of the past who willingly
volunteered to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States because
they loved this nation and preserving freedom in the world, not to
mention here in the United States of America.

Many of these young men never came home again.
Many who did were scarred for life, both physically and emotionally,
especially as many were spit on and treated with hostility by their
fellow Americans when they returned from overseas service.

To me, our soldiers and veterans are real American heroes.  When they
come back from fighting they are rarely treated with the wealth and privilege
 of the politicians who sent them off to war.  Now many of our men and
women dutifully serving in the Armed Forces are being threatened with
losing everything they worked hard for due to unconstitutional vaccine mandates
being imposed on them by orders of the Biden Administration.

My fellow Americans, if there was any time in our 245 years of existence
to support the men and women of our military, the time is now!
The government could care less about the welfare of the American people.
The Far Left is determine to systematically destroy this nation.
And part of this scheme is to weaken and demoralize our military.
We need our fighting men and women who have taken an oath not
only to defend America's interests in the world, but, to uphold and
defend the rights and freedom of all American citizens, and to
protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic.  In these
uncertain and perilous times for our nation, the enemies of
 the American people are lying at lot closer to home.

May God bless the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.

Thank you all for my freedom!

8th of November
Big & Rich

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