Saturday, March 12, 2022

On My Mind: America In Crisis...Yet Congress Keeps Right On Spending!

Thankfully, I have not had to make any drastic changes due to the ongoing 
economic situation-at least not yet.  However, with the price of gas standing at $4.49 
 and rising here in southern New Jersey,  I try to limit my time out on the road.

Gas prices now the highest in New Jersey since 2008.
Picture courtesy/

Since I live on a very limited budget, I consider my once-a-month trip to the 
 supermarket as the time to replenish the stores in my pantry cupboard,
while "perimeter shopping"-a skill I learned from my mother- for essential
items like milk, bread, eggs, and butter; fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables,
meat and fish, and other items.  If fresh is not available or too expensive,
frozen or canned foods are okay too.  I just make sure to carefully study
 the labels so I know what is in the product before tossing it into the cart.

Due to my own health concerns, I have become a voracious reader
 of food labels.  Anything with "genetically modified ingredients" or
 too many ingredients which I cannot pronounce, goes back on the shelf.

However, what really makes me sick and angry in these uncertain days 
for our nation and the world is the thoroughly despicable, mindless glutton with 
the insatiable palate, better known as  the federal government in Washington DC.  

According to an article in Roll Call this week, after a 68-31 vote, the Senate passed the
 2,700 page, $1.5 trillion omnibus containing all 12 fiscal 2022 spending bills, including
$13.6 billion in "supplemental appropriations to address the crisis in Ukraine" as well as
a "lengthy list" of unrelated measures fortunate enough to ride on the must-pass vehicle.

 Usurper Biden is guaranteed to sign it.  

$13.6 billion dollars in "supplemental appropriations to address the crisis in Ukraine"?
What exactly does this mean?  And, what exactly is on this
"lengthy list of unrelated measures"?

Meanwhile, an amendment from Louisiana Republican Senator John Kennedy seeking 
 to add $2.5 billion for hurricane relief was rejected, 35-64, under a 60-vote threshold.
According to Roll Call, this money would have helped with housing and economic
development in Louisiana after the catastrophic damage incurred during Hurricane Ida
last fall, as well as previous damage caused by Hurricanes Laura and Delta from
2020.  Of the total, $500 million would go towards repairing the damage from
these storms at ports along the southern Gulf Coast, which includes wreckage
from Hurricane Zeta and Tropical Storm Cristobal in late 2020 and early 2021.

Senator Kennedy's pleas for assistance on behalf of the people of Louisiana 
 apparently fell on deliberately deaf ears at the White House.  He learned that
 the Democratic fat cats on Capitol Hill have refused to allow any more money
to be allocated to Louisiana for hurricane relief.  Kennedy also said his amendment
received little or no support from his fellow Republicans, which is a disgrace.

The Senator further alluded to a conversation he held with an administration official, who,
speaking with him on a condition of anonymity, revealed that 600 million dollars had
already been appropriated for Ida relief last fall, as well as an extra $2.8 million state 
budget "windfall" about half of which came from state aid appropriated in last
year's "pandemic aid package".  To which Kennedy responded:
"But I've explained that we've had five hurricanes."

The Louisiana agricultural industry alone suffered $584 million dollars in damage
when Hurricane Ida barreled through the southeastern portion of the state last year.
On tour of the damage after the storm, Biden had vowed to provide, " a vast federal
response for as long as it takes" which apparently has turned out to be just another lie.

Wreckage from Hurricane Ida
Photograph courtesy/CNBC

Whatever happened to the concept, "charity begins at home"
when it comes to providing disaster relief for American people
living in desperate situations?  

While I am in full sympathy with the Ukrainian people
 caught up in the middle of the fighting there,
I do not think America should be involved in it.

  We need to take care of our
own people and our own problems first.

Furthermore, given the profound duplicity of  the current
 "federal government" how can we even be certain these so-called,
 "supplemental appropriations to address the crisis in the Ukraine"
will even make it there, or, are really about that nation in the first place?

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