Saturday, March 5, 2022

On My Mind: The State Of The Union Address


"Where there is no vision, the people perish, but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
(Proverbs 29: 18)

Image courtesy/The Church In The

I watched very little of President Biden's first State of The Union address.
Personally, to hear this man's voice, even for the shortest duration of time,
sets my teeth on edge.  Former President Jimmy Carter can rest easy now
that Biden has taken the title of "Worst President Ever" away from him.

Biden is an unapologetic liar.  He is a usurper, and a thief, whose entire
public career has been to reward himself.  Although he is a puppet of his
globalist masters, his brain is obviously cognitive enough to carry out their orders.

When I see what is happening within our government today I often cringe,
remembering the admonishment Jesus spoke of when He said:
"What profits a man (or a woman) who gains the whole world but loses their soul?"

Both Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have claimed to be " a good Catholic".
"A good Catholic what?" is what I'd like to know.
Do they honestly believe that being photographed attending Mass is
scoring points with God?  While I know we are called to pray for our
leadership, sometimes all I can muster is, "God have mercy."

The inimical Democratic Party is rotten to its core.
The Democrats have all but trashed the US Constitution, except when
they feel they can change it to suit their selfish agenda and make our 
lives miserable.  Like taking our guns and the right to defend ourselves
away from us while ignoring the rampant crime rates and the murders
committed with stolen or illegally-purchased guns in
Democrat-run cities across America.

Accumulating more wealth and more power is actually their main goal,
while murdering the next generation of Americans in the womb, right up
until the time of birth.  Promoting racial animosity through programs like
Critical Race Theory, as well as supporting transgender perversion in
our schools, in sports, and in the military; pushing the radical
Climate Change nonsense, while shipping illegals from the border
across this nation, handing them vast sums of money to live on.

Yes, give us your "tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning
to breathe free...and especially those merciless gangs and criminals
being left out of your prisons..."

Meanwhile, in this yet to be free-for-all socialist utopia, hard-working
American tax payers are footing the bill for all this lucid dreaming on the
part of the Democrats while paying nearly $5.00 at the gas pump or
shopping in grocery stores with aisles full of empty shelves.

Or, according to where they live, are facing the prospect of having
to carry a "vaccine passport" with them at all times in order to enter
stores or restaurants, or places of entertainment. etc.  It sounds like
when the Nazis stopped people and demanded, "Papers, please."

And yet, the Democrats and the disgusting fake news media recently
had the gall to call President Trump and his supporters at CPAC 
"a new group of American Nazis?"

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Kamala Harris and many of the
rest of their brood were not wearing masks the other night!

It amazes me that so many people have not seen through this
perpetrated hoax by now, along with the rest of the Covid-19
"mandates" which are clear violations of the 1st and
 4th amendment rights of the American people.

This just proves my point which I have held from the beginning.

When implemented correctly, fear and ignorance can be powerful
 tools in bringing down a nation and a people in record time.

"The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth
his trust in the Lord shall be safe."
(Proverbs 29:25)

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