Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday's Thoughts: I Thank Thee, Lord


"Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is deepest within me, bless
 His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not one of His benefits."
(Psalm 103:1-2)

Fall in Whitesbog 
New Jersey Pine Barrens
Browns Mills, Pemberton Twp. Burlington County New Jersey
Image courtesy/Richard Lewis Photography

I thank Thee, Lord, that in Thy blood,

My guilt is washed away;

I thank Thee that mine eyes behold

A bright and glorious day;

I thank Thee, Lord,  for faith to see

A world of endless joy in Thee.

I thank Thee for a throne of grace

Where Thou dost bend Thine ear,

And I may breathe my soul's request

When only Thou canst hear,

And hold communion sweet with Thee,

When but Thine eye beholdeth me.

I thank Thee for the hope of life

That looks beyond the tomb;

I thank Thee for the light that shines

To cheer me thro' its gloom;

And Lord, for all Thy gifts to me,

My loudest praise I give to Thee.

"I Thank Thee Lord"
Frances Jane "Fanny" Crosby
Prolific American Christian hymn writer.
Though blinded through the incompetence 
 of a doctor at the age of six weeks,  Fanny
wrote over 8,000 hymns in her lifetime.

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