Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Some Passing Thoughts On A Hot Summer Afternoon

The Heat Is On In The Great Northeast!

I suppose because I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and I have
come to love studying God's Word, the Holy Bible, on a daily basis,
it is not hard for me to see the striking parallels between America,
the land I love and which I am proud to call home and ancient Israel.

 Although they were divinely bequeathed the oracles
 as well as the promises and protection of God as
His chosen people and nation, many times, throughout their
troubled history, the Israelites chose to forsake Him in
order to follow after the wicked desires of their own hearts,
which included paying homage to the atrocious demon-gods 
worshiped by the heathen cultures that lived around them,
and indulging in such heinous practices like child sacrifice
  and other rituals of unspeakable debauchery.

When you delve further into the subject of crime and punishment in the Bible, 
 especially as it pertains to God's judgment, it seems to me that although He
did punish appalling human wickedness, like the destruction
which befell Sodom and Gomorrah, much of the judgment of
people and nations was brought upon them because they chose it.
   The pharaoh of ancient Egypt is a perfect example.

Pharaoh knew he was up against the unconquerable God of Israel and yet, he
remained standing defiant in His sight.  As a result of this, pharaoh, of his own
free will, brought calamity after calamity on his people, on his household,
and in the death of his own son.  Yet, even after he let the Hebrew slaves go,
due to wounded pride, he later chased after them to destroy them and
ended up watching in horror as the waters of the Red Sea
closed in and drowned his pursuing army.

Fast forward to America 2019 and the national focus this week
 on the growing war of words between President Trump 
 and a group of young women whom are being touted by
the news media as "The Squad"- otherwise known as four
  freshman members of the United States Congress:

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota);
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York);
 Rep.Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan)
   Rep. Ayanna Pressley ( D-Massachusetts).

Since elected to our government in November 2018 these four women 
have become the darlings of the national news media with at least two 
 of them,  Ms. Omar and Ms. Tlaib,  sparking controversy after making 
 inflammatory and hurtful remarks about the Jewish people
  and the nation of Israel, as well as attacking members of our 
 government who support the Jewish State, while consistently
 disrespecting President Trump and calling him a "racist".
They are now demanding that he should be impeached 
after tweeting about them on social media.

  According to Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), in an
  interview with Fox News,  members of the House are 
 actually "afraid to cross these women" refusing to reprimand them for
their bad behavior or remove them from the government altogether.

I believe what we see happening in the natural, and especially in regards
to these four women in particular, can be defined in the spiritual, or the
supernatural realm, as the spirit of witchcraft at work, the core
tenet of which is gaining control over the will of others with satanic power.

As can clearly be seen, these four women not only stand against the
purposes of Almighty God with their contempt for and hatred of His chosen
people and nation, but are in constant attack mode against President Trump,
most recently by refusing to vote on much needed aid for our southern border
crisis and now calling for his impeachment after he tweeted his opinion of them.
  The president also said that these four women "hate America"
 and I believe he is right!

I further believe these four-along with many others in our government-
 have been endowed with a hedge of  satanic protection
which prevents those who are ignorant of the underlying
spiritual condition, as well as bereft of the discernment of the Holy Spirit,
 from seeing what is really going on here-human puppets whose
strings are being pulled by Satan- whether they recognize it or not.

In fact, most of the Democrat Party, and certain members of the
Republican Party across the aisle as well, are blinded by
 the god of this world, especially in regards to their drive to
murder the unborn and to elevate perversion to a protected race
class under the law,  while attacking the true followers of Christ,
and valiantly trying to remove any and all influence of the
One True God permanently from our land.

America has come so far from it's Judeo-Christian heritage in our short 
 243 years of existence that it is not hard to see that we have unfortunately
become what the Bible declares as "a byword among the nations" 
a definition which has only seemed to increase in clarity
 since the beginning of the 21st century.

The one sure-fire cure which will completely rid the influence of
and diminish the power of Satan both within our government and in 
our nation is the nullifying power of the Cross.

I believe, however, that not only is God always good and His mercy everlasting,
 but He has permitted two very important events to come to pass in America
as His answer to many righteous prayers:

1. The election of Donald Trump to the White House in 2016.
I firmly believe that only Divine Intervention against the powers of
satanic darkness, which for so long have eclipsed the minds and hearts
of those at the helm of power in Washington DC allowed this ordinary,
yet extraordinarily wealthy businessman to be elected 
 to the office of President of the United States.

Along with his innovative dream to "Make America Great Again"
  I believe Mr. Trump is sincerely hard at work both for the
American people and to reclaim our nation's honorable
standing in the world.  I further believe that he has been
chosen by God to be a vessel for His glory at this
uncertain and perilous time in world history.

Why do I believe this?  Because it is not only an established fact that God
is a respecter of no person, but, over the course of many centuries,
He has often chosen ordinary, sinful men and women from
all walks of life to implement His extraordinary will on earth.

Furthermore, the unprecedented level of hatred and contempt
shown to this man and his family since he won the 2016 election
is only more evidence that our president is perceived as a
real and viable threat to the forces of evil, both human
 and spiritual, which comprise the 'world system' at large.

  Remember what Jesus told us:

"If the world hates you, know that it hated Me
before it hated you. If you belonged to the world,
the world would treat you with affection and would
love you as its own. But because you are not of the world,
no longer one with it, but I have chosen you out of the
world the world hates you."
John 15:18-19

2. Every time ancient Israel turned away from the provision and
protection of Almighty God, Who had chosen them from among all the
peoples of the earth to be His people and nation, they were
taken into captivity by their enemies, exercising their own free will to do so.
And yet, there was always a remnant of people in the land whom
  chose to remain faithful to Almighty God.

Although unbiased news media  coverage of this subject is extremely rare
in America today, I am seeing more and more evidence of a remnant of 
those determine to remain loyal to Jesus Christ at all costs.

The most recent example is the story of a remarkable
young Christian woman from North Carolina named Jaelene Hinkle,
who in deference to her faith, refused to wear the the US Women's
Soccer Team's jersey honoring Gay Pride Month.

For taking a stand for Christ instead of embracing the celebration of
perversion, Jaelene has been ostracized by both the news media and
her fellow teammates, who have criticized her decision as "intolerant".
Yes, I suppose Jaelene's decision could be perceived as a show of
intolerance.  Intolerance to sin.

Jaelene offered  some words of encouragement for all believers when
she recently tweeted:  "This world is falling further and further away
from God...All that can be done by believers is to continue to pray."

 Professional soccer player Jaelene Hinkle

I pray that Jaelene's bold stand as a blood-purchased,
Holy Spirit-led believer in Messiah Jesus will be an inspiration to
other members of the body of Christ to stand up for God's truth,
and especially influence the young and impressionable people
 of her own age group who too often feel forced to
compromise their faith due to peer pressure.

Please pray that in these last of the last days for a revival of the true,
Cross-centered, Holy Spirit-led faith, and that through the message of saving 
grace, God's truth will prevail in the searching hearts of many people
across this nation and the rest of the world.

Please pray for President Donald Trump,  Vice President Mike Pence,
and everyone in the current administration, that they will receive God's wisdom,
and the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, both in their personal lives,
and in making decisions for our nation.

Pray for the veil of satanic darkness to be lifted off the minds and hearts of
our representatives in the Senate and the House of Representatives so that
they will make the right decisions for themselves and for America, 
and not ending up like Pharaoh,  whom God overcame
 with the "hardening of his heart".

"...and I will gain honor and glory over Pharaoh and all his hosts,
and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord.  And they did so."
Exodus 14:4

Pharaoh's Army Engulfed By The Red Sea
Frederick Arthur Bridgman
American artist

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