Sunday, June 21, 2020

Farewell Little Dove

The lovely smile of the woman whose friendly face has graced
 the boxes of pancake mix and syrup bottles for nearly a century will be no more.

According to various media reports,  Quaker Oats, a subsidiary of PepsiCo,
 "suddenly recognized"  that the origins of the woman who has helped
 to sell their brand of syrup and pancake mixes for almost
  100 years are "based on a racial stereotype".

After all these years of sitting on shelves in supermarkets
across our land,  the American icon better known as "Aunt Jemima"
 has been outed as having been based on a popular performer in
the minstrel shows of the 19th century, many of which were a highly
 anticipated form of entertainment by the citizens of major US cities.
Today, many of these same cities are being deliberately run into
the ground with the full and appalling compliance of their Democratic 
 Socialist overseers "in the name of social justice and ending systemic racism."

As late as 2014, "The Minstrel Show Revisited" was performed at the
Spectrum Dance Center in Seattle.  If this type of  "black face" entertainment 
is so offensive, then what reason did city officials give for allowing it to be performed
there in the first place?  Oh, wait a minute I almost forgot! They're Democrats!
 They do not need an excuse!  Can anyone say the word, "Hypocrisy"?

The character of Aunt Jemima has long standing ties with the city
 of Hawkins, Texas in the real person of goodwill ambassador Lillian Richard,
who portrayed her for many years.

Lillian Richard on tour for The Quaker Oats Company

According to Vera Harris of Forney, Texas who is the family historian
for the Richard family of Hawkins, and a cousin of Lillian Richard, she
and other family members are upset that the "Aunt Jemima" brand
will be removed from supermarket shelves across America.

"A lot of people want it removed, said Harris.  We want the world to know that
our cousin Lillian was one of the Aunt Jemima's and she made an honest
living.  We would ask that you reconsider just wiping that all away.
There wasn't a lot of jobs, especially for black women back in that time.
She was discovered by Quaker Oats to be their person."

Lillian Richard became a goodwill ambassador for Quaker Oats,
and for decades portrayed Aunt Jemima all over Texas, a messenger of sorts,
 just like her namesake, representing one of America's favorite breakfast foods.

The name,  "Jemimah" or "Jemima" in Hebrew means "Little Dove".  
 In the Bible, Jemimah was the oldest of the three beautiful daughter born 
to Job after God blessed his latter days with prosperity and peace. (Job 42:14).

Remember too, that it was a dove which returned to the Ark 
with a newly sprouted olive leaf so that Noah knew that the
flood waters had subsided from the land. (Genesis 8:11)

Let There Be Peace On Earth
Performed by Wintley Phipps
Maranatha Volunteers International

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