Saturday, June 20, 2020

On Bended Knee Their True Colors Come Shining Through

Ashanti Kente Cloth

"And by the unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception
for those who are perishing because they did not welcome the Truth
but refused to love it that they might be saved.

Therefore God sends upon them a misleading influence,
a working of error and a strong delusion to make them believe what is false."
II Thessalonians 2:10-11

Democratic leaders "taking a knee" against "systemic racism" in the wake of nationwide violence following
the death of George Floyd, while wearing the cloth of the African Ashanti tribe, once known for their
notorious slave-trading practices on the coast of what is now modern day Ghana.

According to the article, "Slaves, Gold, and Guns" the powerful
Ashanti tribe of Ghana was one of the chief exporters 
of African slaves in the 17th century.   

Ashanti Warrior

However, it was initially the  Ashanti's long-time ally,
 the Akwamu,  who were the first among the African tribes to
profit from the slave trade with Europeans from England,
Holland, Spain, and Portugal.  

Their captives were almost always prisoners of war,
  however, there were also men sold to the slavers after purportedly
offending the chief of the tribe.  Able-bodied men from other
 African tribes were also kidnapped and sold in the coastal slave markets.  

The Ashanti joined in the slave trade by kidnapping
 unsuspecting travelers or men working in their
 own farm fields.  When they went to war with 
neighboring tribes they sold captured POW's to
Dutch and English traders, initially accepting gold
for payment, but later, they chose to be paid in weapons.

 Thus flintlocks, muskets, and gunpowder became the preferred
method of payment between the Ashanti and the European traders.
The Ashanti used these weapons to wage war against and subdue
other groups of people and sell the captives to Europeans as slaves.
By the year 1730, an estimated 180,000 European-made weapons
had fallen into the hands of the Ashanti after being shipped to
the Slave Coast and basically handed out to the natives.

So, I have to ask myself, why on earth would the Democratic
leadership "take a knee" against racism wearing the cloth of an 
African tribe known for its notorious slave-trading practices?  The answer
is clear:  The leaders of the Democratic Party have unwittingly 
 revealed themselves for what they really are: the slavers of the 21st century. 

 Their goal is to destroy the United States of America
 as we know it by running roughshod over the glorious
 document called the US Constitution  while tearing
the Bill of Rights to shreds in their never ending quest to
destroy President Donald Trump and remove him from
office and to overturn the 2016 election results. 

They want to see law-abiding, freedom-loving Americans
subjected to the oppression and tyranny of godless Socialism
and their true colors have come shining through by their
show of indifference to the suffering of citizens whose homes
and businesses have been destroyed by rioters, while silently
condoning what seems to be turning into an all out political coup
from coast to coast.  They want to do away with local police
while encouraging mob violence to continue unabated in
the streets of US cities, not to mention the unlawful
desecration of priceless statues, men of American history like
 President George Washington, President Thomas Jefferson,
and Confederate General Robert E. Lee by gangs of ruthless thugs.

President Obama once said he wanted to "transform America"
 with"Hope, hope, hope!"  Instead we are seeing nothing but
increasing displays of "Hate, hate, hate!" from Socialist
wolves in Democratic sheepskin.

It's time for America, and especially the remnant of 
blood-purchased believers in Messiah Jesus here to bend
 our knees before our Holy Savior and pray that He will
intervene and save our beloved nation. The earnest prayers
of the righteous avail much.

"Behold, the Lord's eye is upon those who fear Him,
who revere and worship Him with awe, who wait for Him
and hope in His mercy and loving-kindness."
Psalm 33:18

May God continue to have mercy on America.

"Slaves, Gold, Guns"
From the

Other Sources:

"A Voyage Through the Worlds of the Slave Trade"
By Robert W. Harms
Basic Books New York

"The Cambridge History of Africa
From c. 1600 to c.1790
By Walter Rodney
Edited by Richard Gray
Cambridge University Press

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