Monday, May 16, 2022

On My Mind: And There Were Giants In Those Days...And Afterward


My own speculation concerning the Genesis 6 narrative is that if "the sons of God"
who saw the daughters of men were actually fallen angels, then they were also,
   -unlike the fantastical depiction below- 
spiritual beings without physical bodies.

"The Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men
That They Were Fair"
 Daniel Chester French
American sculptor

 So, how could fallen angels have accomplished fathering children
 with human women if they were not in possession of a human body? 
 Enter the Canaanite men, who were renown for their wickedness
-having come from the line of Cain-the world's first murderer.
  It is possible that the Canaanite people worshipped fallen angels
and the men could have been used physically by them
 in order to fornicate with women from the line of  Seth,
 the son of Adam and Eve who was born
 after the murder of his brother, Abel.  

Another theory of mine is that prior to the Flood of Noah's time,
 people on the earth might have been larger than they are now
 and would be considered giants today.

Although God wiped out both humans and animals
 and all plant life on earth in the Flood, a strain of the
 tainted human/Nephilim DNA must have survived.

Perhaps through the bloodlines of the wives of the sons of Noah?

Fast forward to the time that Israel was
  camped on the edge of the Promised Land
and they sent twelve spies into Canaan
 to investigate the people living there. When
the men returned, they declared that the Israelites
 "were like grasshoppers" in the sight of the Canaanites
 and that some of them were Nephilim, which from
Hebrew translates to "giants" or "fallen ones."

"So they brought to the Israelites an unfavorable report
 of the land they had spied out saying,
"The land that we have gone through as spies
is a land that devours its inhabitants,
and all the people we saw in it are of great size.
There we saw the descendants of Anak
 who come from the Nephilim..."
(Numbers 13:32)

The Lord would later send Joshua against the Anakim to destroy them.

"At that time Joshua proceeded to eliminate the Anakim
from the hill country of Hebron, Debir, and Anab,
 and from all the hill country of Judah and of Israel.
 Joshua devoted to them destruction, along with their cities." 
(Joshua 11:21)

Benson's Biblical Commentary describes the Anakim as
 " a wild, barbarous, and gigantic people who were of
 a different origin"  from that of the Canaanites 
 and inhabited  certain mountains of the country.
" It would have been dangerous to let them remain,
nor were they worthy of such an indulgence.
Joshua therefore marched against them
 and crowned his victories by their utter defeat."

Further on in the Bible we learn
 that a young shepherd boy named David.
who would one day be king in Israel,
 felled the mighty Philistine warrior, Goliath,
 with his sling-shot. 
The slain Philistine was said
 to have stood over 9 feet tall.

David Slaying Goliath
Peter Paul Reubens
Image courtesy/Pixels

I have a very interesting book, written from a non-biblical perspective, called,
"The Giants Who Ruled America: The Missing Skeletons and the Great Smithsonian
Cover-Up" by Richard J. Dewhurst. Through 400 years of documentation-news
articles and photos, first-person accounts, state historical records, and illustrated
field reports-  Dewhurst reveals that North America was once ruled by an
 advanced race of giants.  He also exposes the duplicitous practices of
the Smithsonian Institute, which has been actively suppressing the
 physical evidence of their existence for nearly 150 years.

It seems that Major John Wesley Powell, who was appointed director of
the Smithsonian Institute after the Civil War, was a big advocate of the
 theory of evolution and pro-Manifest Destiny. Every time a burial
mound containing the skeletal remains of giants were found-
 some up to 12 feet tall-the Smithsonian sent out teams of investigators 
 to cover up the evidence-which was taken by them and hidden away
in restricted-access rooms inside the Smithsonian.

The Paiute Indians have a legend about their ancestors encounters
with giants known as the Si-Te-Cah, who were a red-haired tribe
of cannibals.  These giants menaced the Paiutes with constant war
and often captured victims to eat.  Eventually, the Indian tribes 
banded together and cornered the giants and forced them
underground into a cave system. They piled brush over the
entrance and set fire to it with flaming arrows, thus 
eliminating the Si-Te-Cah for good.

Although modern historians and anthropologists dismiss this story
 as a myth, there have been many archaeological finds in recent
  years which seem to confirm the one time existence of both
 blonde and red-haired Caucasian giants in America.

According to Richard Dewhurst's book, in addition to the giant
mummies found in Spirit Cave in Nevada, which were wrapped in
 fine textiles dating back 8,000 years (BCE), hundreds of red-haired 
bog mummies were found at sinkhole "cenotes" on the west
coast of Florida, dating back 7,500 years (BCE). 
The ruins of cities populated by giants have also been 
 found in Arizona, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Louisiana.

Ralph Glidden stands at a dig site containing one of the human giants  
he discovered on Santa Catalina Island during the early 20th century.

Another story included in the book concerns the excavations which took place on
 Santa Catalina Island off the coast of California in the 1920's. At that time, the island
was owned by the wealthy Wrigley family (of the chewing gum fame) and they
hired Professor Ralph Glidden, curator of the Catalina Museum,
  to investigate a megalithic burial complex there.

  Glidden unearthed the remains of a colony
 of blonde-haired giants, some over 9 feet tall! 
However, the evidence of the giants of Santa Catalina
  was later removed from the excavation site
 and, according to Richard Dewhurst, hidden in the
 restricted access rooms at the Smithsonian Institute.

In conclusion I would like to say that I believe there were giants
which once freely roamed the earth.  Why God allowed these beings to
exist remains a mystery.  Kind of like the dinosaurs. And we know that
they existed!  Concerning the possibility of the existence of the 
 Nephilim on the earth today, like the existence of UFOs, which have now
been confirmed by both our government, as well as Air Force and commercial
 pilots who have encountered strange crafts not of this world while in
the air, there is still a whole lot more to this that we do not know about-yet.

Therefore the best advice I can give concerning these strange times
we are living in is to keep our hearts and minds solely fixed on Jesus!


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