Saturday, June 18, 2022

On My Mind: And The People Chose Life

"I call to heaven and earth to record this day against you,
that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing;
therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live."
(Deuteronomy 30:19)

Image courtesy/Creative Communications

And the people chose life.

This simple statement is what defines the very heart 
of the Pro-Life Movement in America today.

According to an e-mail I received  from the Liberty Council 
 about the recent pro-life rally and prayer service in Washington DC:

Black-robed men and women began arriving on the scene during
the prayer service and began screaming obscenities over those praying.

 Yet the people who chose life continued to pray.

As the prayer team's worship music continued, a pro-abortion demonstrator
brought a wagon carrying a boom box loudly blaring "satanic music" and noise.
The demonstrator increased the volume to drown out the songs of praise.

The people who chose life still prayed and sang praises to the Lord.

According to one of the staff members of the Liberty Counsel, a woman
named Peggy, the longer the pro-lifers prayed, "the more anxious
and agitated the Satanists became."  

 The evil surrounding the intercessors did not want
the Word of God proclaimed!  

Fortunately, the Holy Spirit was present at the prayer service too,
 which caused the irritated demons to scream-but provided a sense
of comfort and protection to the people who have chosen life,
these earnest prayer warriors, who kept right on
praying for the unborn and praising God.

Then women dressed like prostitutes began to arrive at the prayer service.
It is reported that their skimpy attire left very little to the imagination.
  They too joined in the fracas that the alleged black-robed, "witches, warlocks,
and Satanists"  had started earlier against the pro-lifers.

But still, the people who honor human life and the Creator of all life
 and everything on earth continued praying and singing praises to Him.

At one point, a woman walked right up to the prayer group's podium and
 boldly stood next to the pro-life speaker.  Every time the speaker spoke, 
 the woman spewed filthy cuss words into a megaphone pointed in
 the direction of the podium microphone. 

A candidate for Exorcism, or merely a sign of the times?

Spewing profanity in order to make a point is all the rage these days.

I suppose it made the spewee? feel good about herself, 
like the big, bad bully of the school playground, knocking
  little kids down and ripping off their lunch money.

Perhaps she merely liked to hear the sound of her own voice. 

And today, may be she is still nursing a sore throat for her efforts.

But she too, failed to stop the prayers and praise of earnest men
 and women who honor life as sacred-which availeth much.

Meanwhile, some in the crowd of rabid infanticide activists
rose up and began to curse 
the Supreme Court Justices.

Then to curse God Himself.

 And yet,  the prayers and praise to the God of life continued unabated.

In their desperation, the Satanists took to covering the sidewalks with black magic
 ritual circles and candles, muttering their dark incantations near midnight.
  Half-burnt candles and other paraphernalia of active witchcraft 
 lay scattered on the public spaces around the Court.

I have to ask myself, where were the Capital police at when all of this
harassment and defacement of public property was going on due 
 to the strident efforts of these "witches, wizards, and Satanists"?
Were they too intimidated to act?  Or were they given orders to
  "stand down" and let the criminal mischief continue unchecked?

   What about the parade of prostitutes "flaunting their wears"
 while demonstrating alongside of these cursing black-robed occultists?
Isn't someone's participation in the world's oldest profession
   still considered a crime in The District these days?

  While I am not implying that some of these people were not real practitioners
of the black arts, or actual streetwalkers,  I have to wonder how much of this
 latest three-ringed circus of madness and mayhem was genuine, and
   how much of it was yet another staged event-possibly inspired
by a rediscovered script from a long forgotten, cheesy horror
  flick- found by an ultraliberal witchcraft enthusiast at a flea market .

This latest event also reminds me of when a large crowd of socialists and other
 Far Left groups descended on the Capitol in October, 2010 to stage a "counter rally" 
 to Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" gathering held in August of that same year.

The so-called, "One Nation Working Together" rally, which included group
attendees like the Communist Party USA and Code Pink, left the grounds
of the Washington Mall area an absolute pigsty, littered with left behind
signs and food wrappers, soda and water bottles, and other garbage.

In contrast, those who had attended Glenn Beck's celebration of 
everything good and right about America were respectful enough
 to throw away their trash or take it with them, thus leaving
the beautiful Mall better than they found it.

  We were already a divided nation back then, with an ever increasing distinction
separating those who truly care about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
 for all Americans, and those of the entitlement mentality, whose appalling show
of self-centered greed takes precedence over everyone and everything else.

Now that the latter group has apparently gained the upper hand in
this nation, we are currently witnessing the fruits of their labor. 

But those who have chosen life and honoring the Master of Life
will keep right on praying and praising Him.  Amen!

May God bless the Pro-life Movement in America.

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