Farewell to July...sailing into August tomorrow!
Farewell to July...sailing into August tomorrow!
"Is there no balm in Gilead?"
(Jeremiah 8:22)
There is a Balm in Gilead,
to make the wounded whole;
There is a Balm in Gilead,
to heal the sin sick soul.
Sometimes I feel discouraged,
And think my work's in vain,
But then the Holy Spirit,
Revives my soul again.
There is a Balm in Gilead,
to make the wounded whole;
There is a Balm in Gilead,
to heal the sin sick soul.
If you can't preach like Peter,
If you can't pray like Paul,
Just tell the love of Jesus,
And say He died for all.
There is a Balm in Gilead,
to make the wounded whole;
There is a Balm in Gilead,
to heal the sin sick soul.
This is one of the most beautiful and deeply moving
performances of this beloved American folk spiritual.
"There Is A Balm In Gilead"
19th Century
African American Spiritual
In this sixth installment of the "Living Waters" series, Zola takes
us on a guided tour of Hadrian's Gate led by an expert archaeologist.
Also, a retired officer of the Israeli Army recounts the exciting
moments leading up to Israel's wresting of the Old City of Jerusalem
from Jordanian hands during the Six Day War in June, 1967.
In this episode of "Living Waters" Zola interviews a leading archaeologist
who believes he has found the location of the earliest church in history,
where some of the members had met Jesus Christ in person!
"Peace! Be Still!"
In this fourth installment of the "Living Waters" series, Zola teaches about
Messiah on the Sea of Galilee, where even the wind and the sea obeyed Him!
"Awake, harp and lyre;
I myself will wake very early,
I will waken with the dawn!
I will praise and give thanks
to You, O Lord,
among the peoples;
and I will sing praises to You
among the nations.
For your mercy and loving-kindness
are great and high as the heavens!
Your truth and faithfulness
reach to the skies!
Be exalted, O God,
above the heavens,
and let Your glory
be over all the earth."
(Psalm 108:2-5)
"A Sonoran Desert Sunrise"
Photograph by Saija Lehtonen
Dr. Katrina Marchant, gracious host of Reading The Past brings
us another intriguing look back at England's royal history
and the life of Katherine "Kat" Astley (Ashley), the
close friend, governess, and Lady of the Bedchamber
to Queen Elizabeth I.
As feelings of hostility increase between Israel and Russia,
how effective are Israel's airstrikes against Iran in Syria?
My Dad was a big fan of country music. He always said that
George Jones was the undisputed King of Country Music for
his generation. I think so too. George's powerful voice could
stir the emotions of even the toughest men like my Dad.
George Jones was the inspiration for many future performers
of traditional country music like Alan Jackson.
This song reminds me of the unique relationship between my
father and mother that lasted sixty years before his death on
July 29, 2020. Theirs was not a perfect union, of course,
but through all the good and bad times they never
stopped loving and caring for each other.
If it had been up to me, I would have had this
beautiful song played at my father's funeral.
It is to his memory I dedicate this song.
💓 I miss you, Daddy! 💓
According to some reports, this mid-summer meteor
shower will peak tonight and overnight into July 30th.
However, the folks at EarthSky.com are saying not
to worry too much about the predicted "peak date".
The Delta Aquarids will still be flying through the
skies of the southern hemisphere at least until the
end of this month and perhaps into early August.
Unfortunately I do not know whether I will be able to
see any meteors tonight as rain is predicted for my area.
Hopefully, the skies will be clear next month for the
upcoming and better known Perseids Meteor Shower.
Anyway, Happy Star Gazing!
🌠I hope the skies are clear where you are at tonight!🌠
An inspirational teaching from Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat
in Jerusalem, Israel.
What did astronaut and American hero Neil Armstrong
encounter during his walk on the moon?
Although NASA denied it, many people believe that something profound
happened to astronaut Neil Armstrong when he landed on the moon in 1969.
He later went in search of a mysterious ancient library of metal books
in the Amazon, said to contain the "secrets" of the universe.
The latest UFO update from Christian researcher L.A. Marzulli.
UFO's! The Government Is Working On It!
L.A. Marzulli
(July 27, 2022)
Zola Levitt discusses the lesson of Sodom and Gomorrah,
how the Dead Sea became full of mineral wealth, and the
spiritual significance of the Jordan River
"So He came to Nazareth where He had been brought up,
and He entered the synagogue, as was His custom on the Sabbath Day.
And He stood up to read.
And there was handed to Him the roll of the book of the prophet Isaiah.
He unrolled the book and found the place where it was written:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me
to preach the good news of the Gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to announce release to the captives (of sin) and
recovery of the sight to the (spiritually) blind, to send forth as
delivered those who are oppressed and broken down by calamity.
To proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord,
the day when salvation and the free favors of God profusely abound.
Then He rolled up the book and gave it back to the attendant and sat down;
and the eyes of all in the synagogue were gazing attentively at Him."
(Luke 4:16-20)
While the world focuses on the war in Ukraine,
the ancient land of Ethiopia, which is mentioned
many times in the Bible, has been in the grip
of a devastating civil war, in which Christians are
being specifically targeted for horrific persecution.
Please pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in Ethiopia.
Many thanks to Erick Stakelbeck for this special report.
By a road way in the wilderness He will lead us...
Rivers in the desert will we see.
Living Waters continues with Zola relating the stories
of Abraham, Joseph, and the Exodus, in which the proud and
arrogant Pharaoh of Egypt stood defiant before Almighty God.
But the Lord overcame him and all his hosts!
In this new episode of "On The Trail Of The Nephilim"
Christian writer/researcher L.A. Marzulli discusses
new map line research connecting America's version
of Stonehenge in New Hampshire to the more famous
monolith on the Salisbury plain in England and beyond,
all the way to Mount Hermon in Israel!
"Except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain
who build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman
wakes, but in vain."
(Psalm 127:1)
I cannot tell you how disappointed I was with the recent decision of
my Congressional Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) to support
legislation which passed in the House of Representatives last week
called, "The Respect For Marriage Act."
This proposed bill should be called, "The Disrespect For Marriage Act".
Furthermore, Congressman Van Drew once declared that he
supported traditional marriage between a man and a woman.
"I sincerely believe that we do need to protect every individual's civil
liberties, but I also believe that marriage, throughout all recorded history
has been between a man and a woman," he said during an interview
with The Philadelphia Inquirer in 2012.
A revision of the "Defense of Marriage Act" signed by President Bill Clinton in
1996, this rogue piece of legislation will force all Americans, regardless of
their deeply held personal or religious beliefs, to comply with the dictates of
the radical LGBTQ agenda, or else be subjected to possible harassment
and persecution from the federal government.
Any member of Congress voting for this legislation is in violation of
their oath of office. "There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution of
the United States-which every member of Congress took an oath
to follow-that allows Congress to pass such a law.
President James Madison, the father of the Constitution, said that while
the states have wide latitude in the types of laws they pass, ( under the federal
system of government the Constitution created) the powers of the United
States government are "few and defined". The areas in which the
Constitution allows Congress to make laws are "defined"
and listed in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.
Defining marriage is not one of those powers.
One of the most false and perverse doctrines espoused today is that
the Constitution's "supremacy clause" allows Congress to override state
constitutions and laws at will. Some even call this clause-through
either ignorance or mendacity- the "National Supremacy Clause".
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The "supremacy clause" is found in Article VI of the Constitution,
and reads, "The Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall
be made in pursuance thereof and all treaties made "under the authority
of the United States, (which is the Constitution itself) shall be the
supreme law of the land". Note that not just any law of Congress
is the supreme law of the land-only laws that conform
to the Constitution are valid.
If the Constitution does not give Congress a power
they simply do not have it."*
The reason behind the Democrats' desperation to pass this bill into law is
mainly due to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas leading the charge
to overturn the decision known as "Obergefell vs. Hodge" which
unlawfully legalized same-sex marriage in this nation in 2015.
In his concurrence in the Dobbs case, which reversed Roe vs. Wade,
Justice Thomas opined that there were other decisions the Court has
made in recent years that also needed to be reversed.
In 2015 decision, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 declaring,
"states could not deny the right to marry to same sex couples"
they clearly overstepped their judicial bounds.
Justice Thomas did not argue that the Supreme Court had the
jurisdiction to determine laws concerning abortion, same-sex marriage,
or contraception, but rather that those issues were within the province
of the states-not the federal government-under our Constitution's
federal system of government. It was wrong for SCOTUS at
the time to overrule over thirty states which had decided to
recognize only traditional marriage between a man and a woman.
The will of the American people must be upheld!
In fact, the very notion that Americans dare to act and think
independently of the federal government has sent the political
Far Left into a whining tailspin. The wisdom and common
sense of a man like Justice Thomas in this situation is less
of a threat to them then is his ability to see and think
about things with an independent mindset!
Alarmist Democrats are now declaring that "the right" for
same-sex couples to marry is now in serious jeopardy.
They further claim that "a woman's right" to birth control
will be banned by the court. This is absurd.
Justice Thomas is simply doing his job and he refuses
to breach the trust which the American people have placed
in him by refusing to distort the rule of law for political reasons.
Shortly after the 2015 SCOTUS decision, then President Obama,
who once declared his support of traditional marriage, lit up the
White House in the colors of the rainbow, signifying a major political
victory for the Far Left. His true colors came "shining through "on the
issue of redefining marriage. He later designated June, a popular month
for traditional marriage ceremonies, as LGBTQ Pride Month.
Coincidence? I do not think so.
A mockery of Holy Matrimony? Absolutely.
The rainbow belongs to God and is symbolic of His covenant
made with the earth after the Great Flood in Genesis:
"I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the
covenant between Me and the earth."
(Genesis 9:13)
As we have all witnessed in the past two years, fear is
a powerful weapon. When implemented correctly,
fear can transform a former freedom-loving people
into a nation of compliant, cowering guinea pigs.
The Democrats are one again implementing fear in
order to rally their political base, as both media polls
and political analysts have suggested that heavy losses
are on the horizon for their party in the upcoming
November midterm elections.
Through the First Amendment, all Americans are granted the right
to freedom of speech and the freedom to exercise their religious faith
without hindrance from the federal government. If this legislation
should pass the Senate, I feel there will be grave consequences for
those with the deeply held conviction regarding marriage as a
holy covenant relationship between one man, one woman, and God.
All American citizens deserve respect, not just certain special interest groups
willing to exploit themselves for personal and political gain.
Furthermore, I am sure I do not have to remind anyone reading this post
that the future of the United States of America as a free and independent nation
is hanging by an increasingly slender thread in these uncertain and perilous times.
Considering the long term consequences of this totally unnecessary legislation,
it is my greatest hope and prayer that my congressman, who has done many good
things for the people in my state and the nation, will seriously reconsider his decision,
along with other members of the House of Representatives and within the Senate.
May God continue to shed His grace and mercy on America.
*Source Material: The New American Magazine (July 25,2022).
"Are we bearing fruit worthy of repentance?
We are called to walk by faith, humble ourselves; submit to authority,
give sacrificially, and use every opportunity to bring souls into the kingdom
by walking in love so that Messiah is seen in and through us."
-Our Jewish Roots
On today's Watchman Newscast, host Erick Stakelbeck discusses
recent threats against Israel made by Hassan Nasrallah, leader of
the Iranian-backed terrorist group, Hezbollah.
Christian author/researcher L.A. Marzulli interviews
a young man named Tyler on the gift of discerning spirits.
"Living Waters"
A classic presentation from Messianic Bible teacher
and beloved brother in the Lord Zola Levitt (1938-2006)
founder of Zola Levitt Ministries.
Tensions increase between Israel and Russia as Putin
targets private Jewish immigration agencies.
🎅In celebration of Christmas In July a charming
look back at the holiday celebrations and traditions
in 1960's America, the decade of my birth!🎄
What's this? A brilliant fireball streaking through the evening sky?
Could it be part of a meteor? A piece of "space junk"?
Or something else?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Meanwhile, according to the American Meteor Society,
there were 219 reports of meteors lighting up the
skies of Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana last night.
A witness claimed that one meteor streaking through
the night air was a "bright beautiful green".
What an awesome sight to behold!
"Let us all come forward and draw near with true, honest and sincere hearts
in unqualified assurance and absolute conviction engendered by faith,
by that leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust
and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness, having our hearts
sprinkled and purified from a guilty evil conscience and our bodies
cleansed with pure water.
So let us seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope
we cherish and confess our acknowledgement of it, for He Who
promised is reliable and faithful to His word.
(Hebrews 10:22-23)
I do not ask for earthly store
Beyond a day's supply;
I only covet, more and more,
The clear and single eye,
To see my duty face to face,
And trust the Lord for daily grace.
Then shall my heart keep singing,
While to the cross I cling;
For rest is sweet at Jesus' feet,
While homeward faith keeps winging,
While homeward faith keeps winging.
I care not for the empty show
That thoughtless worldlings see;
I crave to do the best I know,
And leave the rest with Thee-
Well satisfied that sweet reward
Is sure to those who trust the Lord.
Then shall my heart keep singing,
While to the cross I cling;
For rest is sweet at Jesus' feet,
While homeward faith keeps winging,
While homeward faith keeps winging.
Whate'er the crosses mine shall be,
I will not dare to shun;
I only ask to live for Thee,
And that Thy will be done;
Thy will, O Lord, be mine each day,
While pressing on my homeward way.
Then shall my heart keep singing,
While to the cross I cling;
For rest is sweet at Jesus' feet,
While homeward faith keeps winging,
While homeward faith keeps winging.
And when at last, my labor o'er,
I cross the narrow sea,
Grant, Lord, that on the other shore
My soul may dwell with Thee,
And learn what here I cannot know,
Why Thou hast ever loved me so.
Then shall my heart keep singing,
While to the cross I cling;
For rest is sweet at Jesus' feet,
While homeward faith keeps winging,
While homeward faith keeps winging.
"The Eye Of Faith"
J.J. Maxfield
19th century minister
"And my God shall satisfy all your needs according to
His riches in the glory of Yeshua the Messiah."
(Philippians 4:19)
Who shall tell our untold need,
Deeply felt, though scarcely known!
Who the hungering soul can feed,
Guard, and guide, but God alone?
Blessed promise! while we see
Earthly friends must powerless be,
Earthly fountains quickly dry
"God" shall all your need supply.
He hath said it! so we know
Nothing less can we receive.
Oh that thankful love may glow
While we restfully believe,--
Ask not how, but trust Him still;
Ask not when, but wait His will:
Simply on His Word rely,
God "shall" all your need supply.
Through the whole of life's long way,
Outward, inward need we trace;
Need arising day by day,
Patience, wisdom, strength, and grace.
Needing Jesus most of all,
Full of need, on Him we call;
Then how gracious His reply,
God shall "all" your need supply!
Great our need, but greater far
Is our Father's loving power;
He upholds each mighty star,
He unfolds each tiny flower.
He who numbers every hair,
Earnest of His faithful care,
Gave His Son for us to die,
God shall all "your" need supply.
Yet we often vainly plead
For a fancied good denied,
What we deemed a pressing need
Still remaining unsupplied.
Yet from dangers all concealed,
Thus our wisest Friend doth shield,
No good thing will He deny,
God shall all your "need" supply.
Can we count redemption's treasure,
Scan the glory of God's love?
Such shall be the boundless measure
Of His blessings from above.
All we ask or think, and more,
He will give in bounteous store,
He can fill and satisfy
God shall all your need "supply".
One the channel, deep and broad,
From the Fountain of the Throne,
Christ the Savior, Son of God,
Blessings flow from Him alone.
He the Faithful and the True,
Brings us mercies ever new:
Till we reach His home on high,
"God shall all your need supply".
Image courtesy/ Christianity
"God The Provider"
Frances Ridley Havergall
English poetess and hymn writer
There is some that likes the city-
Grass that's curried smooth and green
Theaytres and stranglin' collars,
Wagons run by gasoline-
But for me it's hawse and saddle
Every day without a change,
And a desert sun a-blazin'
On a hundred miles of range.
Romantic Summer Memories With Sinatra...🌞
Is the endgame approaching to deal with a nuclear Iran?
In October 1562, Queen Elizabeth I fell dangerously ill.
She was expected to die. Dr. Kat Marchant brings us the
grim details of this moment of crisis in English royal history.
On today's Watchman Newscast, host Erick Stakelbeck discusses Russian
leader Vladimir Putin's visit to Iran, said to be his second international
trip since the invasion of the Ukraine.
An exciting ministry update from beloved brother in the Lord
Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat in Jerusalem. Please pray for his
ministry and that he will continue to be a bold and effective
witness for Yeshua Ha'Mashiach among the Jewish people!
From the depths of the mysterious deep there has emerged two very strange
creatures which has left the experts at the Cape Lookout National Seashore
absolutely mystified in regards to their origin. These mysterious visitors which
have washed ashore are said to resemble six-inch black worms with bristles.
Park officials are now asking the public for help in possibly identifying these
creepy critters. "Our turtle patrol found them on the ocean side of the beach
recently, adjacent to a log covered in goose-neck barnacles," the Park posted
on their Facebook page, (No idea if they are connected to the log or if its
just a coincidence.) So far we're stumped as to what they might be."
However, Park staff have speculated that the creatures might be
a "form of sea cucumber" or possibly a sea slug.
Cape Lookout National Seashore is located in the southernmost part of
North Carolina's barrier islands, more commonly known as the Outer Banks.
Hat Tip to my friend and intrepid Tar Heel State weather watcher
Jewel Chesson for bringing this interesting story to my attention!👒
Around 5:30 a.m. this morning I went outside to check
on my tomato, peppers, squash plants and flowers.
The sun was coming up, the birds were singing,
and the air was really warm. I checked the outside
temperature. It was already 77 degrees!
A hot spell of weather continues to hold southern New Jersey
in a tenacious grip this week, with daytime temperatures
soaring into the mid-to-upper 90's all week.
According to an emergency alert I received via e-mail
earlier this morning, the heat index will be hovering
around 105 degrees today. As I sit here writing this post,
the current temperature is 87 degrees with sunny skies.
The humidity is an oppressive 67%.
People especially affected by extreme heat like this are infants, young
children, and the elderly, as well as anyone with significant health issues.
Those with heart and respiratory ailments should stay indoors as much
as possible and keep cool. It is also extremely important to keep
your body hydronated by drinking lots of water.
🌞Please be smart and stay safe, everyone!🌞
"But as for me, I will enter Your house through
the abundance of Your steadfast love and mercy;
I will worship toward and at Your holy temple
in reverent fear and awe of You.
Lead me, O Lord in Your righteousness
because of my enemies;
make Your way level, straight and right,
before my face."
(Psalm 5:7-8)
"Everyone no matter our place in life, is under some sort of authority.
Yeshua had to submit to the Father in all things. He teaches true strength
and power comes through submission. Those who humble themselves,
the Lord exalts. When we work outside the Father's Will, we don't
have the authority to do the works of God."
-Our Jewish Roots
"Worthy are You, our Lord and God,
to receive the glory and the honor and dominion,
for You created all things; by Your will they were
brought into being and were created."
(Revelation 4:11)