Wednesday, July 27, 2022

On My Mind: Regarding The Respect For Marriage Act

 "Except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain
who build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman
wakes, but in vain."
(Psalm 127:1)

I cannot tell you how disappointed I was with the recent decision of
my Congressional Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) to support
 legislation which passed in the House of Representatives last week
called, "The Respect For Marriage Act."

This proposed bill should be called, "The Disrespect For Marriage Act".

Furthermore, Congressman Van Drew once declared that he
 supported  traditional marriage between a man and a woman.

"I sincerely believe that we do need to protect every individual's civil
liberties, but I also believe that marriage, throughout all recorded history
has been between a man and a woman," he said during an interview
with The Philadelphia Inquirer in 2012.

A revision of the "Defense of Marriage Act" signed by President Bill Clinton in
 1996, this rogue piece of legislation will force all Americans, regardless of
 their deeply held personal or religious beliefs, to comply with the dictates of
the radical LGBTQ agenda, or else be subjected to possible harassment
  and persecution from the federal government.

 Any member of Congress voting for this legislation is in violation of
 their oath of office. "There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution of
the United States-which every member of Congress took an oath
to follow-that allows Congress to pass such a law.

President James Madison, the father of the Constitution, said that while
the states have wide latitude in the types of laws they pass, ( under the federal
system of government the Constitution created) the powers of the United
States government are "few and defined". The areas in which the
Constitution allows Congress to make laws are "defined"
 and listed in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. 

Defining marriage is not one of those powers.

One of the most false and perverse doctrines espoused today is that
the Constitution's "supremacy clause" allows Congress to override state
constitutions and laws at will.  Some even call this clause-through 
either ignorance or mendacity- the "National Supremacy Clause".

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The "supremacy clause" is found in Article VI of the Constitution,
and reads, "The Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall
be made in pursuance thereof and all treaties made "under the authority
of  the United States, (which is the Constitution itself) shall be the
supreme law of the land".  Note that not just any law of Congress
 is the supreme law of the land-only laws that conform
to the Constitution are valid.

If the Constitution does not give Congress a power
they simply do not have it."*

The reason behind the Democrats' desperation to pass this bill into law is
mainly due to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas leading the charge 
 to overturn the decision known as "Obergefell vs. Hodge" which
 unlawfully legalized same-sex marriage in this nation in 2015. 

In his concurrence in the Dobbs case, which reversed Roe vs. Wade,
Justice Thomas opined that there were other decisions the Court has 
made in recent years that also needed to be reversed.

In 2015 decision, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 declaring,
"states could not deny the right to marry to same sex couples"
they clearly overstepped their judicial bounds.

Justice Thomas did not argue that the Supreme Court had the
jurisdiction to determine laws concerning abortion, same-sex marriage,
or contraception, but rather that those issues were within the province
of the states-not the federal government-under our Constitution's
federal system of government.  It was wrong for SCOTUS at
the time to overrule over thirty states which had decided to
 recognize only traditional marriage between a man and a woman.

The will of the American people must be upheld!

In fact, the very notion that Americans dare to act and think
independently of the federal government has sent the political
Far Left into a whining tailspin. The wisdom and common
sense of  a man like Justice Thomas in this situation is less 
of a threat to them then is his ability to see and think
about things with an independent mindset!

Alarmist Democrats are now declaring that "the right" for
same-sex couples to marry is now in serious jeopardy.
They further claim that "a woman's right" to birth control
will  be banned by the court. This is absurd.

Justice Thomas is simply doing his job and he refuses
to breach the trust which the American people have placed
in him by refusing to distort the rule of law for political reasons.

Shortly after the 2015 SCOTUS decision, then President Obama,
who once declared his support of traditional marriage, lit up the 
White House in the colors of the rainbow, signifying a major political
victory for the Far Left.  His true colors came "shining through "on the 
 issue of redefining marriage. He later designated June, a popular month
for traditional marriage ceremonies, as LGBTQ Pride Month.

  Coincidence? I do not think so.

 A mockery of Holy Matrimony?  Absolutely.

The rainbow belongs to God and is symbolic of His covenant
made with the earth after the Great Flood in Genesis:

"I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the
covenant between Me and the earth."
(Genesis 9:13)

As we have all witnessed in the past two years, fear is
a powerful weapon.  When implemented correctly,
 fear can transform a former freedom-loving people 
into a nation of compliant, cowering guinea pigs.

The Democrats are one again implementing fear in
 order to rally their political base, as both media polls 
and political analysts have suggested that heavy losses
are on the horizon for their party in the upcoming
November midterm elections.

Through the First Amendment, all Americans are granted the right
to freedom of speech and the freedom to exercise their religious faith
without hindrance from the federal government.  If this legislation
should pass the Senate, I feel there will be grave consequences for
those with the deeply held conviction regarding marriage as a 
 holy covenant relationship between one man, one woman, and God.

Covenant-The Heart Of The Marriage Mystery
Image courtesy/Focus On The Family

All American citizens deserve respect, not just certain special interest groups
willing to exploit themselves for personal and political gain.

Furthermore, I am sure I do not have to remind anyone reading this post
that the future of the United States of America as a free and independent nation
is hanging by an increasingly slender thread in these uncertain and perilous times.

Considering the long term consequences of this totally unnecessary legislation,
it is my greatest hope and prayer that my congressman, who has done many good
 things for the people in my state and the nation, will seriously reconsider his decision,
along with other members of the House of Representatives and within the Senate.

May God continue to shed His grace and mercy on America.

*Source Material: The New American Magazine (July 25,2022).

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