Saturday, April 20, 2019

On My Mind: God Bless Kate Smith

Singer Kate Smith 

The Philadelphia Flyers hockey team joined baseball's New York Yankees
this past Friday to end the playing of "God Bless America" by the
legendary Kate Smith before the opening of home games, due to
 recent allegations which have surfaced claiming that Miss Smith
once sang songs that are "racially insensitive" to black Americans.
She sang these songs over 80 years ago.

The Flyers have since covered up the statue of the singer which has
stood outside the Philadelphia sports complex since 1987.

According to the Flyers official statement: "We have recently become
aware that several songs performed by Kate Smith contain offensive
lyrics that do not reflect our values as an organization. As we
continue to look into this serious matter, we are removing 
Kate Smith's recording of "God Bless America" from our
library and covering up the statue that stands outside our arena."

According to various media reports, way back in 1931,
Kate Smith sang a satirical song about racism called,
"That's Why Darkies Were Born"
which contained the lyrics: "Someone had to pick the cotton,
Someone had to pick the corn,  Someone had to slave and
be able to sing, That's why darkies were born."

It seems clear to me that Miss Smith has become the latest 
 victim of the twisted agenda wielded by those who like to 
 refer to themselves as  "Social Justice Warriors"  a.k.a.
the Thought Police of 21st century America.

The news media jumped right on this story
like a duck on a June bug.  However, I am curious to know 
just who or what brought this information forward in the
first place and why the media seems to be 
protecting the identities of Miss Smith's accusers?

Furthermore, if this song is so 'racially insensitive' then
 why is it only Miss Smith whose being taken to task here,
 when Paul Robeson, a black American actor and civil rights
activist also recorded the same song?

Is this really a case about 'racial insensitivity'?

Or, is this just another veiled attack on America and
 all that is good and right about this wonderful nation?

The statue of iconic American singer Kate Smith was recently covered
up after charges of racism recently surfaced against her.

 Composer Irving Berlin wrote, "God Bless America" during World War I but
later changed the lyrics shortly before World War II.  By the time he re-wrote 
 some of the original lyrics in 1938, the nation of Austria had been invaded by
the forces of Nazi Germany.  During the war, Berlin wrote a few more
songs in support of the war effort in America, including an anti-Hitler
tune called, "When That Man Is Dead And Gone".

 Kate Smith's robust rendition of "God Bless America" is a song which 
 bolstered the morale of the brave American soldiers and sailors
fighting our enemies in Europe and the Pacific during World War II.

To me this classic song reflects the personal love and deep  
 appreciation I have for this great and beautiful land of freedom  
 I am unabashedly proud to call "my home, sweet home."
And it was for similar reasons to mine that "God Bless America"
was chosen to be played during the New York Yankees
 home games not long after the terrible events
 which occurred on September 11, 2001.

On that tragic day, regardless of race or politics or religion,
or social status, we were all Americans standing together.
Unfortunately the spirit of E pluribus unum,  which in
Latin means, "Out of many, one" and is found on
the Great Seal of the United States did not last.

As Irving Berlin once said, "There's a cynicism about patriotism and
flag waving until something happens. 'God Bless America' for instance.
  It's an emotion, not just words and music."

Meanwhile, they covered Kate Smith while Jussie Smollett walks free.

Tomorrow is Resurrection Sunday.  A time when Christians
celebrate our risen Lord.  I often think of His wonderful gift to us.
Jesus, the perfect Son of God, willingly drank from the cup of
His Father's wrath against the entire human race.
He took our transgressions with Him to the cross
so that we would be set free from the stain of our sins
and the curse of death.

May God Bless Kate Smith

And May God Continue To Bless America

"God Bless America"
Kate Smith
Originally recorded March 1939

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