Wednesday, April 17, 2019

That's Right Ms.Omar, We Will Never Forget!

The words recently spoken by Minnesota Democrat Congresswoman Ilan Omar
seem to confirm the old saying, "If you give'em enough rope they'll hang themselves
every time!"  Omar has once again sparked controversy when she made remarks
concerning the terror attacks on September 11, 2001 in which she claimed
that *CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) was "founded after
9/11 because they recognized that "some people did something" and that
"all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."

Hey, Ms. Omar, do you think "these people" that "did something" 
 might have been jihadists motivated by hatred just like you?

Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) recently defended his criticism
 of Ilan Omar's latest controversial remarks.  I feel that the biased media's rush to 
judgment against him while excusing Omar's behavior is both hypocritical and
 and ridiculous. Mr. Crenshaw is an American patriot, dedicated public servant 
and honorably discharged military veteran.  Furthermore, he has every right
 to vocalize his opinion of this obnoxious troublemaker!

However, before I am accused of being unfair here, let me make it clear that
while there are decent, law-abiding American Muslims who love this nation
and whom contribute positively to our society, to hold all Muslims accountable
 for the actions of those who have chosen to use their religious beliefs
  to maim and murder innocent people,  would be no different from
blaming all Christians for the perverse actions and protests
of the radical Westboro Baptist Church.

 People driven by a religious spirit are always ready to persecute others
whom they feel are different from them, and in this regard, there is nothing
decent or law-abiding about jihadists, or those who spew anti-Semitic hatred, 
or a member of Congress who makes deliberately evasive and provoking  
 comments about a national tragedy like the September 11th terror attacks.

Meanwhile, the media has absolutely no reservations when it comes 
 to disrespecting President Trump or calling him a "racist" while
 claiming that he is "against all Muslims" for his recent criticism
 of Ms. Omar.  Some in the media have even accused him of 
 "politicizing" the  9/11 tragedy with his tweet:


New York Post Special Edition
(September 11, 2001)

Many Americans, myself included, will never forget the shock
 and horror we felt on that September morning nearly 20 years ago.
I will always remember how blue the sky was on that late summer
morning with a touch of fall coolness in the air.  Suddenly,
darkness and death rained down from those bright blue skies,
and gone forever in an instant was the feeling of complacency
that America was a safe haven from acts of terrorism, from
enemies with a profound hatred for us, driven by a satanic-
inspired, religious mandate to murder all people whom
they have deemed, "infidels" according to their beliefs.

As I wrote in an earlier post, the late Italian journalist,
Oriana Fallaci, tried to warn America and the rest of the world 
 in her books, "The Rage and The Pride" and "The Force of Reason"
in which she graphically outlined the diabolical plans of the sons of Allah
and their determination to conquer and  subjugate the West.

Although I read her books nearly a decade ago, I often wonder
how many people, especially here in America, also read them,
and how seriously they took to heart what she had to say.
 I know I did because I love America and I love my freedom!

I do not want to see this great and wonderful nation I 
call home taken over and our constitutionally-protected, free 
Republic manipulated and destroyed by the machinations
of people like Ms. Omar and those who think like her.

On a closing note, I would like to point out another familiar saying:
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

This has not only been proven true time and again throughout history,
but should serve as a wake up call for this generation,  and especially
 with the mainstream American media who seem all too ready to excuse
Omar's belligerence while attacking people like President Trump
and Representative Crenshaw for having the guts to stand
up and speak the truth!  As Oriana Fallaci once said about
the reticence of placating politicians and media in Europe: 
 "It is because they are afraid of offending the sons of Allah." 

During the infamous Nuremberg trials, the editor of the Nazi
propaganda rag, Dur Sturmer ("The Storm") whose name was
Julius Streicher was put on trial for his part as a conspirator in
the mass genocide which took place during World War II.

Although Streicher never physically participated in the
atrocities committed by members of Hitler's Third Reich,
he was nevertheless found guilty of causing the deaths 
of millions of innocent people through the use of his pen.

While it is said that, "The pen is mightier than the sword"
 in Streicher's case, the noose at the gallows fit his
neck just as smoothly as it did the Nazis who were 
 found guilty of committing crimes against humanity.

Newspaper Editor Julius Streicher gives
his last statement at the Nuremberg trials.

*CAIR was actually founded in 1994.  It has  been listed
with other organizations tied to the American network
of the Muslim Brotherhood, and has a long affiliation
with the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah.

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