Friday, April 12, 2019

Ballad Of An American Gunfighter

Wyatt Earp was a lawman, Dodge City was his town,

the drovers came a calling and laid their money down,

whiskey they kept drinking, and telling their tall tales,

sometimes they got tossed into the can and had to pay their bails,

Marshall Wyatt Stapp Earp
March 19, 1948- January 13, 1929

the cribs, were visited nightly, by the cowboys one and all,

the ladies loved it when the cowboys came to call,

Wyatt he got greedy, town fathers began to frown,

they held a special meeting and ran him out of town.

Wyatt went to Tombstone, in Arizona state,

there he met the Clanton's who he soon would hate,

Ike Clanton, the Lowerys and Johnny Ringo too,

soon Doc Holliday came to town,

Wyatt told him I have a place for you,

it wasn't long before, things came to a head

Ike told Wyatt to ease up or he would soon be dead,

now Wyatt had some brothers, who backed him to the hilt,

it was at the OK corral, that many men were kilt,

the Clantons sent him a message, at the corral they would wait,

it was the right time to finish up this hate,

the Earps and Holliday went walking, going down the street,

looking for the Clantons, they were going to meet,

when they saw each other, the guns began to blast,

they shot with such fury, the fight just couldn't last,

when the fight was over, men lay dead upon the ground,

it wasn't very long until the news was all over town,

Wyatt and his brothers, decided they would go,

back out to California, for a year or so,

when they got to California, they changed their killing ways,

they lived there in peace, for the rest of their days,

Wyatt lived to be an old old man, until his final time,

he died in California in nineteen twenty nine.

"Wyatt Earp"
 A poem by Harry Bryant

One of England's most prolific painters of Military Art, Terence Cuneo  (1907-1996) 
masterfully recaptured the violent confrontation between the three Earp brothers 
and the Clanton gang at the OK corral on October 26, 1881 in Tombstone, Arizona.
His painting was based on a rough sketch of the event which was said to
have been approved by Wyatt Earp himself shortly before his death.

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