Saturday, October 3, 2020

On My Mind: America's Most Dangerous Enemy


What was once a respectable, non-partisan profession  of the past called journalism has come to be represented by a passel of sycophantic lap dogs groveling at the feet of the political Far Left in American today.  But far worse than this, I believe they are the living embodiment of what Jesus Himself spoke of when He rebuked the Pharisees with these words in John 8:44:


"You are of your father, the devil, and it is your will to practice the lusts and gratify the desires which are characteristic of your father."


The promotion of sleaze and perversion, not to mention occult practices clearly condemned by God in the Bible are part and parcel of the "culture wars" being waged in America today which are often instigated and approved by the media.


"He (Satan) was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in Him. "


In addition to their support and promotion of the no-holds-bar infanticide agenda of the political Left, the media regularly attempts character assassinations of those whom they hate. And the hatred they generate among the population for certain individuals is profound...vicious...unnatural...I  believe there is a diabolical component at work behind the scenes. Their collective and overwhelming animosity towards President Trump and his family, and more recently, their petty and disgusting attacks against his recent nominee for the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett and her family are prime examples of this satanic influence.


Jesus continued, "Whenever he (Satan) speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar and the father of lies and all that is false."


The list of fake news reports and deeply biased opinions of these highly overpaid "Talking Heads" as well as certain "investigative reports" by newspapers like The New York Times, which have been exposed as being based on tainted half-truths, hearsay, and vindictive gossip, would be too long to post here. Americans have great enemies in these uncertain and perilous days we are living in, and it is important for everyone to pay close attention to what is going on. For it is not only the Chinese Communist Party Pandemic, nor the globalist-backed Marxist revolutionaries committing mayhem and murder in the streets of our nation's cities, nor foreign terrorists groups bent on fulfilling a murderous religious ideology who pose the biggest threat to our freedom and independence as American citizens.  I feel the greatest enemy of the people of this nation are the smug and self-righteous "useful idiots" who like to pass themselves off as the "mainstream media".


In closing, I would like to say that history, left unchecked and unchallenged, often does and will repeat itself.


In Germany during WWII there was a newspaper editor named Julius Streicher who was the founder and publisher of a virulently antisemitic newspaper called Dur Stormer (The Storm), which became the nerve center of hate propaganda spewed by the Third Reich.  Although he was never charged with physically committing a crime, Streicher was the first member of the Nazi Party to stand trial for "inciting genocide" through the lies and distortions he published in his newspaper. During the Nuremberg trials, he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and executed by hanging-right along side of his fellow Nazis- who did commit atrocities against the Jewish people and others during the war.

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