Saturday, October 24, 2020

Week In Review: The Last Presidential Debate "I Ran Because Of You"


"I ran because of you."
President Donald Trump's words to former VP Joe Biden

The final debate in the presidential election race was held this past Thursday.

I think President Trump said it best when he told former Vice-President Joe Biden the other night, "I ran because of you."  We do not ever want to succumb to the forces of Socialism.  This is one of the reasons why Mr. Trump has such great support in the Cuban immigrant communities in Florida and elsewhere. These people know what it is like to live under tyranny. They know what it is like to be free to be only what the government tells them they can be free to be and in the case of Socialism, which is actually Communism in disguise, people are only free to be slaves to their government masters.

This is America.  We are a Constitutional Republic ruled by the time-honored principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for each law-abiding and responsible American citizen. The traditional role of government in the peoples' lives here has been to uphold and to defend our glorious Constitution in the way it was written by our founders and to keep the American people safe from their enemies both foreign and domestic. 
  And that's it folks!

In this respect, President Trump has succeeded far beyond the expectations of his enemies, both on the political Left, and especially in the equally despicable news media, which has been determine to destroy him and overturn the 2016 election results since Day One.  A vote for Trump/Pence on November 3rd is a vote for continued freedom and the further restoration of America as the great nation that we are and will be again.


  1. Perfectly stated, Sister! Trump is the King Cyrus of this age. His presidency has been ordained by the Lord and he will continue until Gid wills it differently.
