Saturday, December 18, 2021

On My Mind: Election Fraud And The Role Of The Media

 I believe first and foremost that in order to stop election fraud
completely in it's tracks, a thorough housecleaning needs to be done
within the unhallowed halls of power in Washington DC.

This action would eliminate most of the dead wood in Congress-
which would include almost all the Democrats-and quite a few 
turncoat Republicans as well.  The presidential usurper in the
White House a.k.a. Joe Biden would need to be removed from power.
Ditto for VP Kamala "Missing In Action" Harris.

Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and the
 rest of the career politicians who have been holding sway over this nation
for years now, making themselves extremely wealthy at the expense of the
responsible, hard-working American taxpayers, would also need to take a hike.

Wishful thinking, I know.

Picture courtesy/The Guardian

However, I think the greatest threat to election integrity and to our freedom
in general comes from a source known for it's increasing promotion of appalling
wickedness in this land while masquerading as the "mainstream news media".

The once respectable field of objective and accountable journalism
is long dead in the United States of America.

With the exception of very few credible media outlets today, we must
now contend with a bunch of overpaid and arrogant shills pushing the agenda
of the political Left, (Communism, The Deep State, etc.) who have no problem
in showing their open contempt for the average, freedom-loving, patriotic
American citizen and especially, white, evangelical Christians.

What was once considered and respected as the "Voice of the People" has
now become one of We The People's most flagrant enemies. I can only imagine
how many members in good standing of this galling and ill-disposed group
were "bought and sold" during the 2020 Presidential Election.

The insolent, out-of-touch talking heads of 21st century media in America
should be reminded that history, and especially bad human history,
can and often does repeat itself.

Take the fate of Julius Streicher, the infamous Nazi propagandist, whose
virulent anti-Semitic newspaper, Dur Sturmer, or "The Storm" sent untold
numbers of innocent human beings to their deaths in Hitler's concentration camps.
Although Streicher never physically murdered anyone, his poison pen, which
fostered a hate-driven campaign of lies and gross distortions against Jews in
Germany and across Europe, would eventually be his undoing.

At the Nuremburg trials, he was the first newspaper editor to be found
guilty and convicted of "inciting genocide".  He was executed at the gallows
right along side of his fellow Nazis who were guilty of committing murder
and other atrocities during the war.

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