Wednesday, August 4, 2021

On My Mind: Forced Vaccinations & "Vaccine Passports" Are Unconstitutional! Wake Up, America!


I have just found out this morning thanks to the ever vigilant John Birch Society
that Governor Phil Murphy is proposing forced vaccinations, and the
implementation of "vaccine passports" in the Garden State.

Vaccine passports are unconstitutional, as are forced vaccinations, and
the return of "mask mandates" all of which are being utilized by the political Left
to exert control over the population and are creating an atmosphere of fear and
intimidation across our nation. 

 These mandates are designed to create a social credit system
 and to further divide America into two opposing groups-
vaxxed and unvaxed-with the latter denied participation in our society,
like eating in a restaurant, going to the gym, or even shopping for groceries.
Just look what is happening over in Europe.

People In France Protesting Over Forced Vaccinations & Passports

Politicians like Governor Murphy, who are advocating that such a system
be imposed on the people of New Jersey are setting a dangerous precedent,
 which threatens the freedom and independence which has always defined America.

It also seems to me that the underlying hostility between those vaccinated and
those presumed to be unvaccinated, has been instigated primarily by the devious
fake news media, and is increasing, especially with the industry's overpaid,
"talking head" propagandists injecting their own venom, like singling out
white, evangelical, or Bible-believing Christians and accusing them of
spreading Covid-19 due in part to the reluctance of many to "take a jab".
This is an absurd claim, as there are many people, regardless of skin color,
race, or religious beliefs in this nation, who do not want to
be vaccinated for various reasons.

It is also primarily the fake news media which has been deliberately stoking
this situation by vexing the public with fear-mongering and misleading reports
concerning the virus, while preventing many knowledgeable and concerned
physicians and other experts from the telling the truth about the Covid-19 crisis.

What about the illegal immigrants which have been allowed to swamp our borders
since "President Biden" has been in the White House?  Why isn't there greater concern
about these people being vaccinated, not only against Covid-19, but against diseases
which were eradicated in the United States during the last century?
Could these undocumented foreigners be responsible for the surge of
the so-called "Delta Variant" in certain areas of our nation?

I strongly urge those who are reading this post and who truly believe
in preserving the freedom and independence of the American people,
not only in this generation, but in the generations to come, to please
contact your local and state representatives and tell them to prohibit
vaccination passports and other freedom-restricting mandates from
being implemented in your state and across the nation.

Whether someone takes a vaccination shot or chooses not to is clearly
none of the government's business, and should not be forced on anyone.
Especially by those, who in the interests of "public safety and health"
are masking their true intentions-forced compliance to a freedom-crushing,
and thoroughly evil political agenda- designed to destroy America
as we know it, forever.

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