Saturday, April 9, 2022

On My Mind: The Enemies Of Christ Triumph When God's People Remain Silent


Although in the political survey I took this morning I could only choose
two answers, it seems to me that the first six answers all apply to
the dangerous situation America is facing in the 21st century.

Satan, the master deceiver and liar, first attacks in the womb,
convincing selfish human beings that the developing baby is 
"just a blob of tissue" or "has no viable heart beat" etc.

Yet, as late as 2016, scientists studying human conception captured
images of a flash of light which sparks at the very moment a human sperm
makes contact with an egg.  Although many researchers claim the spark
comes from the mineral zinc, I believe this "flash of light" may well be
evidence of the Creator's touch in the making of new life.

The next phase of satanic attack is to destroy the traditional family.
I read only this week that Disney has announced that they will no longer
use the terms, "Ladies and Gentlemen" or "Boys and Girls" to address
the crowds at their theme parks.

The creative genius that many of us knew and loved in our childhood
years as Uncle Walt who hosted "The Wonderful World Of Disney" on
Sunday nights belongs to the America that used to be.

There is now "Woke Disney" which demands the inclusion of an
openly queer character in any upcoming animated film. This is not only
a further besmirching of the wholesome family films and entertainment
of Walt Disney, but designed to indoctrinate the innocent minds of
America's children into accepting what God clearly condemns in
the Bible as an abomination, as is all sexual perversion.

Meanwhile, instead of working to fix the economy and the myriad
of other concerns Americans are facing today, the current usurpers in 
charge of the "woke government" in Washington DC are more concerned
with promoting the rights of those claiming to be transgender.

In a recent statement from the White House, dated March 31, 2022:

"The Biden-Harris Administration recognized Transgender Day of Visibility,
an annual celebration of the resilience, achievement, and joy of transgendered
people in the United States and around the world."

Biden and Harris contest, "the proliferation of dangerous anti-transgendered
legislative attacks that have been introduced and passed in state legislatures
around the country".  They further support the rights of those who identify
as transgender "to be themselves" just like other free Americans.

I have to assume this includes the transgendered or "skirt-wearing male" 
responsible for raping a 15 year old girl in a Virginia high school ladies
restroom last May.  Biden calls anti-transgender legislative attacks
"un-American" and says they must stop.  Tell this to the young woman
whose life has been changed forever through an act of sexual violence,
and also to her anguished father, who was arrested and prosecuted for
attempting to tell what happened to his child during a meeting of
the Woke-agenda pushing school board, which initially covered
up the assault on his daughter in order to protect the rights
of the transgendered perpetrator.

The Left has come out of the proverbial closet and are no longer
hiding their true intentions to destroy America through their satanically-inspired,
anti-life, anti-family, pro-perversion, and death agenda.  However, I personally
believe that a lion' share of the blame for this current situation we are in
lies at the feet of the Christian church in this nation.

While many Christian leaders declare America was founded as a Christian
nation and on the principles of biblical faith, where were their collective voices
openly expressing righteous anger when it came to removing prayer from
the public schools, the passage of Roe vs. Wade, allowing non-Christian
services to be held in the National Cathedral, and more recently, the unlawful
 Supreme Court decision which legalized same-sex marriage in our nation?

With the exception of the Reverend Franklin Graham and a handful of others,
many prominent Christian leaders in this nation maintained a noticeable silence,
or worse, seemed indifferent about this landmark decision in 2015.

I suppose they feared rallying the people and speaking out against what
was happening would have cost them their coveted tax exempt status.
But Jesus never said that people, including believers, should not pay
their taxes.  He said, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to
God what is God's." (Mark 12:17).

These days, with more churches ignoring or refusing to teach the Gospel
while bowing their knee to the demands of the "Woke" culture, I am often
reminded of the apostle Paul, who admonished the early church at
 Galatia with these words: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked.
For whatsoever a man soweth, that he will also reap." (Galatians 6:7)

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