Saturday, April 23, 2022

On My Mind: The Most Important Issue


"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice:
but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
(Proverbs 29:2)

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In a poll I took this morning regarding the most important issue facing
Americans in the upcoming November elections, I chose the third option
concerning parents' rights and stopping the indoctrination of our children into
 accepting Critical Race Theory and gender curricula, etc. as the new normal.

These damnable issues are not only inflicting serious and irreparable harm
on our children, but, trashing our Constitutional rights, thus hastening the 
disintegration of our once free and successful society.

Furthermore, and while it breaks my heart to write this, after the disastrous
2020 election, the great privilege of casting one's vote without fear of fraud,
identity theft, or having your uncounted ballot dumped in the trash
somewhere, is gone forever.

The laws governing right and wrong in this nation have been so twisted by
communist wolves in liberal sheepskin that harden criminals walk free in the
streets of American cities and towns, while innocent babies in the womb and
even after birth, are being targeted for execution.   Crime rates continue to
soar across our nation, not only due to the influx of illegal drugs, alien gangs,
and other criminals, but because there is no longer any real fear of punishment.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media continues to play their absurd role, remaining
wholly complicit in their "unbiased" attitude towards criminal behavior, in their
reluctance to report the race of a suspect involved in a crime, unless of course,
that suspect is a dreaded Caucasian or white-skinned person.

The motive behind this is to stoke continuous racial animosity between white
and black people in this country.  However, I pray that many Americans, regardless
of their race or skin color, who love their freedom, and are in possession of both an
independent mindset and a conscience, are becoming wise to this, and will stand
up and fight back against this dreadful blight affecting our nation,
better known as communist-instigated, "Wokeness".

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