Friday, September 13, 2024

Flashback Friday: The Master's Call


"Then he (the criminal) said to Jesus, "Lord, remember me when You
come into Your kingly glory!"

And He answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you shall be with Me in paradise."
(Luke 23:42-43)

Praying Cowboy
Lynne Susanne
Image courtesy/Pixels Merch

One of the most moving songs from American country-western singer Marty Robbins'
iconic 1959 album, "Gunfighter Ballads And Trail Songs"  the story of a young
outlaw who comes to faith in Jesus Christ after falling in with a gang of outlaws
was a reflection of the balladeer's own Christian faith.

  Once when asked if he believed that God had played a role in his career, Mr. Robbins
 told his interviewer: "I started praying for this long before I ever got it, and long
  before I ever got into the business. Because I do believe in prayer.  And I prayed
   for all these things, and God gave me the strength to get them.  I have never
    set up any particular goal. Never. I just let it happen. Because I knew
 it was going to happen."

The Master's Call
 (September 1959)
Marty Robbins

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