Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday Bible Study With Les Feldick: Winking At Evil? Wake Up!


"He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the Holy Spirit
says to the assemblies (churches)"
(Revelation 2: 29)

Les Feldick
Image courtesy/Pinterest

In continuing with Les's teaching on the Book of Revelation, there's a whole
 lot winking going on today in America when it comes to the condoning of evil. 

  God will never wink at sin which destroys people 
and keeps them separated from Him.

Winking At Evil?  Wake Up!/Part One
Through The Bible With Les Feldick
Les Feldick Ministries

As I watched this second teaching this morning I kept thinking of how the
  Jezebel mentioned in Revelation is definitely a reflection of America today.
Especially the Lord's words: "I gave her time to repent."

Winking At Evil? Wake Up!/Part Two
Through The Bible With Les Feldick
Les Feldick Ministries

Winking At Evil? Wake Up!/Part Three
Through The Bible With Les Feldick
Les Feldick Ministries

Winking At Evil? Wake Up!/Part Four
Through The Bible With Les Feldick
Les Feldick Ministries

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