Thursday, September 19, 2024

Throwback Thursday: A Letter To The Editor


"Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all
the days of my life were written before ever they took shape,
 when as yet there was none of them."
(Psalm 139:16)

Image courtesy/The Guardian

In response to the recent letter, "Pro-Life Politicians" as a woman, wife, mother,
and independent voter,  
I will always vote in favor of protecting unborn life. 

 There is something terribly wrong when the Supreme Court of the United States
 declares that a ban against partial-birth abortion is unconstitutional. 

 Could there be more to this alarming response from the nation's highest court
 than meets the public's eye? 
Human cloning used to be mere science-fiction fantasy. 
 It is now reality.  

Suppose that during a partial-birth procedure, pieces of the infant's brain
 tissue are being extracted and 
sold to the highest bidder for experimental
scientific research.  Perhaps viable organs are 
also harvested and sold for
unlawful medical testing.  It might explain why this horrific 
although concluded to be, "never medically necessary to protect a woman's
health" by the Physicians Ad-Hoc Coalition for Truth (PHACT) as well as
 former Surgeon 
 General C. Everett Koop, is being so strongly and
 inexplicably  advocated in this country.

Has our society become so besotted with economic prosperity and living beyond our means
that we have willingly traded our compassion for compromise regarding the sanctity of life?

I believe that the time is now for strong, pro-life leadership. We need a president who is
not afraid to stand up for the rights of the unborn future citizens of America.  After eight
disgusting years of pro-abortion policy from the Clinton-Gore Administration, our nation
has been turned into a vast killing field.  The abortion mills are running at full speed,
and the baby killers of America are getting richer.

There is a wise old saying which states, "Those who do not remember the past are
condemned to repeat it."  During the Second World War,  babies arriving at the 
notorious Auschwitz death camp were ripped from their mothers' arms and put
to death immediately, deemed, "unfit to live" by their Nazi murderers. The
infamous Dr. Joseph Mengele, known as the evil  "Angel of Death" performed
hideously unspeakable "experiments" on innocent people, including helpless infants.

Is this where we are heading, America?  Can anyone besides myself see the
strikingly familiar parallels between then and now?

-A letter I wrote to the Franklin Twp, Sentinel in August, 2000

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