Saturday, January 1, 2022

My Greatest Prayer And Hope For The New Year


"Let the peoples praise You, turn away from their idols,
and give thanks to You, O God; let all the peoples 
praise and give thanks to You."
(Psalm 67:5)

My prayer in this new year is that the fear of God, which is reverence,
and righteous leadership will be restored in America, and especially in the
realm of politics, be it local, state, or on the federal level, and that our
glorious Constitution, which has been sorely trammeled upon in recent
years, will once again become the law of the land.

This might be considered wishful thinking by some, however,
I believe with God all things are possible.

I also feel that if more Americans would read and study their rights
under the Constitution, they would not be so easily led to believe the
pandemic clap-trap constantly thrown in their faces by those
 who want to control their lives.

Furthermore, I hope that those "in the know" who are promoting
these deadly vaccinations for personal gain and profit, will be exposed
and disgraced by their own selfish ambitions and lust for power and money.

My Italian grandfather liked to say, "II diavolo fa le pentole e non coperchi"
or "The devil makes the pots but not the lids".  This old world proverb means
that like someone cooking with a pot without a lid, sooner or later the pot
will boil over and people will be able to look inside and see it's contents.

It also means that truth and justice will ultimately prevail against 
 those who are doing the Devil's work.

There are many translators of this proverb today who dismiss it out of
hand as merely antiquated thinking, along with belief in the Devil.

Unfortunately for the worldly-wise of the 21st century, and this
includes much of the professing Christian church in America today,
there is a very real enemy of the souls of mankind, whom the
Lord Jesus called, "a liar and a murderer, the father of lies,
and all that is false."

This fallen angel called Satan, who is also known as the god of this world,
comes only to steal, kill, and destroy deceived human beings.  And I think
we have seen more than enough evidence of his handiwork in those he
is using in the attempt to destroy the great nation called America.

The American theologian and revivalist preacher Jonathan Edwards
once said, "Remember that pride is the worst viper that is in the heart,
the great disturber of the soul's peace and sweet communion with Christ;
it was the first sin that ever was, and lies lowest in the foundation of Satan's
whole building, and is the most difficulty rooted out, and is the most hidden,
secret and deceitful of all lusts, and often creeps in, insensibly, into the
midst of religion and sometimes under the guise of humility."

The good news is that there is hope and restoration not only for this
nation, but for all people through our Lord Jesus Christ.  I pray for 
 a strong revival of the true Cross-centered, Holy Spirit-led faith, 
which our earliest founders like Pastor Edwards believed in,
and on which this nation's Christian heritage came to be.
   There are so many Americans today who are lost spiritually,
 who live in fear, and are devoid of hope. 

Furthermore, Satan knows better than anyone else that he is
running out of time.  Therefore, he is determine to take as many
human souls as possible with him into the lake of fire.

In the words of the prophet Isaiah:

"Except the Lord of hosts had left us a very small remnant,
we should have been like Sodom, and we should have 
been like Gomorrah."
(Isaiah 1:9)

The remnant of true believers in this nation needs to rise up with
God's authority, and in Christ's love and compassion, and through
the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, boldly speak
the truth to those who are perishing in their sins.
I believe time is of the essence.


Have a beautiful and blessed New Year!

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