Saturday, January 15, 2022

On My Mind: A Response To " America Is A Systemically Racist Nation At Its Core"


In a recent poll choice regarding which proclamations about America
by political progressives are the most dangerous, I chose:

 "America is a systemically racist nation at its core."

This statement seems to be the hallmark, or official stamp of authenticity, when it
comes to understanding the mindset and machinations of the political Left. In
their twisted view, which is motivated by the most profound hatred and contempt
of America, not to mention their pitiful ignorance of our nation's history, 
everything revolves around the subject of race and racism.

Many on the Left fail to see, perhaps deliberately, that racial prejudice,
akin to their hatred of America, is far less a condition of societal ills, and
much more a condition of self-centeredness within the human heart.

" a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7

Slavery was indeed an abomination which tarnished America's past.
However, what the Left deliberately leaves out of the picture is that at one time
this "peculiar institution" was a legal business practice under the laws of
this nation.  It was regarded as a necessary evil, much in the same way
the Left regards the legally sanctioned practice of infanticide today.

However, while slave owners in that time might have been taxed for
owning slaves as chattel or property, Americans opposed to slavery were
not taxed for it, unlike Americans today, who are being forced to subsidize 
the abortion industry through their taxes.

The Democratic Party has successfully used the subjects of racism,
prejudice, and slavery in this nation to try and divide the American people
for many years now, however, I think many of us, regardless of our race
or skin color, have come to realize that the political Left have become
the slave-holders of the 21st century, keeping painful memories
of the past alive for their own selfish ambitions.  

Why else would they equate the need for required voter identification
with "Jim Crow" Laws which, thank the Lord, are no longer in existence?

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