Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tuesday's Thoughts: I Have Set Before You Life... And Death...Choose Wisely America!


"I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that I have set before
you life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore, you shall choose
life in order that you may live, you and your descendants."
y 30:19)

Image courtesy/Birthmother Ministries

During his one term in office, President Trump was not only successful in appointing
pro-life justices to the Supreme Court, but, his policies played a key factor in 
  overturning Roe vs. Wade, which many Americans thought would never happen.

  This was a great victory for him and for the pro-life movement in America.

President Trump recently made a public statement in which he implied that states
should act to limit abortion.   Although I believe that this is an important issue
 which should be decided and voted on in each individual state, many in
 the pro-life community were disappointed that he made no mention
of added protection at the federal level.

Although I personally would like to see the practice of infanticide totally
eliminated in  America, I agree that there should be a provision
made at the federal level which centers around the protection of
defenseless unborn life at all costs.  I believe that abortion is murder.
  Unfortunately, I am in the minority here.  There has been a
compromise regarding abortion, that would prohibit the procedure 
after 15 weeks when the unborn child can feel pain.  I do
not think this is right either.  It is still murder.

A positive alternative to abortion would be for the states and the federal
government to give more funding to crisis pregnancy centers, which focus
on the over all well being of both the mother and the child. Those who
are caught up in a situation like an unwanted pregnancy should be
afforded the compassionate and non-judgmental care provided by
these centers.  Women who are desperate need to realize that
having an abortion is not a "quick fix" to their problem.

Since becoming "the law of the land" in 1973, abortion has
killed many women.  Many who survive them are often
plagued with significant heath problems or are rendered
sterile from a botched procedure.  Many women are 
plagued by enormous guilt and many have been driven
to suicide from severe depression.

Meanwhile, the abortion industry addresses none of these
heart-rendering issues women face after they convince them
that abortion is their "right" and the only answer to their
"problem".  And then, there are other women who
regularly utilize abortion clinics as their own personal
source of birth control, especially if a visit to the local
Planned Parenthood clinic is being paid for by
the hard-working tax payers in every state.

President Biden's entire re-election platform is centered around enshrining
abortion without limits at the federal level.  The Democratic Party is fanatical
in its efforts to keep the abortion mills of America running full steam ahead.
Their long time slogan, "Keep Abortion Safe, Legal, and Rare" is a joke.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
 is concerned that  the position taken by President Trump will eventually
 cede the national debate on abortion to the Democrats, whom she claims,
 "are picking off pro-life states one by one using the ballot initiative process,
spending tens of millions of dollars more than pro-life
 forces to lie and deceive voters."  

 She and others within the national pro-life community are convinced
that Trump's reticence on this issue will allow the Democrats to continue
their devious ballot scheme unchecked, especially in key battleground
states, which will ultimately determine the outcome of the election.

Abortion is one of America's most grievous national sins. I think
that more than any other issue, it will determine the fate of this nation.
Man is made in the likeness and image of the Creator.  How much longer
 will God permit the cold and calculated murder of Himself in America?

Our nation is in dire need for leadership, be it a man or a woman,
who believes first and foremost in the cause of righteousness before God.
Those who know that before all else that they stand accountable to
Him for the decisions they make-both public and private- in their lives.

We need individuals elected to public office who will stand before
 the people and declare a time of prayer and national repentance.

A great spiritual famine covers our land today.  Much of the so-called,
Christian church here has failed and disappointed many people. 

It is now up to the remnant of believers to speak and defend the truth
 of God's Word, but more importantly, to witness the life-saving
 message of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I truly believe that time is of the essence.

May God continue to have mercy on America.

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