Saturday, May 25, 2024

An Appeal To Heaven


"Where there lies no appeal on earth...
they have just cause to make their appeal to heaven."
   -John Locke

The Pine Tree Flag
Image courtesy/Etsy

According to The New York Times, appealing to heaven is "a sign
of provocation".   In a recent report, the arrogant lap dogs of the
political Left were in a tizzy over Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's
alleged flying of an "Appeal To Heaven" Pine Tree Flag last year
at his vacation home in New Jersey.

In a recent article in The Daily Signal, this story comes on the heels
 of another media-concocted "scandal" revealing that Alito flew an
upside down American flag outside of his house for a few days in early 2021.

Flying an American flag upside down is a traditional sign of
a nation in distress- which we became- the moment Joe Biden
 was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States in 2021.

Alito claimed he was flying the upside down flag as the result
 of a dispute between his wife and their neighbors over yard signs.

This man is not only an honorable Supreme Court justice, but, an American
 citizen with a right to freedom of speech and expression. He has the
right under the United States Constitution to fly an American flag
upside down or to display a Pine Tree Flag or lawn signs at his
home regardless of what The Times or anyone else thinks!

According to Wikipedia, the Pine Tree Flag, also known as "An Appeal To Heaven"
Flag, was one of the flags used during the American Revolution. This flag, which
features a pine tree with the motto, "An Appeal To Heaven" or less frequently,
"An Appeal To God" was originally used by a squadron of six frigates 
commissioned under General George Washington's authority as
commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in October, 1775.

The Times, however, insists that Alito hung the Pine Tree Flag, because,
 like the inverted American flag, it "was carried by rioters at the Capitol
on January 6, 2021...and is now a symbol of support for former President
Donald J. Trump, for a religious stand of the "Stop The Steal" campaign
and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms."

Excuse me, New York Times, shouldn't the word be "restore" instead of "remake"?

The ludicrous media speculation concerning Alito's use of the Pine Tree Flag is as
 annoying as the man who recently filmed himself on a public beach to berate a group 
 of sunbathers flying the American flag, claiming that they were MAGA supporters
and that our flag has been turned into a symbol of "white nationalism" because
of Donald Trump.  This mentality is the result of yet another media-generated
 lie that has become the truth in the minds of many people
 because they personally dislike the man.

However, as we recently witnessed at the Trump rally in The Bronx, his supporters
come in all races and skin colors.  Americans everywhere are very concerned about
the ruination of our country by the Far Left lunatics of the Democratic Party in 
Washington DC.  Donald Trump wants to unite all Americans-even those who do
not like him for whatever reasons- and make our nation prosperous and secure again. 

But in order for this to happen, an "Appeal To Heaven" is definitely the answer
in these dark and uncertain times.  As I have said many times before,
only God in His love and mercy can truly save America now.

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