Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday's Thoughts: The Sword Of The Lord And Of Gideon


"That same night the Lord said to Gideon,  Arise, and go down against
their camp, for I have given it into your hand."
(Judges 7:9)

The Sacrifice of Gideon
Hendrick Heerschop
Dutch Golden Age painter
Image courtesy/Wikipedia

The Lord said to Gideon, "Go forward!"
For surely I'll open the way;
Though countless the host that opposes,
Thou hast but to trust and obey."

The sword of the Lord and of Gideon
Is just as effective today, hallelujah!
As it was when the great host of Midian
Was vanquished, and fled in dismay.

His sword never yet lost a battle;
His promises never can fail;
O Gideons, move steadily forward
No matter what foes may assail.

The sword of the Lord and of Gideon
Is just as effective today, hallelujah!
As it was when the great host of Midian
Was vanquished, and fled in dismay.

Be ready to throw down your pitcher;
Your lamp hold aloft in your hand;
And blow such a blast on your trumpet
'Twill echo all over the land.

The sword of the Lord and of Gideon
Is just as effective today, hallelujah!
As it was when the great host of Midian
Was vanquished, and fled in dismay.

Sound none but true notes on your trumpet
As over the road you shall roam;
Till Gabriel's trump blows the signal
That calls the last Gideon home.

The sword of the Lord and of Gideon
Is just as effective today, hallelujah!
As it was when the great host of Midian
Was vanquished, and fled in dismay.

The Sword Of The Lord And Gideon
"Dedicated to the Gideons"
Joseph W. Burgess
Journalist and Temperance crusader

"People react differently to crisis in their lives.  In the case of the people of Israel,
it was the invasion of the Midianites.  They were afraid, oppressed, disheartened,
and "greatly impoverished because of Midian". (Judges 6:6)

In the case of Gideon, it was his call to go against all odds and fight against an
army which "arrived on droves of camels too numerous to count." (Judges 6:5)

The story of Gideon teaches us that one must stand tall in the face of problems,
that there is hope for the timid of soul. God can make the weak strong, and God
can help people obtain victory when confronted by impossible odds."

"Gideon Against All Odds-Courage"
-Dr. Claude Mariottini
Professor Emeritus of the Old Testament
North Baptist Seminary
Lisle, Illinois

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