Thursday, May 23, 2024

Full Flower Moon Tonight


May's Full Flower Moon marks the transition from late spring into summertime
in many parts of North America with hot sunny days and warm, sultry evenings
 often enhanced by the intoxicating scents of beautiful, night-blooming flowers 
  like Four O' Clocks, Angel's Trumpet,  Night-Blooming Jasmine, and Moon Flowers.
Tonight's full moon will rise tonight around 8:52 pm (EST).

   In the language and tradition of my Cherokee ancestors, this month's moon
is called "Aniguti" or the "Planting Moon".  It marked the time of the year
when families prepared the fields and planted seeds which had been carefully
stored from the last growing season.  A traditional Cherokee garden included
  corn, beans, squash, tomatoes, potatoes, yams, and sunflowers.  

Preparations were also made for the annual Corn Dance
 held at this time of the year.

I hope the moon will be visible from where you are at tonight!

Image courtesy/The Wilderness Center

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