Friday, May 17, 2024

O Light Whose Beams Illumine All


"I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not
be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life."
(John 8:12)

Yeshua Light Of The World
Stella Brookes
 Image courtesy/ Fine Art America

O Light, whose beams illumine all

From twilight dawn to perfect day,

Shine Thou before the shadows fall

That lead our wandering feet astray;

At morn and eve, Thy radiance pour

That youth may love and age adore.

O Way, through whom our souls draw near

To yon eternal home of peace,

Where perfect love shall cast out fear,

And earth's vain toil and wandering cease.

In strength or weakness may we see

Our heaven-ward path, O Lord, through Thee.

O Truth, before whose shrine we bow,

Thou priceless Pearl for all who seek,

To Thee our earliest strength we vow,

Thy love will bless the pure and meek;

When dreams or mists beguile our sight,

Turn Thou our darkness into light.

O Life, the Well that ever flows

To slake the thirst of those that faint,

Thy power to bless what seraph knows?

Thy joy supreme what words can paint?

In earth's last hour of fleeting breath

Be Thou our Conqueror over death.


"O Light, Whose Beams Illumine All"
Reverend Edward Hayes Plumptre
Anglican clergyman & hymn writer

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