Sunday, February 23, 2020

Fourth Sunday Meditation: On The Wings Of The Morning

"If I take the wings of the morning or dwell in the
 uttermost parts of the sea, Even there shall Your hand
lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me."
Psalm 139:9-10

Father, Son, And Holy Spirit
Jill Everson

Take the wings of the morning;

Speed quickly thy flight

To Jesus thy Savior,

Thy hope and thy light;

The fount of His mercy

Is open for thee,

Go wash and be cleaned

In its waters so free.

Take the wings of the morning and fly,

Ere the darkness shall cover the sky;

Fly away from the shadows

That over thee roll,

And find in thy Savior

The home of thy soul.

Fly away to thy Savior,

He waits to forgive;

One look of His love,

And thy spirit shall live;

Thy faith will secure thee

His blessing divine;

Go plead thou His merits,

And peace will be thine.

Take the wings of the morning and fly,

Ere the darkness shall cover the sky;

Fly away from the shadows

That over thee roll,

And find in thy Savior

The home of thy soul.

On the wings of the morning

Fly home to His breast-

There only thy refuge,

There only thy rest;

The moments are precious,

The noontide is near:

Fly home to the Savior,

Oh, linger not here.

Take the wings of the morning and fly,

Ere the darkness shall cover the sky;

Fly away from the shadows

That over thee roll,

And find in thy Savior

The home of thy soul.

"Take The Wings Of The Morning"
Fanny Crosby
Prolific American hymn writer

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