Saturday, February 8, 2020

Please Pray Our Persecuted Brethren

"For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood opponents,
but against the despotisms, against the powers, against the master
spirits who are the world rulers of this present darkness,
against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly sphere."
Ephesians 6:11

While the US media seems to be preoccupied in
their seemingly never ending quest to destroy President Trump,
innocent people are being slaughtered in the Plateau State
of the African nation of Nigeria by Islamic militants.

According to a report by CBN News, reports from Nigeria claim
that Muslim Fulani herdsmen have launched more murderous attacks
against Christian villages there.

Morning Star news reports that at least 32 people were attacked 
and killed and a pastor's home and church building were burned to
the ground in two nights of attacks by Islamic militants
in Nigeria's Plateau State region.

In recent weeks, many Christian brothers and sisters, including
a pregnant woman, have lost their lives in these horrible attacks.
In many nations across Africa there are Christian men, women,
and children being targeted for their faith in Christ.

We need to pray for them, that God will send a force of His
mightiest angels to surround and protect them, and that other
nations in the world, especially the United States of America,
will come to the aid of the Nigerian government in stopping
 and apprehending these marauding herdsmen and other
Islamic terrorist groups across Africa and the Middle East.

We also need to recognize that the human attackers of our
Christian brethren are under the influence of the prince of the
 power of the air, the enemy of the souls of mankind, Satan.

Let us pray for our enemies too, that the scales blinding their
minds to the truth of God and the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ
will be dropped from their eyes and their hearts and they will be
receptive to the Word of God and the message of salvation.

I believe that with God, and the earnest prayers of many righteous warriors
for the Lord Jesus Christ, all things are indeed possible!

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