Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Cross Is My Anchor


"Now we have this hope as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul,
it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it,
a hope that reaches farther and enters into the very certainty of the Presence
within the veil.  Where Jesus has entered in for us in advance, a Forerunner,
having become a High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek."
(Hebrew 6:19-20)

Light In The Storm
Jack E. Dawson
Image courtesy/Jack E. Dawson's Bittersweet Gallery

Tho' waves dash around me,

No danger I fear;

A bright star is shining,

Life's ocean to cheer;

I heed not the billows,

For still I can sing;

The cross is my anchor

And there I will cling.

There will I cling,

There will I cling,

The cross is my anchor,

And there will I cling;

Oh, soon in the harbor

At rest I will sing;

The cross is my anchor

And Jesus is my King.

Tho' waves dash around me,

And loud thunders roll,

The Lord is the Refuge

And Strength of my soul;

I dread not the tempest,

For still I can sing,

The cross is my anchor

And there will I cling.

There will I cling,

There will I cling,

The cross is my anchor,

And there will I cling;

Oh, soon in the harbor

At rest I will sing;

The cross is my anchor

And Jesus is my King.

Tho' waves dash around me,

And wild is the gale,

Tho' spars may be broken

And shattered the sail,

No storms can appall me,

For still I can sing,

The cross is my anchor,

And there will I cling.

There will I cling,

There will I cling,

The cross is my anchor,

And there will I cling;

Oh, soon in the harbor

At rest I will sing;

The cross is my anchor

And Jesus is my King.

Tho' waves dash around me,

Yet, onward I go,

Since Jesus has promised

They shall not o'erflow;

I smile at their raging,

For still I can sing,

The cross is my anchor

And Jesus is my King.

There will I cling,

There will I cling,

The cross is my anchor,

And there will I cling;

Oh, soon in the harbor

At rest I will sing;

The cross is my anchor

And Jesus is my King.

"The Cross Is My Anchor"
William J. Coniver


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