Sunday, July 28, 2024

Zola Levitt Presents The Covenants Of God: New/Review


The New Covenant rests upon the sacrifice of Christ 
and secures eternal blessedness for believers.

Pray for the salvation of Israel and for the
Peace of Jerusalem.

The Covenants Of God/New
Zola Levitt Presents/Our Jewish Roots
(First aired in 1998)

In this final episode, Zola reviews the eight major covenants
and explains the outworking of God's purposes with man.

A deeper understanding of God's covenants with man enriches
our faith and expands of our knowledge of the great Creator
which we have the privilege of calling, "Father".

To Him be the glory forever!

The Covenants Of God/Review
Zola Levitt Presents/Our Jewish Roots
(First aired in 1998)

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